PSXEMU v1.012a (c) 1997 MoG --------------------------- Read this --------- Please if you can, try PSXEMU with all of the PSX games you have. Afterwards, let me know on which games you tested, and what happens. You can contact me by e-mail at: or by ICQ at: uin: 2059209 nick: MoG (My goal is to make a list of all games running with the system.cnf method.) Intro ----- PSXEMU is a Playstation emulator for the PC, but this version is only a alpha doing nothing but loading the PS-X exe file. 1) Purpose ---------- To alow you to play PSX games on your PC (Not yet). 2) How to use it ---------------- Before doing anything, if you use Win 95 be sure to have the proper version of the OpenGL driver. You can download the lastest OpenGL version from: Simply set up the config.cfg file properly. (this is the PSX game path) ex: d:\; (The lines need to be end with a ";") After this run PSXEMU.exe. If everything works properly you will see a black screen (OpenGl Windows) press "esc" to exit or click on your right mouse bouton for a popup menu. 3) Revision History ------------------- Version Date Descriptiom 1.012a 07/19/97 System.cnf bug fixed 1.01a 07/09/97 Win 32 version + OpenGL + AutoRun. 1.0a 06/18/97 PS-X file load. 4) Bug reports -------------- Please send bugs reports and comments to Nicolas "MoG" Plourde ( 5)Incoming ---------- Try to make it work !!! -------------- = DISCLAIMER = -------------- This program is provided "AS IS". I shall not be liable for any kind of hardware damage, personal injuries, sleep deprivation workshops or whatever caused by the use of this program. Please check PSXEMU.EXE for viruses!. Although you can be sure that I don't want to infect your machine, i cannot guarantee 101% that mine is clean.