================================================================================ (C) 1987 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May be reprinted only with this notice intact. The Atari Roundtables on GEnie are *official* information services of Atari Corporation. To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. The system will prompt you for your information. ================================================================================ ==********** Topic 2 Thu Dec 31, 1987 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 03:12 EST Sub: Dungeon Master Specific and Detailed hints on FTL's game Dungeon Master. 161 message(s) total ==********** ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 1 Thu Mar 03, 1988 M.BARRY at 18:54 EST I'm stuck on level 9 (ref. the maps by MJS); how do you get by the spinner? Mike Barry ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 2 Thu Mar 03, 1988 J.D.THOMAS at 22:25 EST Pardon.... What dou mean by "spinner".... Can't recall a "spinner" non level 9.. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 3 Thu Mar 03, 1988 SCOTT.R at 21:32 CST I'm a semi-neophyte still on level 3, but I'm VERY low on water. Where can you refill on the worm level? Thanks, Scott ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 4 Thu Mar 03, 1988 W.GALLAGHER1 at 23:55 EST Scott; GO BACK up its a desert in here If anyone can help me get off of level 3 help.... I LEFT A MORE DETAILED REQUEST IN CAT 9, TOP 74 SPECIFIC PLEASE. ILL RETURN THE FAVOR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 5 Thu Mar 03, 1988 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 23:57 EST If you need/want specific help, I can let you into Cat 21. Just let me know. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 6 Fri Mar 04, 1988 SANDY.W [RT SysOp] at 00:48 EST Uhhhh.....this is Cat 21, Darlah (nice to know I'm not the only one that makes that mistake!) ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 7 Fri Mar 04, 1988 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 00:59 EST Ha Ha Ha...and it is not even late. Guess with BRO you tend never to look at Category numbers. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 8 Thu Mar 03, 1988 COREY [COREY.COLE] at 22:57 PST There is *no* water on the Purple Worm level. Your best bet is to go back up to the previous level, go all the way down the long corridor, then go up the stairs to level 2 -- there is a fountain just above the stairs. You will also find all the water you could want if you survive to the next level after the Purple Worms. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 9 Fri Mar 04, 1988 M.BARRY at 18:49 EST To J.D. Thomas: The term "spinner" comes from the map of level 9 by MJS and seems to be an invisible force field that turns you around and causes you to walk in the direction from which you came. I threw a minor spell at this area and the "spell" was redirected back at me. I have no other name for this except "spinner"; As a point of refeerence, level nine, in this case, refers to the level with the fireball cannons. The spinner is located after you walk through "when is a rock not..." and turn right. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Mike Barry ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 10 Fri Mar 04, 1988 J.D.THOMAS at 21:57 EST To GALLAGHER: Kill that prisonerAnd the door in back will open. However,be prepared for a few worms to come looking for lunch. TO M.BARRY: Ahhhh. Ok. I see now (I think). I always recommend using the "magic footprints" spell here. There seems to be 2 areas here overlayed over one another and you gotta kind of toggle between the areas. Also, note that when you initally enter thru the wall, there are two green spots at the bottom of the walls opposite the entry point. This helps to re-located the entry point to get back to the "original" rat level. Does any of this makes sense????? If it doesnt, let me know and I'll try to restate everything... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 11 Fri Mar 04, 1988 THUD.ROOTER at 22:40 PST I could use help on opening the double doors with the speed boots on the golden scorpion level. Mail on the subject would be a big help. Yelling will scare off the puddles, war cries that is. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 12 Sat Mar 05, 1988 GEHENDERSON at 10:29 CST DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO KILL THE SOLDIER ON THE WATER PUDDLE LEVEL? I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING AND I KEEP GETTING KILLED... THANKYOU. O*S ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 13 Sat Mar 05, 1988 GEHENDERSON at 10:39 CST TO M.BARRY AFTER YOU ENTER THE WALL BESIDES WHEN A ROCK IS NOT A ROCK YOU TURN TO THE RIGHT AND GO DOWN THE HALL UNTIL YOU HAVE TO TURN TO THE RIGHT AGAIN AT A CORNER AND THEN TURN TO THE LEFT. AFTER THIS WALK FOWARD ABOUT TWO OR THREE STEPS AND TURN 180 DEGREES AND CON- TINUE TO WALK FOWARD UNTIL YOU SEE A I BELIEVE IT IS A LOOP ON THE WALL. LIKE I SAID YOU WILL HAVE TO TRY EITHER TWO STEPS OR THREE STEPS DOWN THE HALL BEFORE YOU TURN BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER WHICH ONE AS OF NOW. AFTER YOU SEE THE LOOP KEEP AROUND THE CORNER AND YOU WILL SEE A WATER FOUNTAIN. I HOPE THAT THIS HELPED YOU.. GREG HENDERSON. O*S ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 14 Sat Mar 05, 1988 P.DACUS [18] at 16:02 CST I need help on level 10 where you start seeing the giant scorpions. cant seem to kill them very well. any suggestions from out there would be greatly appreciated. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 15 Sat Mar 05, 1988 P.DACUS [18] at 19:38 CST Next Problem; According to the maps that I downloaded from the library, there are 2 secret rooms that I cannot get into. One of the rooms is appart from the rest of the level. It shows a forcefield and a item in the room. The other one is at the southern portion of the map. It shows a secret wall, then a open area with a item and then another secret wall and then another open area with a wall. How do I gain entraince ( however you spell it ) into these rooms. Thanks for any help in advance. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 16 Sat Mar 05, 1988 SGLANG at 20:42 CST I could use some specific help on the end game. On the dark lord level. How many of those brown demons are there? Is there a limit to the firestaff power or can I just go around INVOKING it as much as I want to. And on flux caging the Dark Lord, do I just FLUX CAGE on him or what. What does the other function of the firestaff perform (The one where a rainbow shoots out? ---Thanks, ---Steve ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 17 Sun Mar 06, 1988 RIKI at 01:34 PST I need some help on one of the puzzles. I have read all of the messages in this topic and no one has been able to help me out. My problem is......what do I do with the green gem I got out of the chest with the scroll that says to "put it back"? thanks-- Riki ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 18 Sun Mar 06, 1988 THUD.ROOTER at 12:20 PST Set it down by the grate/door. It really isn't critical (as far as I can tell) Doesn't come back to haunt you later anyway. You will need the blue gem on the puzzle level but it sounds like you aare well past that ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 19 Sun Mar 06, 1988 SGLANG at 15:24 CST I am have a lot of difficulty solving Dungeon Master. I have fluxcaged the dark lord but nothing happens he just moved to the side. One time he disapp disappeared andI figured I had one but all of the exits were blocked off. Please give me some specific hints and rtipd on the endgame,. Thank you immensely, Steve Lang ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 20 Sun Mar 06, 1988 J.REID2 at 19:05 EST DO o the lockpicks operat I cant seem to use them for anythin -Jeff ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 21 Sun Mar 06, 1988 B.STAHL [Bob] at 20:29 CST The lockpicks have no use whatsoever. They were left in (or their use was left out) by accident. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 22 Sun Mar 06, 1988 TRISTERO at 23:19 EST Steve: First, it is frustrating. The general consensus is that you have to fluxcage the guy from all 4 sides and then fuse him. Now, a number of times I could have sworn that I did just that ( particularly in the room with the two treasues in the NE corner where he tends not to go unless you open the door) and he successfully escaped. Finally, it worked. I don't know if he has extremely good reactions and can teleport out of a four sided fluxcage just before you fuse him or if there is some trick that hasn't been posted or thought of by me. Anyway, if you keep trying you will get him. Some general hints. First, get into that corner room where you will find a neat fireball thrower. Then use the eye of time from the dragon level (its easier logistically than magic boxes) and lots of fireballs to kill off the demons while you hold them frozen. If Chaos shows up fuse him to get rid of him. Rest up in the corner room with the doors closed when necessary. Usually, he'll not bother you. Wipe out the fire elementals with weaken non-material spells. Then go after him. Try not to stand with him facing you and if things look grim fuse him and run away to regroup. One final general note in this long message: Version 1.2 has the sleep mode vastly speeded up. Looks like FTL not only makes great games but also listens to customer suggestions. Very impressive company. Best, Tristero. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 23 Mon Mar 07, 1988 SGLANG at 19:39 CST Thanks a lot Tristero. I will try out your suggestions tonight and hopefully solve it. Thanks again, Steve ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 24 Mon Mar 07, 1988 W.GALLAGHER1 at 21:29 EST Corey: JD Thomas Thanks for the help. I was running away after doing him in. When you do that they release from both directions. You have no chance when the guys in back cannot use theit potion powers O K, I'm stumped for the second time. Just past the I hate cowards area you pass through a door which closes begind you. The gate in front of you needs a key I don't have, and a right turn presents a forcefield with gate, and I believe another ff past that. I've downloaded MJS's maps and it shows a key back in this room. Assuming I need this key, I can't figure out how to enter this room. I can get the door open, and have thrown a few items through the field, landing in the doorway. how do you enter this room? The ff keeps throwing me backwards. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 25 Mon Mar 07, 1988 THUD.ROOTER at 18:45 PST You have to cast an open spell on the door so you can stand in the doorway playing, go over to topic 15 and leave us some hints. