This README file for ZX, emulator of ZX Spectrum on IBM PC compatible running DOS 3.3+. Program ZX fully emulates Z80 processor and some hardware attached to the Spectrum - printer on EPSON printers (graphical output) and tape of floppy/harddisk. Program is made to be as fast as possible, so many dirty trick are used te get best performance. E.G. there is no main loop for emulating instructions - so there's no way how to slow down emulation except of turn off `TURBO MODE' of processor. Average of emulation: 4.5 i80x86 instructions emulate 1 Z80 instruction (including all overhead). In fact, on 16MHz AT/286 got the same speed (in average) as the original ZX Spectrum. Full ZX coloring scheme is emulated on EGA/VGA. PC video card is set to a bit nonstandard mode 256x192 or to 320x192 - emulated screen and tape display together. Do not expect, that this emulation can be run in other environment than pure DOS in real mode. In addition, EGA/VGA writing mode differs from the mode used in DOS - so this is next possible source of incompatibity. Tape is emulated in the fd/hd directory. There is a file TAPEDIR, which contains information about ZX files in the directory. TM.EXE is the utility for maintaining tape emulation including copying, renaming, sorting etc. This TAPEDIR file is not mandatory - can be simply restored using TM.EXE. BASIC LOAD/SAVE commands are emulated to work with this environment. Keyboard is emulated on port I/O level in two modes - PC and ZX. ZX mode is `direct' mode - keycliks are simply passed to emulated Z80 i/o ports. PC mode gives you translation of most PC keys - like quotes, numpad keys and so on as a key-combination on `original' keyboard. Running program have `online help' ;-) on F1 key - there is a picture of original ZX keyboard with keywords and description of program hotkeys. This program is freeware - you are using it at your own risk - but if you really like like it, send $1 to us. Eduard Rindt Ludek Brukner