This programs requires: 640K RAM IBM PC 386SX+ 1.35 Meg hard disk space TYPE C:\>SPACE (to run) VGA mouse If program will not load, this may be due to TSR's occupying memory. Remove unessential TSR's or drivers and try executing again. If colors seem dark, temporarily adjust the brightness and contrast controls on the monitor to the desired levels. For maximum performance, run all files from a RAMDRIVE. If you haven't the RAM for this, use SMARTDRIVE and FASTOPEN instead. The game can be played from a 1.44Meg floppy if necessary, however this will be slow. Remember to register your shareware with REGISTER.TXT if you enjoy this product and intend to keep it. You may copy and transfer the .ZIP file as much as you like for upload credit, etc. Keep all of the original files together - the program will not run if any are missing. THANX and enjoy this FRISK MAGAZINE!