TIMEX SINCLAIR 1000 EMULATOR by Jeff Vavasour ("jeffv@physics.ubc.ca") ====================================================================== This program emulates a complete Timex/Sinclair 1000 equipped with TS2040 thermal printer and TS1016 16K RAM pack. (Printers must be Epson or Proprinter II compatible.) CGA is required and at least a 12 MHz system is recommended. This is FREEWARE. The package may not be altered or sold for profit, though free distribution is encouraged. A reasonable distribution charge to cover media costs is allowable. TS1000.EXE comprises the entire system. Simply enter "TS1000" to begin. You may return to DOS at any time by pressing CTRL-BREAK. The keyboard is remapped to imitate that of a TS1000. Only the alphanumeric keys, the ".", SPACE, ENTER, and SHIFT keys will function (aside from the special function keys). See the TS1000 manual for details on the keyboard. The standard powerup screen is black on cyan to mimick the appearance of the TS1000's video output. Press SCROLL LOCK to change this setting to white on black. In this latest release, version 2.1, I have disposed of the snapshot format in favour of more compact cassette-image files. Now simply use the TS1000's SAVE and LOAD commands to read and write programs in your MS-DOS directory. (These files are compatible to the Xtender's *.P files. If you include a path in the file name, use "/" instead of "\".) TS1000 programs may also be loaded at run-time by typing "TS1000 filename" at the MS-DOS prompt. Please send comments to "jeffv@physics.ubc.ca". (Sorry, I am unable to make the source code available.) Share and enjoy! *** HOW TO CONVERT VERSION 2.0 SNAPSHOTS TO VERSION 2.1 CASSETTE FILES: The cassette image files contain only the data written to cassette on a real TS1000, rather than the entire memory image. This means only the range 4009H to the end of the variables are saved. (The end pointer is found at memory location 4014H.) To convert a snapshot to this format, enter the following commands starting at the MS-DOS prompt: DEBUG old_name.IMG N new_name E 127 0 R CX 3FF3 W 109 Q This format is the same as the real TS1000 cassette files, except that the filename has been omitted. (Filenames go immediately before the data and are stored as strings with bit 7 of the last byte set. They use the TS1000 character set, not ASCII.) I leave it to others to figure out how to read TS1000 cassettes into a PC. (A SoundBlaster would seem the way to go.)