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 26 Mon Mar 07, 1988 COREY [COREY.COLE] at 22:09 PST W.Gallagher1: We role-players call them "teleportals", not "forcefields". Yes, you do need that key. It's all a question of timing, since there is the TP screen, the door, and another TP screen. Go forward (assuming you've opened the door first, perhaps with a spell, perhaps by aiming the mouse pointer *very carefully*) precisely two squares, into the doorway, then do it again. You want to time the move for just *before* the curtain disappears. It will take a few attempts unless you're incredibly dexterous and/or lucky. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 27 Tue Mar 08, 1988 J.REID2 at 02:20 EST SO when is this add on game for DM supposed to be ou -Jeff ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 28 Tue Mar 08, 1988 COREY [COREY.COLE] at 18:17 PST J.Reid2: I believe FTL uses the policy "We will sell no game before it's done." Mini-scenario was scheduled for release this month, but I wouldn't expect it until April or May. They are using it as a test case for their scenario development toolkit, and as a way of documenting the scenario development process. This will really help them come out with scenarios faster in the long run, but I would expect it to delay this one a little. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 29 Tue Mar 08, 1988 SGLANG at 21:37 CST I just tried some strategies to defeat the Dark Lord. However no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get rid of him. I fluxcaged him on all four sid sides, and then fused him but he just disappeared and from what I hear there is supposed to be a message when he is banished. Please help me, ---Steve ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 30 Wed Mar 09, 1988 J.D.THOMAS at 22:03 EST To SGLANG: I just rampaged thru the whole level spraying fluxcages everywhere until I bagged the bugger... To ALL: This from a local software store....The new mini-adventure is due in a week or two, and its called "The Deeper Dungeons". As to the accuracy of this info....Well, sure hope it's true. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 31 Sat Mar 12, 1988 A.RUBALCABA at 08:49 MST Just a note to people, that are playing. I have version 1.1. I got Lord Chaos by baiting him to follow me in the only room on this level after words I caught him in a corner and fluxed him on two sides. I then step back and fluxed him again on the same two sides (causing a "double barrier"). The dude went "hasta la bye bye" when i fused him. It sure was a disappointing ending though. a. rubalcaba ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 32 Sat Mar 12, 1988 M.BARRY at 11:43 EST Just a quick question- how do you kill the knight freed from the room by the topaz key on level 12? I'm fresh out of magic boxes and other types of freeze life aides. Is a particular weapon more useful than others? Thanks. Mike Barry ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 33 Sat Mar 12, 1988 SGLANG at 20:44 CST HELP!!! -I have tried everything to flux c age that black wizard. I led him into the room and fluxcaged him twice on both sides. Then fused him. Once nothing happened. The next time it got brighter and then my characters got a blue border around their boxes and the game locked up. Has any one else encountered this problem? How do I tell what my version # is. Thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---Steve ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 34 Sat Mar 12, 1988 A.RUBALCABA at 22:16 MST steve, had the same problem. i just kept on trying. point needs to be made, El Chaos "needs to be facing you completely, his back or part of front should not be fused. It will lock up. I wrote message #121 I was wrong about the version. I have v. 1.0. keep trying it will work. a. rubalcaba ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 35 Sun Mar 13, 1988 J.D.THOMAS at 11:03 EST To the guy with the Knight problem. Lure them to a room with a door and just hack at them while the door bops him on the head. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 36 Sun Mar 13, 1988 SGLANG at 13:50 CST THANKS A.RUBALCABA, I think that is what I did fused him in the back. I'll give it another try. ---Steve ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 37 Sun Mar 13, 1988 A.WORRELL [PILGRIM] at 13:20 PST O*s ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 38 Sun Mar 13, 1988 A.WORRELL [PILGRIM] at 13:27 PST I have so far been able to kill the snakelike creatures on the twelth level by using a combination of fireballs and anti-material being spells. I am not sure if I need them both though because there was no time to experiment...if you know what I mean. Wait until they go solid brown to hit them. It worked for me! ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 39 Mon Mar 14, 1988 M.BARRY at 18:55 EST J.D. Thomas: Thanks for the tip on the knight; do you have an effective solution for the dragon? Any help would be appreciated. Mike Barry ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 40 Mon Mar 14, 1988 MRAYMOND [OBI WAN] at 20:51 CST Question: Since the fluxcage acts around the perimeter of a square does one: 1) cast a fluxcage from all four squares around Caos on the square caos is in and then fuse him - being careful nto face him.... or 2) cast a fluxcage into the four squares around caos and fuse him in the central (non flux'd) square..... or do something else compeletely off the wall..... Does anyone know how many flux cages can be active at once? I can tell they go away, but what's the maximum you can cast into different squares? Is the symptom that the game has locked up that both the fire and spell shield "dashes" light up (as well as every thing locking up.) For notes: Using the firestaff under "invoke" results in a random spell coming out. I have seen dispell, fireball, and lightening, and some unidentifiable "blue balls", strength of the spell seems random too. As long as I'm on here, Can Caos go through walls? Some of the earlier messages seemed to indicate that he can, but some of the later ones indicate that he can be trapped against a wall. Thanks - I can hardly wait for the next mini-dungeon. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 41 Tue Mar 15, 1988 J.D.THOMAS at 21:37 EST To M.BARRY: Well, you can use those magic boxes to freeze Puff and let him have it, but I recommend holding onto those boxes for the Demons.... What I did was to use one magic box to initially freezthe dragon, and then use the same technique with the Purple Worms of hacking from behind... It takes a little while and you gotta keep on your toes, but you conserve resources... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 42 Wed Mar 16, 1988 F-D-PERCIVAL at 22:47 EST My dragon fighting method was to race to one of the two posts in the room, and get it between myself and the beast. Once you have the dragon's attention, it will always circle the post to try to reach you. So from this point I stood facing the post until I could see which way old Snarly was going to circle, and then turned to give him a hack or a spell as he came abreast of me, but before he could turn and deliver an attack. Then I backed around the corner. This method is slow, but very safe if you keep alert. I was able to make the kill with no damage delivered by the dragon. By the way, this also works for the knights on Level 12; I circled around the knight hutch in the large room. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 43 Wed Mar 16, 1988 F-D-PERCIVAL at 22:57 EST I have a question...After I finished my first pass through the Dungeon, I went back and tried to find all the nooks I missed the first time. X-Rays have disclosed some rooms that I have not been able to gain entry to. I would appreciate directions from anyone who has accessed them. One is a space that you can Ray looking South from the Express Stairs (Firestaff Level to Dark Lord Level). The location is the landing on the "Turn Back" Level - The Ray reveals a one-section deep room with a pair of Boots of Speed visible. :: Another mystery area is on the Purple Worms Level. There appear to be a couple of two-section rooms in the NW corner, alongside the Prisoner corridor. I have tried placing objects in the cubbies there with no result. Has anyone gotten in here? Fred P. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 44 Thu Mar 17, 1988 A.ORLANDO at 03:20 PST Fred P. I think the rooms you are refering to on the Worm level are where all the worms are kept, untill you kill the prisoner mummy. Look though the wall before and after you kill the mummy. A.Orlando ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 45 Sun Mar 20, 1988 BRANNING at 09:35 EST In responce to the ? about the number of fluxcages active at once, I had 7 or 8 active when I was trying to finish the game last night. The surprise was I STILL couldn't get get him trapped. I finally got him when I found him in a wall "nook" and put ONE fluxcage in front of him, and hit fuse. I heard that he can go through walls, but he didn't try it on me. Mike ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 46 Mon Mar 21, 1988 L.C.CARLSON at 00:08 PST I finally finished this afternoon! My group was comprised of Leif, Gothmog, Hawk, and Sonja. The comments that I have to add are: 1. I trapped Lord Chaos in a corner also (after chasing him all over that level for about 2 hours), fluxcaged him on two sides and then fused him. Make sure that he is facing you when you fuse him or the game will lock up. 2. The green gem can be used in place of the magnifying glass at the "Enlarge my View" area of level 11. 3. In response to Fred P.'s question about secret rooms that he can't get to, some of those rooms are the bottom of pits from the previous level. 4.The endgame was a little to tough I thought, and the actual ending was cute, but sort of a let down. Would have been better iif the program saved your winning group onto your save disk. Other than the ending I thought this was the best D&D type game that I have played on any system. Good luck to those of you still swinging and spelling. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 47 Mon Mar 21, 1988 S.BLACK3 at 00:54 PST I HAVE A QUESTION. I AM STUCK ON LEVEL 10 I BELIEVE, THE LEVEL WITH THE DECIEVING SNAKE WALL. HOW DO YOU GET THROUG THIS LEVEL? I KEEP DOUBLEING BACK. I HAVE COME ACROSS ONE METHOD FOR MAKING SOME PROGRESS BUT KEEP GETTING CUT OFF BY THE MEDUSA EYES. THANKS S. BLACK ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 48 Wed Mar 23, 1988 JLHOFFMAN at 19:31 PST We are on level 10 and have gotten thru the snake walls by snaking back and forth... I have got the boots leggings and breastplate of some armor, but in the secret room where you get the breastplate I am stumped. I can't find a way to get thru the next secret door... I can see the goods in there thru the wall but can't find the button commbo to do the trick on the door... HELP PLEASE! ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 49 Wed Mar 23, 1988 V.SALZILLO at 22:57 EST ok, here's a tough one...according to the map posted in the library of the snake level (ZOOOM), there is a set of two secret doors, going left, just south of the skeleton keyhole for that level. Has anyone figured out how to open those two doors? I'm lost! thanx... >>>Vinny ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 50 Thu Mar 24, 1988 M.BARRY at 18:20 EST I WON!!!! I WON!!!! I managed to make it with all four members intact; I also agree with the comments about the anticlimactic ending. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 51 Fri Mar 25, 1988 F-D-PERCIVAL at 07:46 EST I have been wandering around the dungeon using a "post-Firestaff" Save, and discovered an amusing game feature that no one else has mentioned. WITH the Firestaff (but before the Power Gem) try to exit the Dungeon out the original entrance. For those who are having trouble with the secret rooms on the Zooom level: The first of the two secret rooms is accessed by hitting two wall buttons in the general area. If you look carefully, you will find them both. (You must hit the first to reveal the second). Once you get to the armor, what now confronts you is NOT a secret door, but a False Wall! That's right, you just walk right through it. By the way, I don't think those speed boots on the Turn Back Level are at the bottom of a pit; I went down all the ones I could find. Has anyone found them? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 52 Sat Mar 26, 1988 ORION-QUEST at 10:55 EST Hi guys! Is there anything on the Worm level worth getting, or should I just rush through and stop being fodder? I know when you kill the worms they some- times leave coins or something, are those necessary? Also where are those SUPER WEAPONS, ie:the Vorpal Blade, the Fire Staff? Any help is appreciated. Grandizer A.K.A. Orion Quest ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 53 Sun Mar 27, 1988 W.SCHOONMAKE at 01:34 EST Help!!!!I may sound like a neophyte in this game but I have only enjoyed it for a week...I cannot kill the squids under the rocks, they always get me. Please someone tell me a good way to kill them, this is my first adventure game(that I have really attempted to finnish). Any help appreciated. Bill 8s ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 54 Sun Mar 27, 1988 WAYNE.PRICE at 09:56 EST I am stuck on the knight leval. I'm getting the s**t kicked outta me by two knights who won't come around the corner. I saved the game A C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C point and cannot get to the secret passage to get by them. HELP!!! Should I go back and drop down to the next leval. I have the maps so I can get around the dungeon ok but can't get past this point. I've spent hours and hours to get to this point and want to finish it. Either leave me a message hear or E-mail help. Wayne Price ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 55 Sun Mar 27, 1988 MWADE at 10:12 PST 1. You need to get past the knights. The way I did it was to duck around that corner and hack slash and duck back, heal up and do it again. Takes a while but works. 2. The rock monsters are pretty tough but I found that the poison gas spell was pretty effective against them. Good Luck. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 56 Sun Mar 27, 1988 NCHEBERTJR (Forwarded) This guide is from 2 times of play and was played on version 1.0 and 1.2 some of the things listed here from the first version may not be on later version or in the same place. THIS IS ALL THE THINGS THAT YOU CAN GET OFF THE DIFFERENT LEVELS YOU MAY NOT NEED EVERYTHING YOU FIND TO WIN THE GAME ALSO A GUIDE OF THINGS TO EXPECT TO FIGHT HALL OF CHAMPIONS: WATER FLASK..TORCH..CHEESE..2 BREADS..2 APPLES..CORN LEVEL 1 CREATURES: MUMMIES / SCREAMERS FOOD WEAPONS AND OTHER THINGS CORN DAGGER(2) GOLD KEYS (6) APPLE(4) FALCIONS(2) TOPAZ KEY WATER SUPPLIES BOOTS(2) EMERALD KEY DRUMSTICK TORCHS(6) SOLID KEY SCREAMER SLICES ARROW IRON KEY CHEESE(2) PANTS(2) KEY OF B APPLE SCROLLS(3) SHIRT MAGICAL BOX FLASK(4) COPPER COIN NINJA STARS(3) WATER FLASK SWORD BUCKLER(SHEILD) THERE ARE ALSO 2 CHEST ON THIS LEVEL LEVEL 2 CREATURES: BLUE MEANIES..ROCK CREATURES..MUMMIES FOOD WEAPONS AND STUFF CHEESE(3) COMPASS HELMET DRUMSTICKS(3) CHAIN MAIL FLASK(2) BREAD(2) WATER FLASK SWORD ARROW PANTS CHEST(1) BOOTS SCROLL(2) TORCHES(2) **RA KEY STILL LEVEL 2 SEPERATE ROOMS MATRIX ROOM: SWORD..FINE ROBES..BREAD..CHEESE..GOLD KEY VAULT ROOM: SILVER COIN..PANTS..BREAD..HELMET..CHEST..GOLD KEY TIME IS OF THE ESSENSE: SHIRT..GOLD KEY..FOOD CHAMBER OF THE GUARDIANS: DRUMSTICK(2)..CHEST..GOLD KEY..APPLE..SHIRT ROOM OF THE GEM: APPLES(2)..DRUMSTICK(2)..CHEESE(2)..SLING..BLUE GEM..BREAD RABBIT'S FOOT..GOLD KEY CREATURE CAVERN: CHEESE..SCREAMER SLICES..GOLD KEY LEVEL 3 CREATURES: ROCK MONSTERS..SCREAMERS..BEES..WORMS..GHOST FOOD WEAPONS AND STUFF CHEESE GOLD COINS AXE DRUMSTICK(2) WATER FLASK BOW SCREAMER SLICES GOLD KEY HELMET WORM ROUNDS PANTS SHIRT RAPIER EMPTY FLASK(3) HORN OF FEAR HOSEN CHAIN MAIL PANTS LEVEL 4 CREATURE: SCREAMERS..BEES..GREEN OCTUPUS..FLYING SNAKES..SKELTONS TORCH MANY ROOMS CALLED THE TREASURY STORES BELOW IS WHAT IS IN THEM ROOM #1 BLUE TRANSPORTER ROOM: POISON DART(3)..MIRROR OF DAWN SAME ROOM..TREASURY STORES: VEN POTION..GOLD COIN..HELMET..BLUE GEM ROOM #2 BUTTON ROOM: GOLD COIN..GEM OF AGES..HOSEN..LEG MAIL..DAGGER..EKKHART CROSS..BLUE GEM..MACE ROOM #3 NEVERENDING ROOM: CHOKER..CORN..HELMET..STAFF OF CLAW..ILLUMENT ROOM #4 PIT ROOM..THERE ARE MANY SECRET HALLWAY ON THIS LEVEL DRUMSTICK(2)..CHEST..VEN POTION..LARGE SHEILD..DANE POTION BLUE GEM..KU POTION DOWNSTAIRS: VEN POTION..DRUMSTICK LEVEL 5 CREATURES:WIZARD EYES..SKELTONS..BEES..FLYING SNAKES BLADE..MAGICAL BOX..HELMET..SOLID KEY STUFF: IRON KEY..LARGE SHEILD..DRUMSTICKS(2)..YEW STAFF..VORPAL BLADE..MAGICAL BOX..HELMET..SOLID KEY LEVEL 5 CONTINUED KING FILIUS'S ROOM:COMBINATION ROOM IRON KEY..MAIL AKELTON FLOOR PANEL ROOM: IRON KEY IN PIT: MAGICAL BOX KING MIDAS ROOM: IRON KEY I DON'T LIKE TO BE INGORED ROOM: VI POTION..ROS POTION..DRUMSTICK..TORCH..MAGICAL BOX..IRON KEY AFTER DOUBLE DOOR: CORN..NINJA STARS(2)..SLAYER ARROWS(2)..MIRTHERAL AKELTON AND PANTS..DRUMSTICK..TORCH..MAGICAL BOXES(2)..VORPAL BLABE #2.. CROSSBOW LEVEL 6 ***RA LEVEL*** CREATURES..ROCK THING SCROLLS(9)..FIRESTAFF..CORBOMITE..FLASK(4)..LOCKPICKS..FUL BOMB VEN BOMB..THE INQUISTITOR..MAGNIFER..TORCH..WATER FLASK RA KEY #4..TORQUISE KEY..WINGED KEY TORQUISE ROOMS: ROOM CLOSES TO ENTRANCE IN IS 1 1 IMMULENT NECKLACE..GEM OF AGES..SCEPTRE OF LYF 2 DRAGON SPIT..SPEED BOOTS 3 CROWN..FREEZE LIFE 4 BOLT BLADE(THROWS LIGHTING)..FLAIMBAIN MAIL LEVEL 7 CREATURES: THEIVES..GHOST..SKELTONS..MUMMIES STUFF: YEW STAFF..CHEST(2)..2POTIONS..RING OF TIME..FUL BOMBS(5) APPLE..RABBIT'S FOOT..CHEESE..SOLID KEY..STAFF OF MANAR.. MACE OF ORDER..DELTA..JEWEL SYMAR..MAGICAL BOX..TORCH.. COPPER COIN..NINJA STAR LEVEL 8 CREATURES: RATS..TROLLS..ARMADELLOS STUFF: FERAL PENDANT..2 MAGICAL BOXES..2 CHEESE..DRUMSTICKS TORCHS(3)..APPLE..STORM RING..SCREAMER SLICE..CORBOMITE CHEST..SKELTON KEY..CORN..ROBE ***RA KEY #2 LEVEL 9 CREATURES: SCORPIONS..WIZARD EYES..THEIVES..SKELTONS STUFF: CHEESE(2)..TORCH..CORN(2)..SPEEDBOW..DRUMSTICK..BREAD(4) HANDCLEAVE..MAGNIFER..KEY OF B(3)..SKELTON KEY..CHEST MOONSTONE NECKLACE..FLASK OF WATER..FUL BOMB..APPLE ARMOR PIECES LEVEL 10 CLOCKWISE ROOM: CREATURES: BEES STUFF: MACE..CHEST..IRON KEY..SABRE..FOOTPLATE CROSS KEY ROOMS CREATURES: LEFT: BEE..THIEVES CENTER:WATER CREATURES..THEIVES RIGHT: BLUE CREATURES..THEIVES STUFF: IRON KEY..ARMOR OF LYTE..STAFF..MORNINGSTAR MACE..SABRE CHEST..DIAMOND EDGE SWORD..FURY..COPPER COINS(4)..VEN POTION CROSS KEYS(2)..SKELTON KEY..DRUMSTICK..CHEST MAGICAL DEFENSE POTION(2)..FUL BOMB.. LEVEL 11 CREATURE: KNIGHTS..CRYSTAL BALL OCTUPUS..SPIDERS STUFF: ARMOR OF DARC..HELMET OF LYTE..WATER FLASK..HEALTH POTION POTION..VEN POTION..SPEED BOOTS..FUL BOMB..SLAYER ARROW FOOD: BREAD..CHEESE..DRUMSTICK(2)..CORN(3)..APPLE(4) KEYS: TOPAZ..EMERALD..MASTER..SKELTON.*** RA KEY #3 DRAGON LEVEL CREATURE: DRAGON STUFF: GOLD COINS..SILVER COINS..KEY..CROWN..EYE OF TIME VARIOUS GEMS..*****POWER GEM***** WIZARD LEVEL CREATURES: TAR PITS..GARGOYLES..WIZARD STUFF: HELION NECKLACE..FLAMITT ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 57 Sun Mar 27, 1988 NCHEBERTJR (Forwarded) In Dungeon Master there are a few secrets..If you want to play without cheating stop right here..DO NOT READ ANY FARTHER ON THE FIRST LEVEL: CAST YOUR INFLUNCE..You throw a 1/6 spell to open door then you throw a object threw the door LOCKED DOOR..BLUE SHIELD YOU SEE A CHEST: Find the door and strike it down with your sword SECOND LEVEL: After going downstairs face the left wall go 6 or 7 spaces and you will find a switch opens secret panel where you will find a compass to use with the Matrix room Vault room: remove coin and replace with something else door will now stay open Time is of the Essense: push button and move very quickly to get through fist passage way..push button turn around and throw something through the blue field the pit will then close..push button and walk backwards Chamber of the Guardians: push the button next to the chest until the chest appears outside..In chest use the mirror of dawn to open secret passage next to blue eye Level 4 Transporter Room: The way through to get to the room is a you land you turn RIGHT..RIGHT..180..LEFT..180..RIGHT Buttom Room: you push the button as they show up until you have pushed 5 of them you may have to push them more than once..mark them as you push them so that you can keep track Neverending Room: Find the button on the wall push it..then go back to where you came in the big room.turn left and follow the wall to get to the next room Pit Room: In the room to the left there are many secret room starting to left by walking threw the wakk while facing the arm and wood shackles...there are 3 secret rooms in all after entering On level 3 there is another staircase that leads back to level 2 there is a room that has a closed gate in that room you will find screamers that when you leave the room the door will close and they will be reborn therefore a endless food supply Level 5 Riddle room: I am all- I am none: mirror of dawn An arch but no back: bow Hard as a rock..Blue as the sky..Twinkle in a woman eye: blue gem A golden head but no body: gold coin Midas room: you place a coin in the hole in the wall Room with locked gate and no way to open it: Place a heavy object where the Transporter appears and turn it on After going through the locked door you will come across a room that is locked and in it you will find a magical box as you leave you will see a ring on the wall push it..you will open a secret passageway Strength Hall: shoot a arrow or throw a dagger if it comes back try again if not go around a corner and a gater will be open Level 7 The easist way to shut off the Fireballs is to drop down into the pits and then drop into the next one and bring yourself back to the surface and walk foward in front of you will be the shut off for the deflector and the fireballs Level 8 When is a rock not a rock: when it is nothing Step to the left one step and walk threw the wakk as you get through the wall mark it so that you can