Hello Edsel and Amiel! How's it Going guys? Well you're probably thinking that I forgot your birthdays Well I didn't. In fact I was thinking about your birthdays for the whole month of February. The only thing that I couldn't remember were the dates! I wasn't able to find that little piece of paper that Guen had made for me which had your birthdays written on it. So I'd go to work and say to myself " Gosh, I know that someone in Guen's family has a birthday soon but without that paper I just can't remember who". So I was going to write to Guen and have her send me another list with everyone's name and birthday on it. Well I guess that's what I get for cleaning up around the house. Now I can't find anything! Anyway, after searching around I finally found the list. I had put it in a secret place that I told myself I'd never forget; inside a book called "Unsolved Mysteries of the World". Then I couldn't remember where the secret place was! Well the mystery is most certainly solved and here is a little gift for the two of you. May God bless you both and don't forget to brush your teeth, comb your hair and keep up with the latest dance steps. Take care always. Your buddy from California Donald.