Hello Sharon!! Well how are you these days? How's my cute, intelligent, and totally cool gal doing these days. I hope that the new job is going well and that you are happy with all the new things that you are doing. How are all your new roommates? Are they fun or climbing all over each other. How are the new working conditions? I hope that everything is fun and exciting or at least going in that direction. Are you making tons of more money or anything nice like that? I just hope that your new adventure is turning out to be something that you really enjoy and that you can feel good ant the end of a hard dys work. As you might expect things have been pretty busy here. I've been writing music a lot and getting involved with some other folks who compose and use computers in their studios. It's a lot of fun and has eaten up a lot of time. I have made some really good contacts around the world in this field since I picked up a modem for my pc. Now every day when I arrive home there is a message from some computer music nut from some place in a remote area of the planet. Things have eased up on the money scene finally. For a while there I was really sweating it. In fact the bank never replaced my a.t.m. card and things got totally our of control. I used to use my a.t.m. card to keep a running balance of everything. When they didn't replace it, before long things were really out of control. In fact I found myself overdrawn by a bunch. I haven't been overdrawn ever before. So for me things were really getting critical. Anyway. I closed the account after everything settled down and opened another account with another small bank. What I really want to do is do banking from my computer at home so I don't have to worry about stuff like that. I might as well get the most use out of the thing as I can. I can even check my balance, look at in coming checks and get a valid printed statement right there. And it's much cheaper than stamps. Any way it's back to the same old grind but I'm sure having a lot of fun composing and meeting new folks. I want to tell you Sharon that I really enjoyed your stay here. And I hope that you liked your short stay with me also. There were so many things I would have wished for. More time off from work would have been very nice. And not being broke at the time would have helped a bunch. Yet at any rate I really enjoyed your stay here. You are a wonderful gal Sharon, a great cook, great personality and( if i might tell you ) you are a marvelous loving woman. It would be a real pleasure to visit you in your own land and I am trying to save up money for a trip. So for now it is back to work and play. Saving money and hoping that dreams come true. Sharon I want to wish you the best of everything now and forever. You are a sweet gal and you deserve the best. Take care and bye for now. Donald.