find your way back Also on that level there is a area in the hallway that spins you 180 degrees so you end up going back where you came from. Use magical footprints or throw things down the hallway when they come back you are there mark that area and when you get there turn 180 as you get there What is at your feet is overhead: you step on switches and fireball hit you The easiest way is to put something on the switches as you get out of the way of the fireballs..with something on the switches they will only fire once and you can pass right threw..there are 6 floor switch 3 on both sides What is lighter than air.. The corbomite you found earlier Beware of my twisted fate: The room is set up like a snake you have to go threw in a winding fashion Vooommm: 2 places to go Clockwise room: go counterclockwise to get to all the different area of the room you must start at the sign that says clockwise and move to a different section by going counter clockwise Poison Room: get the sword and stay where you are until the cloud clears when the cloud clears step foward and kick off another trap and move back to the clear area until out the door How to kill the Dragon: Lead him back to the stairway you came down and then attck him with spells and weapons..when you see a fireball coming run upstairs to safety To get the power gem to merge with the firestaff you must ise the Zokthra spell..a little advice have everything you wnat in the dragon area before you do this for afterwords there is no way out Next to the power gem in the locked room is a rebirthing chamber so save those coins it's the only way in What kills the Creatures: As you get stronger in your wizard skills yopu will be able to make stronger version of the same spell as the creatures show up they each take a stronger version of the same potion and it may take more than one to kill it mummies..Weapons at first when you wizard skills are stronger fireballs Screamers: weapons..poison clouds..fireballs Blue meanies w/ clubs..Fireballs..weapons Rock creature..poison clouds Bees..fireballs Worms..fireballs(level 4)..posion cloud Ghosts..Vorpal blade..yew staffs..staff of manar..non material being spell Green octopus..fireballs Flying snakes..fireballs Skeltons..fireballs Wizard eyes..Fireballs Rock thing in the Ra level..Catch them in a door and then use your weapons Theives: fireballs..when you chase after them beware they will always lead you to a larger enemy Rats..fireballs Armadillos..fireballs Trolls..fireballs Scorpions..fireballs (lots of them) Knights..doors and fighting skills Crystal ball octopus.. Vorpal blade..non material spell Spiders..Fireballs Tarpits..Fireballs Gargoyles..fireballs Wizard..firestaff after being merged with power gem ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 58 Sun Mar 27, 1988 T.BRANCATO at 21:45 EST I need help--- has anybody experienced a lock up on the 9 level. The game keeps locking up om me when being attacked. I have ver 1.0 and wonder what could be the problem---any help would be appreciated D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D, the screen freezes and the only way out is to reboot FTL if you are listening help!!!!! Tom ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 59 Mon Mar 28, 1988 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 11:40 EST The bulk of this topic can be found in the software library. It is arced for your convenience. The file # is 6368. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 60 Tue Mar 29, 1988 A.HATTLESTAD at 00:22 MST Another hint on how to kill the armored knights; from Mike Holland in albuq urque. Lure them into the room with the invisible pits, spring the pits on them and let them fall. most will only take one fall to kill! ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 61 Wed Mar 30, 1988 J.REID2 at 20:07 EST Hi Everybody! Ive got a couple of questions, Darlah, did somebody D/L their master level characters a while bac To anybody else, How in the heck do you kill those little Jawa guys that throw fireballs and lightnin I keep getting fried! (on level 9)-Jeff Oh, has anybody figured out any of the Magaic Necklaces function You can pre-order the Mini-adventure from FTL, ask for Sylvia, and have your visa, or Master Card ready! ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 62 Wed Mar 30, 1988 V.SALZILLO at 22:02 EST Well, I know I'm late in this topic, because I have had manyh things pressing in the last few months which have taken priority, but I may just have stumbled on to something that none of you have found. It isn't on the map and it isn't in any of the databases here. On level 12 (The Knight Level), there is a small square section in the northeast corner, a 3x3 blank area. By walking around this area facing towards the center, you will open up a secret room which contains: A knight, 3 potions and a scroll. The scroll is the interesting part...has anyone recorded it? Invisibility: Power - OH - EW - SAR. Hope this is a help to everyone, I'd like to think I discovered at least one new thing in this incredible game. My only complaint is that it's almost finished, and I'm not sure what short of Ultima V is going to satisfy me when I'm done!!! >>>Vinny ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 63 Sat Apr 02, 1988 J.D.THOMAS at 22:18 EST To the guy who mentioned the mini-adventure pre-order.... What is FTL's phone number? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 64 Sun Apr 03, 1988 J.REID2 at 00:45 EST FTL-(619)453-5711 ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 65 Sun Apr 03, 1988 PDNLP at 22:15 CDT ok, I give... Can anyone help me with level 7 ??? I have the firestaff, now I want through the secret door to the exspress stairs.. I can't get through that stupid door. Can you all help?? Thanks, spidgit ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 66 Mon Apr 04, 1988 MWADE at 18:31 PDT The noise on my phone line is horrible right know so please forgive all the wierd characters. Can anyone tell me EXACLTLY where both vorpal blades are? I zVfound one in a room full of skeletons on the wizard eye level. To get in this ro om I had to push a green button which opened th e door. There was also a green button in the` room which closed the door. I really want that other vorpa{ blade but I can't seem to find it. Thanks. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 67 Tue Apr 05, 1988 J.D.THOMAS at 19:31 EDT To PDLNP? In the lab area, on theside of the long wal, look for a button to press that will open up a side entrance... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 68 Wed Apr 06, 1988 J.WOODS at 19:53 PDT On the worm level when you get to the entrance to the next level how do you get the door open? The prisoner mummy can be left alone right? Also when do the screamers start regenerating? Thanks-John ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 69 Fri Apr 08, 1988 SCOTT.R [Scott] at 00:35 CDT J.WOODS, The mummy must be killed in order to advance. Before you open the dor preferably (it keeps things a little more sane). If you haven't done so already, you can open the door by chopping away at it with a fighter... Keep a steady stream of fireballs going, and you'll get thru in one piece (hopefully!) Scott ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 70 Fri Apr 08, 1988 J.WOODS at 19:34 PDT Thanks Scott. i got past the mummy part by brute force but I do have a couple other ??? On the level after the mummy what is the sequence to the pit room. I got the other rooms finished. On the level after this on the I hate to be ignored room there is a pressure plate and a secret room. How do you keep the door open? I.ve put down stuff on it to no avail.. Oh well maybe in another 6 months I'll finish this game. This is my first try at this type of game. Usually stick with war games-John ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 71 Fri Apr 08, 1988 SCOTT.R [Scott] at 22:12 CDT John, The pit room is in the treasure stores area, right? I think the maps by JLS(?) have the correct sequence to follow. You can take a look there, as I don't remember. As for the door closing, just make sure you get everything you can get before you go through the doorway. If I remember right, it will reopen later anyway, so don't worry too much about it....Save the game often, there are some nasty monsters on this and the following levels. Good Luck... Scott P.S. There are some archives in the games section of the d/l's that are the messages left here giving a wealth of info. Do a SEARCH on DM. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 72 Sat Apr 09, 1988 J.WOODS at 12:35 PDT One more ?. I am at the teleporter at I hate cowards. How in H..L do you get through there? I spent a couple hours trying to time my jump to no avail!! Got the door open no problem but DM is about to become a mini frisbee...Don't mind puzzles etc but this is ridiculous. Read hints on timing just before the blue field clears but that doesn't seem to work. Help Thanks - John ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 73 Sat Apr 09, 1988 PDNLP at 21:06 CDT J. D. Thomas, thanks for the reply. I'm going to go look and I'll let you know if I have any luck. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 74 Sat Apr 09, 1988 SCOTT.R [Scott] at 21:46 CDT John, If you opened the door, just hit the up arrow on the keyboard twice just as you think the force field will go out. It is definitely not easy, but can be done more easily with the keyboard... Good Luck... Scott ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 75 Sun Apr 10, 1988 W.T.COLBURN [Wild Bill] at 12:29 EDT Yep, even I was able to eventually get through those tp fields by carefully timing my advances. I used the keyboard as well. I was able to open the door by carefully timing an advance via the keyboard and using the mouse pointer to click the button. Good luck. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 76 Sun Apr 10, 1988 JLS [John STanley] at 12:38 CDT Anyone care to give this poor dungeon delver a hint as to how one increases wisdom? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 77 Sun Apr 10, 1988 MWADE at 12:27 PDT I believe the "YA BRO DAIN" potion increases wisdom at least temporarily. Other than that, increasing wizard levels does it. Also note that a moonstone should increase your Mana by a small amount. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 78 Sun Apr 10, 1988 JLS [John STanley] at 16:10 CDT Thanks... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 79 Wed Apr 13, 1988 F-D-PERCIVAL at 19:15 EDT I called FTL to "preorder" the Dungeon Master extension, and was informed that they were not accepting orders. For one thing, they have not yet set the price (though $10 was estimated). The bottom line is that ordering info will be in their next mailer, due sometime next month. Until then, we must make do! - Fred P. