==********** Topic 1 Thu Dec 31, 1987 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 03:10 EST Sub: Game I Hints Detailed and Specific This is a private area where you can create individual topics on games you want SPECIFIC and DETAILED hints and help. 1 message(s) total ==********** ---------- Category 21, Topic 1 Message 1 Thu Dec 31, 1987 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 03:11 EST Here is the area you requested. Have fun and feel free to start as many topics as there are games that you are interested in. Enjoy! ---------- Topic 1 has been closed. No replies allowed ==********** Topic 2 Thu Dec 31, 1987 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 03:12 EST Sub: Dungeon Master , croll, uit or xit ?s Specific and Detailed hints on FTL's game Dungeon Master. 27 message(s) total ==********** ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 1 Sat Jun 18, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 01:25 EDT Just a note to everyone who's been disapointed in the official FTL hintbook.. There will soon be a much more useful book available from Unicorn Publications... watch for the announcement...! (It'll include everything that RIKI suggested, and more..!) BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 2 Sat Jun 18, 1988 C.MULLER at 02:46 EDT Bob, Is this an official hintbook, or an independent project? By the way, FTL is passing on bogas information on purpose because they claim they don' t want their game catalogued; they want to keep some mystery in the game. Well that would be very nice if you were *EVER* going to use these bogas red herring, mystery shrouded items...but guess what folks you lose ALL that's right ALL you items in the miniadventures... I'm very disappointed...I thought if anyone could finally do a progressive adventure (i.e. you keep items and xps as you go from adv to adv) FTL would be the one. Well, major let down, they're just like everyone else...The mysterious God of take your weapons away strikes again. Phhuuuueeeeeeyyyyyy! Chris. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 3 Sun Jun 19, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 20:04 EDT Chris... this will be an independent effort, with maps, illustrations, hints and a level-by-level section with specific information... all organized so that you can go only for the amount of help you need, and can avoid seeing any specific solutions until you need them... "Twice the info, at Half the price"... how's that for a slogan..? :) ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 4 Tue Jun 21, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 01:10 EDT I just got my official FTL Dungeon Master hintbook today... like some of the reviews I've already read, my impression is mixed... It's a very good story, and quite readable as a "fantasy genre" work... but it really doesn't seem to give the level of help that most DM players are going to be looking for, at least in my opinion... It was obviously written to avoid any "giveaway" specific hints... very much like the style of the original DM manual... but I'm afraid that anyone who's *really* stuck isn't going to get the kind of help that they need... Most of what I read made sense, but I think that was because I already knew what the book was talking about... someone looking at it from the "other side" might not fully understand the hints that are being given... I really didn't think that there was a lot of "mis"information being given, just that the information that was given was too obscure to be truly helpful... I still would recommend that any true Dungeon Master player buy and read the book... but... I think there's still a niche for a true "hintbook".. (My publisher says August 1... when I told him July 4... sigh.. the wheels sure do turn slowly...) BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 5 Wed Jun 22, 1988 DAVESMALL at 03:21 EDT Can anyone help me get past the gate on L9 (after the fireball room) where you pull a lever, the chest disappears into a pit, and in the room below the pit you find a green gem? What exactly do I do? The gem has a hint -- "put it back..." ... but I'm confused about it. Many thanks for the help. Yep, there is a real need for a hint book. I feel the FTL hint book should have been bundled with the game -- I needed more specific solutions, not general techniques. Something like Infocom's book. -- Thanks, Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 6 Wed Jun 22, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 05:20 EDT Dave... to open the gate, you need to go UP first... then DOWN catestrophically, unless you have a rope... The "put it back" business seems to be just a clue that you *can* get to the other side of that gate... BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 7 Thu Jun 23, 1988 DAVESMALL at 16:06 EDT Many thanks; I'll give it a try. -- Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 8 Fri Jun 24, 1988 C.MULLER at 03:22 EDT Actually Bob you are supposed to pull the lever to close the trap door, then you go up the stairs drop the gem in the spot where it used to rest inside the chest and the gate will open. There is no need to jump through the pit yourself although it is faster that way. Chris. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 9 Sat Jun 25, 1988 L.HARRIS at 09:59 PDT I downloaded the Maps by "MJS". It has secret doors starting on level 4 , I believe. How do I open these doors? I can't play DM a lot. Desktop Publishing and Wordprocessing, (my wife) takes a lot of time. I need just a little help. I finished Sundog just fine, but this is my first attempt at any Dugeon type game. Wow Desktop Publishing, Wordprocessing, Databases and and more. Now if Atari could start Advertising the ST on T.V. oops wrong topic. Any help with DM would be appreciated. Leon ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 10 Sat Jun 25, 1988 JRHARRIS at 17:13 CDT Leon, there are m ny different ways to open secret doors. Some require a special object, like the mirror. Some are opened by looking carefully for very small 'buttons' on the wall or in cracks. Some are opened by a sequence of actions. If you have trouble with a particular door, I suggest you download the arced file of this topic from the library, (I believe it's in two parts now) load the unarced file into a wp and 'search' for related words. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 11 Sat Jun 25, 1988 M.HAND [Marc Handler] at 19:59 EDT I was trying to take the firestaff back out the front gate as has been suggested.......but I'm getting stuck back on the first (??) level past the HOC. The iron grate/porticulus just past (or actually just before) "Step Inside, Take a Ride" is closed...... 1) Am I back-tracking properly??? Both maps and memory say I am, but it HAS been about 5 months since I last did any DM. 2) What must I do to get the grate/porticulus open?? I tried all the obvious things like firing arrows, Mon-Zo spells and looking for a nearby button, lever or plate...found no levers or buttons, and the few plates I found had no effect. Please Send E-mail to M.HAND or answer here in Cat 21, Topic 2. Thanks in advance for any help.... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 12 Sat Jun 25, 1988 S.ROSE at 17:44 PDT Say, I sure am having some trouble figuring out how to get past the pit room on the 'treasure stores' level. this has been asked a couple times, but no one has really answered it. I have gotten to the passage on the right, but cannot ge spots, but that just ussually gets me trapped, please help as i am really stumped!!!!! thanx... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 13 Sat Jun 25, 1988 B.SIEFERT1 at 20:33 CDT A couple of things I'd like to ask. 1. When people talked about going back to the top with the firestaff did you have the gem on top of it. If i transfused the gem the only two exits i know of get closed and you can't leave. 2. On the knight level according to the maps from MJS there is a key in a room in the upper right hand corner. How can i get it. PLEASE 3. 180 degrees from that room is another hidden room that doesn't appear on the map. It has one knight in it, three potions and a scroll that says OH EW SAR is an invisibilty spell. Don't ask how I got in I was using the Look Through Wall spell and it opened the secret door. 4. Are there more that just the one ruby key. I have version 1.2 so i don't know if that makes a difference i the Above questions. Any help would be appreciated. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 14 Sat Jun 25, 1988 C.JENSEN2 at 23:21 PDT Once you "meld" the gem to the firestaff you can no longer travel back up past the "Dark Lord" level. Curt ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 15 Sun Jun 26, 1988 M.PALISANO [Mikey] at 04:06 EDT How can I tell which version of DM I have. There is no indication on the disk lable. Also how does one go about getting the upgrade? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 16 Sun Jun 26, 1988 W.T.COLBURN [Wild Bill] at 08:48 EDT The version shows up on the screen with the Buttons for Load game if I remember correctly. Also, some of the secret doors aren't really there at all. Just walk right through them. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 17 Sun Jun 26, 1988 CHARDIMAN at 09:41 EDT B.SIEFERT1--for some rooms, buttons that trigger the doors are not in the same vicinity. If you find a button that seems to have no direct effect, keep in mind that you may be opening a distant door. Take a walk and look for that button, even if it means wandering clear to the dungeon's other side. -- Clayt ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 18 Sun Jun 26, 1988 S.ROSE at 15:06 PDT Hello? I would like to see a reply to my messqge 150,as i am really stumped! I need to know how to get through the pit room on the treasure stores level. Also any strategies as to how to get through the arena would be helpful. thanx... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 19 Sun Jun 26, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 18:52 EDT Whew...! Lotsa questions..! (Maybe what you all need is an order form for my book...?) :) The pit room is tough because the last pit on the left, just before the exit to the left can only be closed by stepping on the right spot in the room... the others along the left wall can be closed by moving forward and back along that wall... I don't have the notes which give the exact spot to step on right here, but it's near the back wall, within sight of at last pit, so you can see it close... then make your way back to the ront, then along the left wall... and watch out for those blasted flying rattlesnakes, too..! It's true... once you fuse the Firestaff and the Power Gem, there's no going back... that means you MUST have *everything* you think you're going to need down on the bottom two levels before you get the Gem..! Marc, I can't think of any reason that grate door should be closed..! They all should be open from when you first went through...! That room at the top of the map on the "Knight" level is opened by a button in a room at the lower left of the map... the button doesn't seem to do nything, but if you go allllll the way back, you'll find the door open... There's only one Ruby Key, but that's all you'll need... BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 20 Mon Jun 27, 1988 S.ROSE at 18:10 PDT BobR - Thanks for the tip! Ill try that right away....l8r ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 21 Fri Jul 01, 1988 SCOTT.R at 21:31 CDT I am on the 'clockwise' level and need help. I wandered around the corridor and suddenly the stairs vanished, then after some more wandering there appeared a portcullis (sp) with a few items behind it. Now I need to duplicate this feat, as I went thru it without my wizard (he died fighting the scorpions) I need some specific advice on how to maneuver thru this level, and how to get down from it (or up for that matter). Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Scott ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 22 Sat Jul 02, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 02:29 EDT Scott.. you have to move Clockwise through this room, then turn around and move the other way... I'm *still* trying to get the exact path through this room down... Watch closely for Keys, and try moving forwards and backwards, both clockwise and counter-clockwise... BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 23 Sat Jul 02, 1988 JRHARRIS at 02:56 CDT The 'clockwise' room is unmappable by conventional means, but, if you start in the corridor, facing the word "clockwise", then turn to your right and go down to the next corner and turn around, you are in a different corridor. To get back to the work 'clockwise', just turn around and go back til you find it. Next time, go on around the next corner to the right and then turn around, and you are in yet another corridor. I believe that there are four corridors in all, and you have to visit one of them at least twice in order to get out of here. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 24 Sat Jul 02, 1988 SANDY.W [RT SysOp] at 15:02 EDT The third instalment of the answers found in this category is now arced and available in the library as file #7381. Enjoy. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 25 Sun Jul 03, 1988 RDEEN at 23:11 EDT I'm on level 10. I've made it through to level 11, but I'v missed a of areas. The one in particular that I'm having trouble getting into is the area to the East of the lower transporter. It's just west of a button and the wall is stone. MJS's maps show a hidden door and using the vision to see through walls it looks like a pair of boots and a FUL Bomb. Any help getting past this area. Thanks in advance. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 26 Thu Jul 07, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 03:47 EDT RDEEN... I'm not 100% sure where the area you were describing is, but if it's where I think you are... This is in the area where you run into a lot of little giggling "Thieves", and some wandering Scorpions...? There's a button on the wall in the area you mentioned which opens a hidden door to the South and East of there... then when you investigate that area, there's a button which will open a hidden door back near the first button.. You'll find a FUL bomb and Torso Plate armor there... If you walk into the wall at the end of the corridor though, you'll pass through an illusionary wall to find a pair of Boots of Speed... I was just going back through there tonight to make sure I had all the details just right for my book, when I discovered that room with the boots! I guess we all can learn something each time down into the Dungeon! BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 27 Sat Jul 09, 1988 RDEEN at 12:21 EDT R. RETELLE, Thanks that sounds like the area I was having trouble with. Rich Deen ==**********