================================================================================ (C) 1987 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for your information. ================================================================================ ********** Topic 74 Sat Oct 31, 1987 STACE [RT SysOp] at 17:44 EST Sub: Dungeon Master Place to discuss DungeonMaster by Software Heaven (FTL). 247 message(s) total ********** ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 1 Mon Dec 14, 1987 STACE [RT SysOp] at 11:52 EST FLASH!!!!! Latest WORD on DungeonMaster!!!!!! A local San Diego dealer was surprised to see one of the guys from FTL show up at his doorstep with a *FINISHED* DungeonMaster in his hands! Seems FTL wanted to "check it out" on a Mega before shipping. FTL rep said that the boxes are ready, the manuals are ready, EVERYTHING is ready. Should be IN store sometime this week! Of course, this is just a rumor! :-) Mark ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 2 Tue Dec 15, 1987 HTCOLONNA at 01:48 EST IT'S TRUE! our disributor got DungeonMaster in TODAY, MONDAY, 12/14/87 and we will have 4 copies at Interface, Norfolk, VA on Wednesday. No rumor here, guys, fact. I want to know how many disks its on. 1 or 2 SS disks and I'm skeptical. I don't know. Anyone know anything more? Will leave impressions on Wednesday. Price, retail 39.95. ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 3 Sat Jan 16, 1988 PIONEER at 00:54 EST HELP - level nine, the steel grate door with the chest and the green gem inside, I got the chest and the gem and have mapped the area but the only way out appears to be that steel grate door. I read the scroll and tried to 'toss' the gem across the door with no luck. Please send E-mail. Pete S. ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 4 Sat Jan 16, 1988 COREY [COREY.COLE] at 11:48 PST Actually, there are *several* skeleton keys. I've found one on each level with an appropriate lock (three or four so far). Having a lot of "fun" mapping level 10 (some might call it 11; I don't count the Hall of Champions) - - the "Turn Back" level. Finally made it to a golden keyhole, then saved for a rainy day (funny thing about today...) ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 5 Sat Jan 16, 1988 CAPT.COOK at 23:21 EST Henry - I found both the cross keys, i was wondering about a third. I suppose I'll have to reexamine for the skeleton key, as this is the first I haven't found. I was at the dealers today Henry, and no UIV! Wasn't aware that it was out! Oh, and some one there spoke of an invisibility spell for DM, but of course couldn't remember it. -CC ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 6 Sat Jan 16, 1988 P.DRABIK at 23:45 EST I have an extra gold key from the six on level 2 (remember level 2!) and one I found on the worm level (3). I wonder if I need it? ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 7 Sun Jan 17, 1988 HTCOLONNA at 00:47 EST I am uploading an official text file from FTL about how to avoid constant lockups at the end of DungeonMaster. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS FILE UNTIL AFTER YOU HAVE THE POWER GEM. IT COULD SPOIL PARTS OF THE GAME FOR YOU. However, do grab it before you attempt to end the game - I locke dup the computer about 10 times over 2 days trying to finish. By the way, I have finally finished! The ending is real nice (except for the major bugs). ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 8 Sun Jan 17, 1988 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 10:28 EST This area is in the process of being reduced and placed up in the software library. Look for information you missed in CAT9TOP74.ARC Looks like I am missing all the fun.........sigh. ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 9 Sun Jan 17, 1988 E.DULANEY at 11:16 CST HELP! I am on the level of the "Riddle Room" (just started playing recently) and I can't get to the key behind the Iron Gate. It is in the room with the 3 traps, 1 pit, and teleportation mist (4 steps right of the exit from the riddle room). Any hints? HELLLLPPPPPPPP! ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 10 Sun Jan 17, 1988 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 15:42 EST Please send E-MAIL only if you want access to Category 21. This is the explicit hints Category for ALL games. ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 11 Sun Jan 17, 1988 M.DEVLIN [Mark] at 15:32 PST DARLAH: Thank you!!! Everyone else: Heed those words of her's! ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 12 Sun Jan 17, 1988 STACE [RT SysOp] at 18:36 EST Mark, I already tried that...it didn't work! Mark ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 13 Mon Jan 18, 1988 GREEN at 00:17 EST Help!, could someone e-mail the answer to the riddle "when is a rock not a rock". I think I have rocks in my head! I hope I don't need a pebble! Tanks! ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 14 Mon Jan 18, 1988 H.NICHOLS at 02:45 EST E.Dulaney, Dropping is sometimes better than throwing. If still stuck let me know and I'll email. Woody ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 15 Mon Jan 18, 1988 H.NICHOLS at 02:46 EST Green, A Wall is not always a Wall. If need specifics let me know and I'll email. Woody ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 16 Mon Jan 18, 1988 A.GIOVETTI at 12:51 EST HI ALL................................... I will answer your questions on DM specifically in CAT 21 top 2 OK!!!!!! ..............If you want specific hints leave the questions and riddles there only....I can not E-mail since I only want to answer questions one time..............OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AL.Giovetti ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 17 Mon Jan 18, 1988 R.W.ROY at 20:08 EST Hey someone said they knew a better way to kill them thar worms on 3. Well I'm sure alot of people would like to know it! Fighting and doors are a pain !! Maybe it's somthing to do with thwe pits? ANY HELP WOULD BE GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L8TR RICK ROY ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 18 Mon Jan 18, 1988 HTCOLONNA at 21:21 EST Gosh, all these have already been answered in great detail....why don't you all download the recently arced topic (courtesy Darlah). What's that File number? I promise ALL of you who just asked those questions R.W.ROY and the person who asked "when is a rock not a rock"....BIG CAREFUL answers to these and more!!! Just grab the arc. ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 19 Mon Jan 18, 1988 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 21:45 EST Thank you Henry for pointing that out. The file number is 5573. ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 20 Mon Jan 18, 1988 M.DEVLIN [Mark] at 21:11 PST Yea, well, someone should go through and split all the messages in it into the corresponding parts...(ie: all replies that deal with When is a rock not a rock, or whatever, into seperate ARC files so they can D/L just the one's they need...) Hmmmmm, not a bad idea...guess I better go download it...(more money, ugh!) ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 21 Tue Jan 19, 1988 K.BISHOP at 00:29 PST I received my crashed disk back from FTL saturday...a mere 11 days after I mailed it to them. Incredibly slow service and I can't blame the ost office as I'm only a few hundred miles up the coast from them. Actually they didn't send me my disk back...mine was blue and I got a white one from them. I'm HOPING that FTL has corrected the bugs at the end of the game and that my new disk is a corrected version. Reasons for my hoping that my new disk is a new version: I bought my disk in december and all of the files on the new disk are dated 01-07-88. When I save the program the options menu has version 1.1 on it. I think my original had 1.0 on it...or is my memory faulty? Just had a friend of mine crash his disk too...that protection and slow turn- around time has got to go. Rick ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 22 Tue Jan 19, 1988 C.W.ARTADI at 05:48 EST To Rick, my version is 1.0, you are the first to mention 1.1 that I know of. I guess me and everyone else would like to know about the bug fix. Please post when you find out. Thanx, CWA.\ ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 23 Tue Jan 19, 1988 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 11:28 EST How about writing E-Mail to FTL and ask as well. Their address is FTL. oops without the period. This will be something all of us would be interested in, I am sure! ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 24 Tue Jan 19, 1988 RED.STAR at 19:02 EST Hey guys, I finally made it past level three! Isn't that special? I have a question though, do those worms regenerate forever, or is there a meximum number of foods that can be lying on the floor? Do they ever stop? ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 25 Tue Jan 19, 1988 M.DEVLIN [Mark] at 18:12 PST Try eating them...that seemed to slow them down for me...(and close them doors!) Darlah: Why doesn't FTl mosey on in here? ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 26 Tue Jan 19, 1988 H.NICHOLS at 21:17 EST RED.STAR - Thats a good question - I would think there has to be a limit on the number of items that it can keep track of or graphically put on top of each other but I haven't found that limit. The screamers in that one room near the end of level 3 and the worms just before that do regenerate. Since there isn't any readily available food or water in the next two levels past 3 I have gone on extended hunting expeditions and I have gotton tons (and I do mean tons of food) in the chest, I must have stacked it 15-20 or even greater in the same spot and it still keeps track and still regenerates. I really saved up a bunch of food for safties sake - another nice feature of the scremaer regenerating room is you can have your people stand toe to toe with them (they never were really able to do alot of damage) and gain advancements in fighters capabilities. Woody ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 27 Tue Jan 19, 1988 DARLAH at 21:19 EST Why not ask and write?? Think hes just getting used to the system right now ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 28 Tue Jan 19, 1988 RED.STAR at 21:37 EST Does anyone know if a ressurection spell exists? ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 29 Tue Jan 19, 1988 M.DEVLIN [Mark] at 19:24 PST Doubt it...(watch there be one, and it uses GOR..the DANGER syllable! haha) ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 30 Wed Jan 20, 1988 HTCOLONNA at 21:23 EST FTL is here and has been here for several days. I know because I did an ATT and it said FTL JAN 15 as last access date a few categories back. I talked to FTL on the phone and they told me they like to READ what's going on but don't WRITE much. (The fellow called it "video grafitti" I believe - haha!!) They are here though! I wish someone would tell us what the difference between 1.0 and 1.1 is! And I must say, DungeonMaster is the PERFECT example of what's wrong with copy protection. The program has some SeRIOUS bugs at the end, and it's so heavily protected you cannot copy it with anything. SO you send the disk off for an update, and can't play for awhile. Therefor the honest user is punished. BOO! ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 31 Wed Jan 20, 1988 M.DEVLIN [Mark] at 18:33 PST Oh well...that's life...how does one "fluxacge"(???) that black/grey guy? (if that's what I'm supposed to do...do I need something?) And, how do I totally murder that poor, defensless (haha) dragon? haha ---------- Category 9, Topic 74 Message 32 Wed Jan 20, 1988 CAPT.COOK at 22:12 EST Can anyone give a clue as to whether or not you can get over those 'hidden pits' on the level below the cross level? Also, any tips on slaying the spagetti creatures? Nice touch those, wasn't i surprised when I hid behind a wooden door. Also, the way they mix up their spells is good too. Comment: I mapped a good part of the cross level in search of the skeleton key (which I found purely by accident after I'd given up). I can say it was by far the least fun I've had playing this game. You just can't get into that way. I'd reccomend every one try to do it without mapping - I've made it thi