Don't ask me these questions... You will be ignored! Q: Can I play Final Fantasy VII on PSEmu? A: Not right now... When it will be playable You will be informed. Q: What's the password for source code? A: "marlboro" Q: Game named "xxxxxx" is not working... A: Wait for next releases. Or simply send me this game. I will take a look at non working routines. Q: Can PSEmu play sound. A: Not! It is really not important right now! Q: Tell me where I can get BIOS image? A: Just visit my page, there should be link to site that have it. Q: Can I have newer version of source code? A: Simply, no! Q: Could You send me documentation about PSX or tell me where it is? A: There is no doc about PSX internals. All knowledge is what I find by myself. If You want to start Your emulator project You can take a look at my source or do this like I'm doing... Just start thinking! Q: Can I port PSEmu to other platform? A: Not yet! To clear the code will take some time... If there will show up new version that will be portable I will inform everyone! Q: Could You upload me PSX Games images? A: Surelly not! First: they are really big! Second: Just support programmers! We need money, so pirating is not necessary! Q: Could You tell me how to copy a PSX disc? A: No. Use genuine CD! They are not so expensive, even I can afford buying 2 games per month! Look at previous answer! Q: Can I send You money??? A: Of course... Just this question is to be send via e-mail :)