0: illegal character in source file 2: constant out of range 3: open comment at end of file 4: string terminator not on this line 5: too many errors 6: string too long 7: too many identifiers (identifier table full) 8: too many identifiers (hash table full) 20: identifier expected 21: integer constant expected 22: "]" expected 23: ";" expected 24: block name at the END does not match 25: error in block 26: ":=" expected 27: error in expression 28: THEN expected 29: error in LOOP statement 30: constant must not be CARDINAL 31: error in REPEAT statement 32: UNTIL expected 33: error in WHILE statement 34: DO expected 35: error in CASE statement 36: OF expected 37: ":" expected 38: BEGIN expected 39: error in WITH statement 40: END expected 41: ")" expected 42: error in constant 43: "=" expected 44: error in TYPE declaration 45: "(" expected 46: MODULE expected 47: QUALIFIED expected 48: error in factor 49: error in simple type 50: "," expected 51: error in formal type 52: error in statement sequence 53: "." expected 54: export at global level not allowed 55: body in definition module not allowed 56: TO expected 57: nested module in definition module not allowed 58: "}" expected 59: ".." expected 60: error in FOR statement 61: IMPORT expected 70: identifier supplied twice in import list 71: identifier not exported from qualifying module 72: identifier declared twice 73: identifier not declared 74: type not declared 75: identifier already declared in module environment 76: dynamic array must not be value parameter (TDI restriction) 77: too many nesting levels 78: value of absolute address must be of type CARDINAL 79: scope table overflow in compiler 80: illegal priority 81: definition module belonging to implementation not found 82: structure not allowed for implementation of hidden type 83: procedure implementation different from definition 84: not all defined procedures or hidden types implemented 85: name conflict of exported object or enumeration constant 86: incompatible versions of symbolic modules 88: function type is not scalar or basic type 90: pointer-referenced type not declared 91: tagfield type expected 92: incompatible type of variant constant 93: constant used twice 94: arithmetic error in evaluation of constant expression 95: incorrect range 96: range only with scalar types 97: type-incompatible constructor element 98: element value out of bounds 99: set-type identifier expected 100: declaation needs to much space 101: undeclared identifier in export list of module 102: range not belonging to basic type 103: wrong class of identifier 104: no such module name found 105: module name expected 106: scalar type expected 107: set too large 108: type must not be INTEGER or CARDINAL or ADDRESS 109: scalar or subrange type expected 110: variant value out of bounds 111: illegal export from program module 112: code block for modules not allowed 120: incompatible types in conversion 121: this type is not expected 122: variable expected 123: incorrect constant 124: no procedure found for substitution 125: unsatisfying parameters of substituted procedure 126: set constant out of range 127: error in standard procedure parameters 128: type incompatibility 129: type identifier expected 130: type impossible to index 131: field not belonging to record variable 132: too many parameters 134: reference not to a variable 135: illegal paramater substitution 136: constant expected 137: expected parameters 138: BOOLEAN type expected 139: scalar types expected 140: operation with incompatible type 141: only global procedure or function allowed in expression 142: incompatible element type 143: type incompatible operands 144: no selectors allowed for procedures 145: only function call allowed in expression 146: arrow not belonging to pointer variable 147: standard functio or procedure must not be assigned 148: constan not allowed as variant 149: SET type expected 150: illegal substitution to word parameter 151: EXIT only in LOOP 152: RETURN only in PROCEDURE 153: expression expected 154: expression not allowed 155: type of function expected 156: integer constant expected 157: procedure call expected 158: identifier not exported from qualifying module 159: code buffer overflow 160: illegal value for code 161: call of procedure with lower priority not allowed 198: CARDINAL constant expected 199: BITSET type expected 200: size of structured type too large for this processor 201: array index too large for this element type 202: array element size too large for this processor 203: array index type too large for this processor 204: subrange too large for this processor 206: illegal subrange type 207: case label range too large 208: global data too large for this processor 209: local data too large for this processor 210: paramater data too large for this procssor 211: offset of record field too large for this processor 300: index out of range 301: division by zero 303: CASE label defined twice 304: this constant not allowed at this level 400: expression too complicated (register overflow) 401: expression too complicated (code table overflow) 402: expression too complicated (branch too long) 403: expression too complicated (jumptable overflow) 404: too many globals, externals and calls 405: procedure or module body too long (codetable) 406: expression too complicated 923: standard procedure or function not implemented 924: parameter must not be accessed by a WITH 941: displacement overflow in index addressing mode 942: 32bit by 32bit multiply/divide not yet implemented 943: index range must not exceed positive integer range 944: jump too long (overflow in pc-relative offset) 945: offset too long (overflow in pc-relative offset) 946: FOR control variable is not of simple addressing mode 973: DOWNTO only implemented for step -1 974: step 0 in FOR statement 981: constant out of legal range 982: overflow/underflow in range/offset/address calculation 990: too many nested WITH's 991: CARDINAL divisor too large (max 8000H) 992: FOR control variable must not have byte size (for step <> -1 or 1) 993: INC,DEC not implemented with two arguments for byte variable 994: too many nested procedures 995: FOR step too large (max 7FFFH) 996: CASE label too large (max 7FFFH) 997: type transfer function not implemented 998: FOR limit too large 999: missing symbol file(s)