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 81 Sat Apr 16, 1988 MRAYMOND [OBI WAN] at 10:38 CDT Not all secret doors are the same, some are merely "pseudo-walls" which can be walked through, some require actions (wall buttons pushed, trip plates stepped on, light beams broken, etc. Some secret doors are compound... opening door1 allows access to the device which opens door 2 - which is around the corner and looked like a wall when you last walked by. There are a few doors which open after you spend a few minutes in a given area - these generally realease a monster to "take you out." The lack of specifics on what type of secrect door each is, is one of the problems with the extant maps. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 82 Sat Apr 16, 1988 BLACKHAWK [Bob Stinson] at 11:59 PDT Ok, forcefields are a problem for me....what's the secret in the force- field room on L4, (I think), the same level as the room of opening pits? On the level below, where the floating eyes appear, how do you get the key in the room with teh forcefield? Thanks for your help. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 83 Sat Apr 16, 1988 R.SCHRADER at 23:25 EDT Darlah, anyone; need SPECIAL help ,getting off purple worm level III. I've been a week,and the pat answers aren't working (I killed the mummy) : >Why don't the spells work? Fireballs just pop over their "heads", from a distance.Ditto poison. Is version 1.1 with super worms?? n' Slash - forget it an see the secret stairwell going down. Why can't I get to it? 4>I even tried tricking 2 pairs of the worms into the chamber and e door on them , but there are still 3 more pairs! s is serious! If this keeps up ,I'll have to find other things to do y life! Rick ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 84 Sun Apr 17, 1988 DARLAH [RT SYSOP] at 12:34 EDT My problem is I have NOT played this game....anyone else?? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 85 Sun Apr 17, 1988 W.VAUGHN at 12:07 PDT Well I've killed the dragon, found the key, located the power gem. What now? I can't figu B B A A D D now? I've gone back to long stairway and tested my keys at the bottom. None would work, I've gone up to level 8 and looked but there just doesn't seem to be a way to level 7. I know that there obviously is but I can't find it, some help would be much appreciated... Signed: Stuck at the Bottom........ ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 86 Sun Apr 17, 1988 RIKI at 14:25 PDT To W.Vaughn, you have to fuse the power gem to the firestaff with the ZOKATHRA spell after you fuse the gem to the firestaff you turn 180 degrees and go up the short stairwell into Lord Chaos's hideaway, there you will have to fight about 6 fire-demon beasts plus the ol' dark lord himself, fluxcage and fuse him in and the game is over. Riki ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 87 Sun Apr 17, 1988 W.VAUGHN at 16:16 PDT Thanks Riki, but my problem at the moment is that I do not yet have the firestaff. I have already killed the demons on the Lord level, from there I went down to the dragon level kill him and now I don't know how to get to level 7 where the firestaff is located. I may have made a mistake earlier if I should have the firestaff now. If so it was probably in level 8 because I never found a way to return to Firestaff level (7). If I s C C CAny help I can get on how to get to the firestaff is badly needed....Thanx ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 88 Sun Apr 17, 1988 M.GIAMBRUNO at 23:55 PDT What's the best strategy for beating the Materializers on 12? Some people call them "Astral Ropes" or "spagetti monsters". ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 89 Mon Apr 18, 1988 MRAYMOND [OBI WAN] at 20:55 CDT Two approches work for the Materializers (1) Freeze life and hack for a vorpal blade or dispell with approriate staff/or spell (if you time your freeze life spell right, you MAY be able to use regular swords - I was never able to do so, though.) (2) In the words of Monty Python----- "run awayyyyyyy!" ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 90 Wed Apr 20, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 02:28 EDT Rick... your Fireballs are hitting the worms... it's just that at this level, they're not powerful enough to do a lot of damage to the worms... but they do count... Right now I'm playing the "Ultimate" challenge... I'm taking *ONE* Champion through the Dungeon, doing research for an article in a 'major' ST publication.. I wanted to see if it was possible to succeed with only one player... So far, so good... The secret to surviving the worms is to stay away from their mouths... you can do the "DM two step" and try the "slide sideways, turn and hack" dance step.. (only in wide rooms..!!), or do as I do... hit them, then retreat before they can hit you... jump forward, hit them, then jump back again quickly... If you can throw stuff at them it helps too... throwing stars or daggers are good if you have any good Ninjas... hitting them hard will spin them around, so you can run up and hack away at their backsides for a turn or two before you have to jump back again away from their mouths.. The first time I went down through the Dungeon, I thought I'd never be ble to make it though the worms, but practice and a LOT of save to disk finally got me through... BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 91 Fri Apr 22, 1988 SEPP at 00:48 EDT I HAVE FOUND THAT BY PRACTICING THE SPELLS MUCH & THEREBY INCREASING WIZARD LEVELS (MUCH SLEEP) I CAN DEVELOP A CHARACTER WHO IS VERY ABLE TO DEAL WITH WHATEVER COMES UP. THE SAME GOES FOR FIGHTING SKILLS ETC. SOME MONSTERS OF THE SAME BREED ARE TOUGHER THAN ANOTHER. ALL WORMS WARE NOT CREATED EQUAL. I ALSO NOTE THAT NO MONSTER WILL ATTACK YOU FROM THE DIAGONAL SO IF YOU SWING (SWORD) THEN STEP TO THE LEFT OR RIGHT IT WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RETURN THE BLOW (USUALLY). JUST WAIT FOR HIM TO AGAIN ENTER YOUR DIRECT FIELD OF VISION THEN SMACK HIM AGAIN,REPEAT E PROCESS TILL IT CROAKS. THE ONLY TROUBLESOME ONE IS THE ROPE BEINGS AS THEY SOMETIMES COME IN 4'S AND ARE VERY QUICK TO STRIKE. SEPP S* A*S ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 92 Fri Apr 22, 1988 BLACKHAWK [Bob Stinson] at 06:20 PDT 1: How do you get the stuff from the Grave of Filius? What's the sequence of button pushing? I did it once right but couldn't duplicate it. 2: How do you defeat the floor trigger in the I don't like to be ignored hall to get to the opening and closing room? Please help. Without the solution to one or the other of these I can't proceed. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 93 Sat Apr 23, 1988 SEPP at 09:24 EDT YOU CAN FIND A SET OF BOOTS (ABOVEMENTIONED MAYBEE) NEAR THE DOOR USED TO GET TO THE "IMPROVE MY VISION ???" AREA. FACE THE DOOR,OPEN IT, THEN JUST WALK THRU THE FIRST WALL THAT IS FACING YOU. YOU MAY HAVE TO MAKE A COUPLE OF TURNS AFTER ENTERING THE FAKE WALL BUT YOU'LL GET THERE. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 94 Sat Apr 23, 1988 BLACKHAWK [Bob Stinson] at 20:37 PDT What's the solution to the "test your strength" area? Is it crucial to the game? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 95 Sun Apr 24, 1988 MRAYMOND [OBI WAN] at 09:04 CDT The solution is not critical, if you bypass the area opened up, you'll miss some armor and food (I think - anyway nothing earthshaking.) At any rate the puzzel consists of a coridor with several transporters alomg it. If you are string enough you MAY be able to throw something down the corridor if it makes it all the way, it will land on a pressure plate and open a portculus (?sp) futhur down the "main" corridor. If you're not strong enough the thrown object will ne transported back to your position. Not that I was never able to throw an object, but there are other ways to project( shoot [ hint hint]) an object down the corridor. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 96 Wed Apr 27, 1988 W.SCHOONMAKE at 00:07 EDT Please help...I have been hacking my way thru dm for about 2 weeks now and I am seriously stuck...I am on level 10 not counting the hall of champions and I am stuck at the Vroooom part of the maze...It always takes me back to the start of that level...I have the maps and know I can get to the other end of Vrooom somehow but I can never get it to take me there....I have very powerful characters and am ready to finnish the game...but I can't get past Vrooom...someone please help me out. Bill ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 97 Wed Apr 27, 1988 RIKI at 01:10 PDT W.SCHOONMAKE.. When your party steps on the zooom plates and starts moving you around, turn your party so that it faces in another direction, then when you see an open area time your move so that you get off in that open area the next time you pass by it. If you don't turn your party you"ll only see the original starting point, as an open area everytime. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 98 Wed Apr 27, 1988 J.MANCINI [JOE] at 20:04 PDT HELP!! I have killed the Dragon on level 14, but can get no where on level 13. The Gargoyles (?) have had me for lunch too many times!! I can't seem to kill anything on this level. (it only takes seconds to cook and eat my party. THANKS IN ADVANCE JOE ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 99 Wed Apr 27, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 23:26 EDT Bill... on the Zooom area... *don't* jump into the Transporter Mist that you see going by... that's what's sending you back to the beginning... (the items you seen next to the transporter aren't worth worrying about..) The "way out" is an opening all by itself... you have to time your jump just right... there are 12 floor plates in all, so you can count them off, and jump *just before* the number for the opening comes by... With a little practice, and a few "Oofs" into the wall, you should be able to get it.. (I hope you *do* have really strong characters... you'll need them on this level..!) BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 100 Thu Apr 28, 1988 STACE [Mark] at 23:59 EDT Hi Joe! :-) Mark ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 101 Tue May 03, 1988 MWADE at 20:15 PDT By the by.... anyone still playing with version 1.1 should definitely upgrade to the newest version ( I have 1.2 ). It's a free upgrade and well worth it. The time spent while "sleeping" is tremendously sped up, making the development of characters much more enjoyable ( as well as less tedious and boring ). Good luck to all!! ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 102 Mon May 09, 1988 R.SCHRADER at 02:04 EDT Can someone help ,with the clockwise level? I found how to get to 2 places , but they both ne but they both need keys. Did I miss something on the Vrooom level?? I found 1 key of B (used) , and the skeleton key. Where is there more? e an iron key lying around ,or do I have to go back and defeat more creatures? kx Rick ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 103 Tue May 10, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 01:47 EDT Look *very* carefully on the floor in the "Clockwise" room, Rick- Both keys that you need will be found on this level.. BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 104 Fri May 20, 1988 DAVESMALL at 00:24 EDT Howdy -- I'm fairly new to DM, and I'm stuck a couple of levels down. (I don't know if it's 2 or 3, because I don't know of the Hall of Champions is considered a "level"...) There's a room with multiple doors, each labelled. There's Creature Cavern, Room of the Gem, Cavernus Olympus, The Vault, and so forth. The problem is, I'm stuck here. There are monsters here my party can't handle. (Come to think of it, I had a difficult time handling the mummies on the previous level; had to drop a gate on them to get by them finally). Both in Room of the Gem and in Chambers of the Guardian, there's these rock- like creature that look like the Star Trek Hortas. They periodically flare up, like a cobra does, and zap my people but good. I can't seem to affect them with a good chop, and the "freeze life" magic box only briefly freezes them. My question is , a) any hints for dealing with this level? I got through the "spinner" room okay (dropped objects to map it) ("The Matrix"), but haven't been able to chop my way through the "horta" creatures in the other rooms to get somewhere. I get killed off repeatedly. I am afraid my party is wrongly made up, and by this time, ought to be able to whack through these monsters. If so, please let me know, and I'll go make up a new group. I'm using Zed and Linflas on the front lines, and a priest & wizard in the back lines. (Who can'rt do much yet except turn the lights back on, although I briefly learned how to do fireballs). Anyway, if at this point, I should be able to chop through the Creature Cavern critters and make mincements of the hortas, I'd appreciate knowing; if it still ought to be some terrible struggle, I'd appreciate knowing about that as well. Food supplies and water seem okay, if I could quit diddling around getting killed. -- Thanks, Dave p.s. I checked through the hint files uploaded here and didn't see much; I'm hesitant to read too far, as they give away too much, and I enjoy the surprises. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 105 Fri May 20, 1988 D.FLORY [AtaribaseBBS] at 18:30 EDT Dave Small and others - I never found the 'rock squids' easy but found that a hack and step back, advance, hack, retreat technique worked, tho' rather long and dull. It also helps to know that they kill by poison so you can prepare first aid before hand. Poison gas spells, poison spells and fireballsall work, you have to realize these guys are short and make sure you hit them with spells and other thrown objects. You'll love the purple worms, they're neat, and giant rats are really scary! Long life and patience, just keep practicing, and, wi area. (sometimes a spell or potion or two can speed this up so experimen with them or download the list of spells) ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 106 Fri May 20, 1988 MWADE at 22:11 PDT Has anyone found that "hacking" at walls increased a players proficiency? I hear people talking about it but it never seemed to do anything for my guys. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 107 Sat May 21, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 03:09 EDT Dave.. Dave Flory described the method I use on the Rock Monsters... At this level, most groups should have the kind of trouble you're having.. (my latest groups fare better, but that's because I know what to expect, and how to practice them up to higher levels...) The thing to remember is to stay away from their mouths... (good idea for MOST of the monsters in the Dungeon..!) Don't just stand there and hack at them, because they'll just keep hitting YOU...! (Another important hint... USE THE CURSOR KEYS TO MOVE..! It's far faster than mousing around the direction arrows on the screen...) Use the cursor keys with your left hand to jump forward, and the mouse in your right hand to hack at the rock thing, then jump back before it can rear up and bite... if you're *really* brave, both your front line guys can take a whack before you jump back.. get ready again, and jump forward again... keep repeating the process until you either kill it, or it wounds you severely... If you're hit really bad, hightail it out of there, back to the central room, close the door, and rest up... it may take several resting periods, but it's better than fighting to the death all at once..! One more thing about this technique... as you jump back, the rock thing will eventually follow you, so you have to jump back another space... be SURE to leave yourself room behind you... don't back up into any dead ends, or they may become DEAD ends...! There aren't any doors inside the "Choose Your Fate" rooms, so this won't work in there, but banging the doors down on the rock things will really help.. they're so slow that they just sit there and take it... you don't get any experience points if a door kills them, but on the other hand, you don't get dead as much, either...! This same technique works on a lot of things... but most things move a LOT faster than the rock monsters... MWADE... most actions add to your Champion's experience, but it appears that actions, like swinging a sword, during battle roll up experience a lot faster.. Have you tried the "War Cry" option with an unarmed character..? It'll give you Priest Levels without having to expend any mana... I have my people walking through the tunnels Screaming their heads off, throwing loose items and swinging swords at nothing in particular... it all helps...! BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 108 Sat May 21, 1988 W.E.BOYD-JR [WEB] at 15:56 CDT HELP! I have read and re-read the hints on how to get thru the blue veil on level 5 (The level with "I hate cowards"). The door shut behind me th other door needs a key I don't have and the blue veil keeps knocking me bac back. I did manage to hit the swith to open the door before the force field tele 5> ported me back but after over an hour trying to get thru the field I am wondering is it necessary to get thru this area? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 109 Sat May 21, 1988 R.CHADWICK at 16:38 PDT I just got passed the I hate Cowards, between the two locked doors with the key behind the teleporter feilds. After reading the hints here they just wouldn't work for me until I got smart and unloaded my champions then it was so easy it was pathetic. Anyone else in the same boat might want to try it. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 110 Sun May 22, 1988 W.E.BOYD-JR [WEB] at 16:17 CDT That may be the answer, I'll try it. Thanks WEB ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 111 Tue May 24, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 01:33 EDT WEB... yes.. you do need to get thorugh those transporters in order to proceed... As noted, you need to drop stuff until none of your Champions are loaded into the "yellow"... Then put your best Ninja into the "Lead" and watch the transporter screen.. when it's about to go off, press the UP arrow on the keyboard TWICE You should end up in the doorway... wait until the second transporter is about to go off, then hit the UP arrow twice again... you should end up in a closed room... search the floor VERY carefully...! BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 112 Tue May 24, 1988 DAVESMALL at 01:39 EDT Okay, I made it through L3 ("Choose your fate"), except for one item; there's a corridor with about 8 buttons, with a chest teleporting between 8 doors. Know the one? Well, on the wall behind, there's a button that should open a door to a key, according to my map, but when I press it, zilch,. Any hints? Other than that, on to Level 4! Charge! (Many thanks for the help -- ) -- Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 113 Tue May 24, 1988 STACE [Mark] at 19:47 EDT Dave....get back to work! Mark (Wait till I tell the Amiga users this is how you spend your free time!) ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 114 Wed May 25, 1988 DAVESMALL at 23:25 EDT No! I won't until I finish level 3! -- Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 115 Thu May 26, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 01:29 EDT Golly, Dave... take another look at the thing on the wall... that's not a *button* ...! Think about it in light of what was in the chest that was behind those iron grating doors that wouldn't open... BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 116 Thu May 26, 1988 STACE [Mark] at 22:07 EDT Wow!!! More messages from Dave in the ST RT than in the dP RT!!!! Mark ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 117 Thu May 26, 1988 W.T.COLBURN [Wild Bill] at 22:23 EDT I had to say it....I finally finished the game! It was a tough fight, but lots of fun. Now, I can't wait for the next installment. Dave Small, is this what you do between giving the babies their baths?? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 118 Thu May 26, 1988 R.SCHRADER at 22:35 EDT [[[*s ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 119 Thu May 26, 1988 R.SCHRADER at 23:58 EDT OK , I have clockwise puzzle figured out . To get to to gold keyhole from se"go to the right, past the corner one step , turn around. to the chest ,go right 2 steps and turn around d the key, when you see the rings on the wall ,turn around and look next corner. Do I got it right? Try it! n the knight level ,how do I open these 2 rooms with the keys in them? seem to be no buttons nor keyholes ! One room is in the middle of the large room, the r is at the end of a long hallway off same large room. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 120 Fri May 27, 1988 DAVESMALL at 01:20 EDT Ah, thank you Bob. That at least gives me an idea! Looks like we're going to restart, this time with two fighters, a wizard and a priest, with the wiz/priest having ninja abilities on the side. The front two get whopped on a lot; they need all the help they can get. -- Thanks, Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 121 Sun May 29, 1988 W.E.BOYD-JR [WEB] at 20:34 CDT I figured out what the problem was getting past the force field/transporter in "I hate cowards" , one of my people had a bandage on thier foot. Just because the health is maxed out does not mean the people are OK It took a level 3 or 4 potion to heal my person then the force fields were no problem. Thanks for the help. WEB ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 122 Tue May 31, 1988 DAVESMALL at 17:21 EDT Okay, got the stuff out past the eye on Level 3. Many thanks; it was driving me batty. So what do I do with these grates on the floor of Level 4? And how do I do it with purple worms chasing me? *pant, pant* --grin, Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 123 Tue May 31, 1988 JRHARRIS at 20:45 CDT Wow, finally, after many long hours of poring thru these hints, I have fished this game no thanks to the infamous "SYSTEM ERROR 60". Do you know that it takes 4 minutes and 5 secs to boot this sucker from go to restore a saved game? Well of course you do! Thanks to everyone here for all the hints. I must admit tho the end was anti climatic [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [climatic. Need to be able to go back and whomp some more of those monsters. By the way, I never saw this solution for the dragon, but you can lure him into the hallway that you enter his lair by, then back up to the wide place, freeze him then quickly run back, hit the wall switch to close the secret door, and zip to your right before it can close. Then pick up all the goodies at your leisure. I finally gave up trying to kill him! ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 124 Tue May 31, 1988 MRAYMOND [OBI WAN] at 21:24 CDT Re the grates: look at them, admire them, ignore them.. they're just part of the decor.*s ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 125 Wed Jun 01, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 02:10 EDT Hi Rick..! Those doors on the Knights level are controlled by pushbuttons waaaaaay across the level from the doors themselves... if you find a button on the wall that doesn't seem to do anything, go back and check the doors... See you at Cottage Inn..! BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 126 Wed Jun 01, 1988 DAVESMALL at 19:31 EDT Obi Wan -- many gracias (to butcher two languages at once). I was wondering. -- Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 127 Mon Jun 06, 1988 J.D.THOMAS at 20:48 EDT Gee, It's hard to believe that this msg base is still going so strong. I finished DM back in Feb (Yep, I had the original v1.0) and have been waiting...waiting...waiting...for the rumored mini-adventure. Now I hear that there is a DungeonMaster 2 coming out. Anyone out there know more than me? In the meanwhile, I have been halfheartedly puttering around on my ST.....a bad case of post-DM depression. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 128 Mon Jun 06, 1988 W.E.BOYD-JR [WEB] at 20:47 CDT J.D. WHY not try the game with just one adventurer?????? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 129 Sat Jun 11, 1988 C.MULLER at 12:43 EDT I heard there is a secret exit on the dragon level that you can use to go up to the high levels even after youve taken the gem.... has anyone found this? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 130 Sun Jun 12, 1988 C.MULLER at 15:37 EDT Attention DM players.... I just had a look at the DM hint book that is being marketed at between 10 and 15 dollars. Don't buy it! It has pages and pages of useless or common sense information, and the information that should be the most useful seems to be bogas in many cases. There is a listing of magic items and their purpose in the back of this manual. I compared my findings to those listed, and in many cases information was left out or was bogas. Here's some examples: 1. Magic Mirror - book claims these can damage etheral creatures (ghosts etc.) poppycock! 2. Pendent Feral - book claims these raise agility and wisdom... I have one of these and it does neither (that I can tell) for me, but instead raises my wizard level by one! The book mentions nothing of this very nice (and I think most important) power! Book claims Gem of Ages adds to mana or magic ability I've noticed no such effect, have you? then there's the mystery items... Has anyone found any of these? Item Powers according to Hint Book 1. Dex Helm adds to dex 2. Spirit Eye protect against magic 3. Conduit fires lightning bolts 4. Power Towers adds to strength If anyone has any information concerning any of the above mentioned items or misinformation please leave a response and in the mean time save your money for the next DM sequel and pass on the hint book. Chris. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 132 Sun Jun 12, 1988 A.WORRELL at 16:30 PDT I have also finished DM and I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting ANY new version to be released by FTL. Sylvia was very couteous [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [Crteous in taking my name, etc. but it seems the next adventure is not yet ready. I would like to mention a few notes to you all on DM. 1. Get th upgrade...NOW!! It is free and really makes the game much more enjoyable when you don't haver to worry about it [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [D [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [C [Clocking up. 2. Try buting the backup disk (only $10) first. It took only two days to arrive and I had the new version in my macj [D [Dchine while I sent in my original. The original took about 4 days turnaround. 3. PLEASE help with with a letter campaign to FTL. I talked to them at our users group meeting (ATARI COMPUTERS OF ORANGE COUNTY) and they said that future versions would let us use our double sided disk drives. This is just fine, but they have no plan to let us use our SECOND (B) drive for the save game function!!!! Imagine, no more disk swapping!!! FTL is a very small company (about 14) and they will respond to even a small amount of feedback. Call Sylvia when you order you upgrade, or write them a letter (BETTER). You will be pleased with their future games if they respond to your request for B drive support. 4. PLEASE DO NOT help anyone to pirate this fine game program!! FTL [C [C [C [C [C [C ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 133 Sun Jun 12, 1988 RIKI at 17:32 PDT Hi there, I just want to put my own two cents in about the new book out called "Dungeon Mastery"..First of all I think it was a complete rip-off of my money. It had almost nothing of use to anyone who wants to learn more of what this game is all about. The book is something that everyone should have gotten free with the program, since all it contained was very vague hints, and red herrings for the adventurer to go searching fruitlessly for in the dungeon,(something like the novella Rainbird includes with their games like Starglider etc..). What would have been worth seeing in this book would be: 1) A complete listing of all the monsters in the game, complete with their vital statistics, weaknesses, strengths, hitpoints. 2) An Offical map of all levels of the dungeon, including the level numbers, which will put an end to all of the confusion on weather or not to include the "Hall of Champions" as a level. 3) A list of all weapons and armor which can be found in the game, with complete info on each, eg. magical uses, how hard it hits, who uses it the best. 4) A complete list of treasures and their properties, be it magical, or just red herrings. 5) A list of magic spells and who should cast them...(I still have yet to find the proper spell to make a FUL bomb) 6) A list of the champions frozen in the mirrors, and a list of their strengths, and how fast each develops To me, this information would have been worth paying $12.95 for, and not this piece of junk which is on the shelf today. So save your money for the next Dungeon Master adventure. /s ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 134 Sun Jun 12, 1988 F.PRINCE [Prince] at 22:21 EDT I need major help! I am on level 9 according to the maps by MJS and I can't find a way to open this one door! It is the door before the corridor that leads to the fireball cannon chamber and it won't open. (Actually it's a gate.) There is a grate right in front of it and a lever on the wall to the right. Right on the other side of the gate is a chest and something else and when the lever is pulled all that happens is a pit opens under the objects and they fall. Doing the lever again will only open and close the pit. Please help!!!!!! Also, as mentioned in the previous message, does anyone know how to make a FUL bomb? P.S.---> To anybody who hasn't figured this out yet and has enough food and water to try: If you have a character who has *no* spell ability (0 mana), you can give him/her spell ability by putting one of those objects (such as various wands) that give a small increase in mana (but it has to be at least 4 points or it won't work) in his/her right hand. Now cast a low power light spell, resting when a mana increase is required. Soon he will rise in level and you can start casting more powerful spells. My Halk would now be a terrific wizard if I didn't have such a shortage on food. Will there be an abbundance of food soon? My characters are getting mighty hungry. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 135 Sun Jun 12, 1988 SCOTT.R at 22:27 CDT F.PRINCE: I am a little ahead of you, next level. To get past the gate, I went back to the previous level and dropped myself down the pit just above the room with the chest and lever. It is easy to find the right pit if you printed out the maps. Just place them one on top of the other and you will know which one it is.... Scott ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 136 Sun Jun 12, 1988 C.JENSEN2 at 22:19 PDT Can anyone tell me how to open the door in the northeast corner of the "knight" level? According to the map I downloaded (level 12) it contains a key and 2 items. It looks like the key is vital to continuing in the area on the otherside of the 4 pits. By the way is there another way across the 4 pits other than using a rope? Thanx, Curt ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 137 Wed Jun 15, 1988 DAVESMALL at 20:47 EDT Just a note of thanks .. my wife and I are through the "bouncing fireballs" chamber, thanks to the help we've gotten here (in getting through L4 and L5). Going strong -- thanks! -- Dave p.s. Sure is fun hunting purple worms and slices on L4 for food... when awhile ago they'd terrorize me. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 138 Wed Jun 15, 1988 MRAYMOND [OBI WAN] at 21:50 CDT Dave, just wait until you decide it's time to build up some Ninja points, so you decide to take on Purple worms barehanded..... then you know you have arrived! ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 139 Sat Jun 18, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 01:25 EDT Just a note to everyone who's been disapointed in the official FTL hintbook.. There will soon be a much more useful book available from Unicorn Publications... watch for the announcement...! (It'll include everything that RIKI suggested, and more..!) BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 140 Sat Jun 18, 1988 C.MULLER at 02:46 EDT Bob, Is this an official hintbook, or an independent project? By the way, FTL is passing on bogas information on purpose because they claim they don' t want their game catalogued; they want to keep some mystery in the game. Well that would be very nice if you were *EVER* going to use these bogas red herring, mystery shrouded items...but guess what folks you lose ALL that's right ALL you items in the miniadventures... I'm very disappointed...I thought if anyone could finally do a progressive adventure (i.e. you keep items and xps as you go from adv to adv) FTL would be the one. Well, major let down, they're just like everyone else...The mysterious God of take your weapons away strikes again. Phhuuuueeeeeeyyyyyy! Chris. