Building the object files for use on a CS/A65 machine should really
be only a make. If there weren't these many options one can change.
kernel options in oa1/oa1.a65:
ROM without ROM all options are set global or somewhere else
ROMTEST with ROMTEST the MMU is not loaded, but the contents of
the MMU registers secured with GETBLK. also memory is
not tested (to test a new system ROM)
CMOSCPU for (Rockwell) CMOS CPU
NOMMU system for a computer without MMU
NOSYSPORT system has no SYSPORT (at $efe0)
NOSINPORT system has no SYSPORT, but LED is driven, if a board is
plugged in
NOENVIRQ to build system where tasks cannot have an own irq routine
BATMEM main memory is nor erased at memory test (for battery buffered
NOMIRRORMEM if the memory chip is definitely not mirrored, one can
disable the test for this
CLK2MHZ if NOSYSPORT, the CPU clock has to be set here
NMIDEV enables NMI routine (only without MMU)
shell options in oash/sh.a65:
SHORTMON no assembler/disassembler in monitor
NOSYSFKT no file/system calls in monitor
NOMON no monitor
NOSH no shell
NOPRG without PRG header
fsiec options in oafs/fsiec.a65
INVERT parallel IEEE488 port output lines are inverted
PARALLEL do it for IEEE488 interface, not serial interface
NOCMD do not interpret other fs commands than FS_OPEN_*
NOFS do not register as fs - listen on bus only
NOLOOP do not listen on bus - register as fs only
STDTST include STDIO lib if needed.
NOPRG without PRG header
All these options can be set in stdrom/rom.a65, as there ROM is
defined also. This way all local defines are ignored.