Hello Mila; I hope that everything is going well with you these days. I did receive your most recent letter and I am sorry for the delay. I want to be honest with you and let you know that it was I who had requested the form be sent to you from the Asian Experience. Do you remember it? It had a lot of questions about various things and is real important when a man is considering a woman as a potential future wife from your country. Unfortunately Mila, after reading the form, it really seems like we don't have a lot in common on many subjects. I think that we could be friends but I think that a happy marriage could probably not occur between us since we see some things so very differently. If you choose to continue to write to me it would be very nice. And if you would like for me to discuss the little questionnaire I am perfectly willing to do so. At any rate, thank you for being honest and open. And please do not consider my response to the questionnaire as reflecting how any other man may feel. You are a very nice woman Mila and I am very glad that we have had this chance to become friends. Please write to me if you wish ok? I will be leaving for my vacation at around the beginning of June. God Bless you Mila and may your birthday and every birthday be a truly joyous occasion. Your friend from Crockett, California, Donald.