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ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I run V9t9 and get error messages like 'ROM image C:\V9t9\ROMS\994AROM.BIN not found or invalid size.' I look in the directory and it's practically empty. What gives?" You really need to read the documentation. V9t9 doesn't come with any 99/4A ROMs due to copyright restrictions. See TRANSFER.TXT and ORDERING.TXT for ways to get them. In the meantime, run FORTH.BAT to use the provided ROMs, or run the demos (DEMOS.TXT). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I get weird errors having to do with configuration files." or "When I run MODULES, it says 'invalid entry'." or "My modules selection screen is messed up." If your V9t9.CNF or MODULES.INF files are being read incorrectly, or the emulator prints inexplicable error messages, first load up the file under a text editor and be sure it looks normal. (See CONFIG.TXT and MODULES.INF for a definition of "normal".) (V9t9.CNF) Make sure you're not misspelling a variable name somewhere. When the file is read, each variable name is turned into a number. Although each variable has a separate number, a misspelled variable name may match that of a completely different variable. If everything is fine, try erasing blank lines. (This SHOULD NOT be a cause of problems, but if it is, please tell me.) Otherwise, please send me a copy of the offending file so I can examine what's wrong. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I get these errors about CT-VOICE.DRV not being found." or "I don't hear any noise, and my card is Sound Blaster-compatible." This means your SOUND= DOS environment variable is either incorrect, or you don't have a true Sound Blaster. Noise, which currently requires the CT-VOICE.DRV driver that comes with SB cards, will only work on real Sound Blaster cards, until I figure out how to do DMA processing without the driver. (The driver, which comes with SB cards, appears to be "fixed" to work with its own cards only.) Edit your "PlaySound" variable in V9t9.CNF to stop V9t9 from looking for the driver (and playing noise). Speech and music, however, should work fine on cards that emulate the Sound Blaster, since they don't require drivers. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "V9t9 just locks up my computer." If you find the emulator locking up, then verify that it is indeed a lockup of V9t9.EXE and not of the 99/4A program being emulated. Some tests are the Ctrl/Alt+Fx functions, F12, CapsLock, Ctrl-Break, etc. If all of these fail to do anything to your computer whatsoever, then it's a real lockup. Try to ascertain if the lockup happened because of something you did, or if it appeared to be due to an executing program. (I.E., does it always happen under the same circumstances?) If the emulator locks up when you start the program (after selecting a module) then you may be a victim of the infamous keyboard LED setting bug. Set the V9t9.CNF variable "SetKeyboardLED" to "NO", and try again. If this fixes the problem, _please_ contact me and tell me so (see CONTACT.TXT); because I was pretty sure I got rid of that bug. One idea is to turn off the Sound Blaster DMA usage (see SOUND.TXT). It's the newest, quirkiest feature, until I get in there and hardcode the DMA routines myself, I have to rely on the stability of the CT-VOICE.DRV driver. If the emulator locks up when you are executing a run-time function or using the debugger, then tell me which one, and what you did. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "Sometimes, V9t9 just resets itself while I'm running programs." This is because the emulated program was about to lock up. Rather than terminating V9t9 and printing an error, or ignoring the error, or printing a message on the screen that'll pop up when you least expect it and scare you, V9t9 simply resets itself, which causes all open files to be closed and all the ROMs to be reloaded. It's the same as pressing Ctrl+F12. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "Speech sounds horrible." It's new, sorry. I had to guess at a lot of it, because it is undocumented. I'm hoping someone will help me out here (see SPEECH.TXT). If your computer is below a 386-DX/33, then one of the reasons for the bad speech is the half-assed speed-hungry way I implemented it. It'll be better next version, but I'm too afraid to completely change it right now before I release this version. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "Speech toasts performance." or "Speech makes V9t9 go very slowly for a while." Sorry. I implemented speech very badly and the slowdown is inevitable. It'll be fixed next version. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I've got this mondo digitized sound player but under V9t9 with the PC speaker, it's just cruddy." Programs which attempt to emulate digitized sound, by rapidly alternating tones, may not work as expected when using the PC speaker. This is due to the three-voice "toggling" feature, which only updates the speaker's status every 1/60 second. With one-voice-only digitizing, it ought to be fine. Or using the cassette port, it'll be okay. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "Diagonals don't work on the numeric keypad." The numeric keypad, when used as a joystick, does not register the 1/3/7/9 keys as diagonal keys due to a coding limitation. However, multiple keys (such as 2 and 4) may be held down to cause a diagonal. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "TIDIR shows a lot of files have 0 sectors, but they're not empty." or "TIDIR shows that the files have twice as much data as for real." This is a problem with files that TI Emulator! v4.0 and v5.01 created. Fix the files with TICHKDSK. (See 5CHANGES.TXT and UTILS.TXT.) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I create a file with the XXXXXX program, and it can't read it in again." If you find the emulator creating unreadable files (through DSKx FIAD access), tell me what kind of file it was trying to create (PROGRAM, DIS/FIX 10, etc., if you know), and send a copy of it to me along with your V9t9.CNF configuration file. Also verify the file with TICHKDSK: TICHKDSK /V (/V means verbose, not verify) If the file works after using TICHKDSK, but V9t9 repeats the same kind of problematic behavior with NEW files, please notify me. This is a bug. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "The directory listing is short. I have about 200 files in this directory, but V9t9 only shows 127." This is a 99/4A limitation related to direct catalog reads. Only 127 files may exist in a 99/4A directory at a time. Better organize your directories. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I can't save or load anything." Be sure your "DSKxPath" variables in V9t9.CNF are actually set up to point to the directory where you want to store files. (See CONFIG.TXT and DISKS.TXT.) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "My strange third-party cartridge doesn't work right under V9t9." or "In this wacky shareware game, the graphics are messed up." First thing is to try to run the offending program under V9t9_SLO. The V9t9.EXE program is not very "exact" about emulation in order to achieve better performance. V9t9_SLO.EXE is much more precise. (The difference lies in the handling of memory access.) Note that any programs which DO run differently under V9t9.EXE are probably poorly written and use nonstandard memory access. But please inform me of any such programs, so that I can make an effort to make them work with the "fast" V9t9. If specific programs do not work at all, tell me what they are, and where they die. I'm almost sure any 99/4A program will run under V9t9 now. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I'm using my own console ROM image, but it locks up under V9t9." If you're not using the real 99/4A console ROM or the provided FORTH ROM, then prevent V9t9 from applying default ROM patches with the "ROMPatches" variable in V9t9.CNF. (These patches are only for speed purposes -- V9t9 will run any ROM.) V9t9 will assume that you're using a 99/4A console ROM and patch it if it doesn't see the FORTH ROM. Since several patches are active by default, you'll have to undefine them all with "ROMPatches=-ALL". See CONFIG.TXT. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "There are weird graphics in the lower-left corner of the screen." Those are just the disk/RS232 "LEDs". These are meant to emulate the 99/4A's expansion box LEDs (which go on every time the device is accessed). See the "ShowDiskLED", "ShowEmuDiskLED", and "ShowRS232LED" configuration variables if you want to turn them off. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I've got a DOAD on DSK1 with the volumename 'MYDISK', but trying to access DSK.MYDISK.FILE doesn't work." You should get this problem if you have both the FIAD and DOAD (emulated and real) DSR ROMs loaded. The FIAD ROM, which comes first CRU-wise (at >1000), will always capture the DSK device. I don't know how to let the FIAD routines fail properly, so the real DSR ROM at >1100 won't capture it either. This bug should not occur when you're using FIAD-only or DOAD-only disk emulation. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "When I get into the integrated debugger and start doing intermittent tracing, it goes very slowly." Aside from setting the tracing to something like 4.25 seconds (the "I" command), this is probably because a device (such as cassettes or speech) has turned up the timer interrupt to a really high level (like 8000hz). This isn't a bug. Just wait until the device is finished working and everything will return to normal. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ þ "I'm trying to save to cassettes, but after it starts going, it just locks up. (But I can still stop V9t9.)" If this happens to you, your computer's probably too slow. Like mine. The cause for this is a timer-dependent routine in the 99/4A console ROM which could -- and does -- get stuck if the processor's too slow. Change the "MaximumInterruptSpeed" variable in V9t9.CNF to a lower value (lower than 1000, for example). Note that "cassette" access is write-only and is for entertainment value only anyway. 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