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 141 Sun Jun 19, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 20:04 EDT Chris... this will be an independent effort, with maps, illustrations, hints and a level-by-level section with specific information... all organized so that you can go only for the amount of help you need, and can avoid seeing any specific solutions until you need them... "Twice the info, at Half the price"... how's that for a slogan..? :) ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 142 Tue Jun 21, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 01:10 EDT I just got my official FTL Dungeon Master hintbook today... like some of the reviews I've already read, my impression is mixed... It's a very good story, and quite readable as a "fantasy genre" work... but it really doesn't seem to give the level of help that most DM players are going to be looking for, at least in my opinion... It was obviously written to avoid any "giveaway" specific hints... very much like the style of the original DM manual... but I'm afraid that anyone who's *really* stuck isn't going to get the kind of help that they need... Most of what I read made sense, but I think that was because I already knew what the book was talking about... someone looking at it from the "other side" might not fully understand the hints that are being given... I really didn't think that there was a lot of "mis"information being given, just that the information that was given was too obscure to be truly helpful... I still would recommend that any true Dungeon Master player buy and read the book... but... I think there's still a niche for a true "hintbook".. (My publisher says August 1... when I told him July 4... sigh.. the wheels sure do turn slowly...) BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 143 Wed Jun 22, 1988 DAVESMALL at 03:21 EDT Can anyone help me get past the gate on L9 (after the fireball room) where you pull a lever, the chest disappears into a pit, and in the room below the pit you find a green gem? What exactly do I do? The gem has a hint -- "put it back..." ... but I'm confused about it. Many thanks for the help. Yep, there is a real need for a hint book. I feel the FTL hint book should have been bundled with the game -- I needed more specific solutions, not general techniques. Something like Infocom's book. -- Thanks, Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 144 Wed Jun 22, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 05:20 EDT Dave... to open the gate, you need to go UP first... then DOWN catestrophically, unless you have a rope... The "put it back" business seems to be just a clue that you *can* get to the other side of that gate... BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 145 Thu Jun 23, 1988 DAVESMALL at 16:06 EDT Many thanks; I'll give it a try. -- Dave ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 146 Fri Jun 24, 1988 C.MULLER at 03:22 EDT Actually Bob you are supposed to pull the lever to close the trap door, then you go up the stairs drop the gem in the spot where it used to rest inside the chest and the gate will open. There is no need to jump through the pit yourself although it is faster that way. Chris. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 147 Sat Jun 25, 1988 L.HARRIS at 09:59 PDT I downloaded the Maps by "MJS". It has secret doors starting on level 4 , I believe. How do I open these doors? I can't play DM a lot. Desktop Publishing and Wordprocessing, (my wife) takes a lot of time. I need just a little help. I finished Sundog just fine, but this is my first attempt at any Dugeon type game. Wow Desktop Publishing, Wordprocessing, Databases and and more. Now if Atari could start Advertising the ST on T.V. oops wrong topic. Any help with DM would be appreciated. Leon ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 148 Sat Jun 25, 1988 JRHARRIS at 17:13 CDT Leon, there are m ny different ways to open secret doors. Some require a special object, like the mirror. Some are opened by looking carefully for very small 'buttons' on the wall or in cracks. Some are opened by a sequence of actions. If you have trouble with a particular door, I suggest you download the arced file of this topic from the library, (I believe it's in two parts now) load the unarced file into a wp and 'search' for related words. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 149 Sat Jun 25, 1988 M.HAND [Marc Handler] at 19:59 EDT I was trying to take the firestaff back out the front gate as has been suggested.......but I'm getting stuck back on the first (??) level past the HOC. The iron grate/porticulus just past (or actually just before) "Step Inside, Take a Ride" is closed...... 1) Am I back-tracking properly??? Both maps and memory say I am, but it HAS been about 5 months since I last did any DM. 2) What must I do to get the grate/porticulus open?? I tried all the obvious things like firing arrows, Mon-Zo spells and looking for a nearby button, lever or plate...found no levers or buttons, and the few plates I found had no effect. Please Send E-mail to M.HAND or answer here in Cat 21, Topic 2. Thanks in advance for any help.... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 150 Sat Jun 25, 1988 S.ROSE at 17:44 PDT Say, I sure am having some trouble figuring out how to get past the pit room on the 'treasure stores' level. this has been asked a couple times, but no one has really answered it. I have gotten to the passage on the right, but cannot ge spots, but that just ussually gets me trapped, please help as i am really stumped!!!!! thanx... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 151 Sat Jun 25, 1988 B.SIEFERT1 at 20:33 CDT A couple of things I'd like to ask. 1. When people talked about going back to the top with the firestaff did you have the gem on top of it. If i transfused the gem the only two exits i know of get closed and you can't leave. 2. On the knight level according to the maps from MJS there is a key in a room in the upper right hand corner. How can i get it. PLEASE 3. 180 degrees from that room is another hidden room that doesn't appear on the map. It has one knight in it, three potions and a scroll that says OH EW SAR is an invisibilty spell. Don't ask how I got in I was using the Look Through Wall spell and it opened the secret door. 4. Are there more that just the one ruby key. I have version 1.2 so i don't know if that makes a difference i the Above questions. Any help would be appreciated. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 152 Sat Jun 25, 1988 C.JENSEN2 at 23:21 PDT Once you "meld" the gem to the firestaff you can no longer travel back up past the "Dark Lord" level. Curt ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 153 Sun Jun 26, 1988 M.PALISANO [Mikey] at 04:06 EDT How can I tell which version of DM I have. There is no indication on the disk lable. Also how does one go about getting the upgrade? ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 154 Sun Jun 26, 1988 W.T.COLBURN [Wild Bill] at 08:48 EDT The version shows up on the screen with the Buttons for Load game if I remember correctly. Also, some of the secret doors aren't really there at all. Just walk right through them. ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 155 Sun Jun 26, 1988 CHARDIMAN at 09:41 EDT B.SIEFERT1--for some rooms, buttons that trigger the doors are not in the same vicinity. If you find a button that seems to have no direct effect, keep in mind that you may be opening a distant door. Take a walk and look for that button, even if it means wandering clear to the dungeon's other side. -- Clayt ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 156 Sun Jun 26, 1988 S.ROSE at 15:06 PDT Hello? I would like to see a reply to my messqge 150,as i am really stumped! I need to know how to get through the pit room on the treasure stores level. Also any strategies as to how to get through the arena would be helpful. thanx... ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 157 Sun Jun 26, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 18:52 EDT Whew...! Lotsa questions..! (Maybe what you all need is an order form for my book...?) :) The pit room is tough because the last pit on the left, just before the exit to the left can only be closed by stepping on the right spot in the room... the others along the left wall can be closed by moving forward and back along that wall... I don't have the notes which give the exact spot to step on right here, but it's near the back wall, within sight of at last pit, so you can see it close... then make your way back to the ront, then along the left wall... and watch out for those blasted flying rattlesnakes, too..! It's true... once you fuse the Firestaff and the Power Gem, there's no going back... that means you MUST have *everything* you think you're going to need down on the bottom two levels before you get the Gem..! Marc, I can't think of any reason that grate door should be closed..! They all should be open from when you first went through...! That room at the top of the map on the "Knight" level is opened by a button in a room at the lower left of the map... the button doesn't seem to do nything, but if you go allllll the way back, you'll find the door open... There's only one Ruby Key, but that's all you'll need... BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 158 Mon Jun 27, 1988 S.ROSE at 18:10 PDT BobR - Thanks for the tip! Ill try that right away....l8r ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 159 Fri Jul 01, 1988 SCOTT.R at 21:31 CDT I am on the 'clockwise' level and need help. I wandered around the corridor and suddenly the stairs vanished, then after some more wandering there appeared a portcullis (sp) with a few items behind it. Now I need to duplicate this feat, as I went thru it without my wizard (he died fighting the scorpions) I need some specific advice on how to maneuver thru this level, and how to get down from it (or up for that matter). Any help is appreciated. Thanks. Scott ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 160 Sat Jul 02, 1988 R.RETELLE [BobR] at 02:29 EDT Scott.. you have to move Clockwise through this room, then turn around and move the other way... I'm *still* trying to get the exact path through this room down... Watch closely for Keys, and try moving forwards and backwards, both clockwise and counter-clockwise... BobR ---------- Category 21, Topic 2 Message 161 Sat Jul 02, 1988 JRHARRIS at 02:56 CDT The 'clockwise' room is unmappable by conventional means, but, if you start in the corridor, facing the word "clockwise", then turn to your right and go down to the next corner and turn around, you are in a different corridor. To get back to the work 'clockwise', just turn around and go back til you find it. Next time, go on around the next corner to the right and then turn around, and you are in yet another corridor. I believe that there are four corridors in all, and you have to visit one of them at least twice in order to get out of here. ----------