Hello Guen, This is Donald and I want to wish you and your family the very very best from here in my little town of Crockett. I'm really having quite a lot of difficulty in starting this letter because I am quite aware that the contents of this letter are certainly going to as saddenning to you as it has been difficult for me to write. Guen you and I have both spent very very much time and energy in the pursuit of someone to be our loving companion; someone to call our very own now and always. I think that the only real differnce between you and I in this is that, because of my age, i have had more oportunity to have my heart dashed to peices after what I had thought to be unending love. What I am saying is that in the 39 years that I hae been on this earth I have had my heart broken so many times that's it's not even funny. I think that the only thing that kept me going was un unending hope and enough self respect to keep me going when it seemed I was ready to die. Without a doubt the greatest pain in the world is a broken heart from the loss of someone we love. And even now I am attempting to keep my spirits up while I discuss this with you. In a seriousness I would rather have a broken leg than a broken heart. When we are in love everything is wonderful. And when we are without love nothing has any meaning. As far as I can tell it's really as simple as that. Love really does make the world go round and everything is trivial compared to that. I can look back now to the time when I was twenty years of age when I lost my first and what I was convinced of at the time was my last love. Now i can tell you for sure that I am definelty not a playboy. I was raised in small towns by simple hard working parents in a good home and even to this day couldn't tell anyone how to be one nor do I have any interest in being one. In fact I think that the whole "playboy or playgirl" mentalilty is pretty terrible suited only for those who have no heart at all. Any way. When I lost my first love I ended up a complete wreck. I was destroyed. The next thing I knew I was joining religious groups to try and find the meaning of life. And to be honest with you that's how I came to be so familiar with the Bible. I was so miserable that I figured only God Himself could save this boy's heart. It's true Guen, nothing hurts more than a broken heart and no one knows this as well as I. Love is really tough. It's magical when it first happens but there is no magic to keeping it going. Love takes a lot of determination and a whole lot of compromise and trial and error. Ask any married couple who have been able to stay happily married for a several years and I think you might find that ther's a whole lot of real work and effort to keep a loving relationship together. Guen, I came to see you because in my opinion you are the finest woman out all the many many who wrote to me. I am honest about this. And let me mention something that you may not even be aware of. When I say you are the finest of all who wrote to me do you know what that means? I mean that of over 250 women that wrote to me from all over Asia you are by far the best of them all. I'm not telling you this to boast Guen, I'm telling you this to let you know how much I highly regard you and the wonderful parents that raised you. I guess if you could see yourself as I see you then maybe by the end of this letter you woon't feel sad. Maybe I can give you hope instead od sadness. Maybe I can help to prevent the heartache that I went through.I am speaking to with all honesty. If there is any woman across the Pacific who would make a wonderful wife it is certainly you. Guen I don;t know if there is anything I can say that would actaully convince you that what i am telling you is true. I am almost forty years old. I've been to many countries, I'm well educated and have had a great share of trouble to bear in my life so far. And if there is anything I have learned in almost forty years it is who is a good person and who isn't. I 've been lied to, turned down, misused, mislead and abandoned. But I've also been loved and cared for ,and loved and learned how to love in return. And you know what? through all these things we live. Because this is life. We take the good and the bad as it is given. And if we try too hard to make thungs turn out the way we want sometimes we just make a mess of things. So why in the world are the two of us even joining the Asian Experience. Well I beleive it is because we are both seeking the same thing and for our own reasons do not feel it can be acheived in our own country. For myself, after years of honestly looking for a good American gal I had vertually given up hope. I had come yto the conclusion that American women were just too spoiled to know a good man when they found one. And for sure they rarely were fit to be good mothers of children. I'm a simple guy and I really wanted a good simple wholesome woman. So I joined the Asian Experience. And out of all those that wrote to me there was one woman that I really beleived was one that was truly pure of heart and true. And that one special woman from all those that wrote was you Guen. And I mean this with all sincerity. You are by far the best. And that is why I made the second trip back to your home to see you.As you know coming back to see you was no easy task. it meant working a lot of overtime and planning. And I came back to see you Guen because you are worth all the effort, the planning and the sacrifice. I really didn't care about the beautiful hills or the beaches, I wanted to see you. Guen I'm just a regular American guy, I'm nothing special. And I had no idea that I would find so many letters in the mailbox every day from places I never heard of. But I'm telling you the truth Guen if you could see all those letters maybe then you what understand what I mean when I say in all honesty that you are BY FAR the finest woman of them all. And it was really obvious. At first i thought you were too young but then i met you and I realized that you are wonderfully mature. I guess it's the life style that you are raized in that makes people responsible atr an early age. Finding a good mate is hard work. It's really hard work. As far as I am concerned you can take all the romance books and throw them in the ocean. Because finding and keeping a good mate is lots of hard work. Especially if you're bald and don't look like Rambo! bald and don't look like Rambo!