Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 11:27:43 EDT From: (TIMOTHY C. SWENSON) To: Subject: Q L H A C K E R ' S J O U R N A L ======================================================= #14 July 1993 The QL Hacker's Journal is newsletter decicated to supporting all QL programmers and is published as a service to the QL community by Tim Swenson. The QHJ is freely distributable in whole or part as long a mention is made of where the material came from. QL Hacker's Journal c/o Tim Swenson 5615 Botkins Rd. Huber Heights, OH 45424 (513) 233-2178 EDITOR'S FORUMN By Tim Swenson It's been a few months since the last QHJ, but I've been busy working on a few projects and doing some traveling. In early June I traveled to Newport, Rhode Island to attend the "Miracle in Newport 93" QL show. There I was able to meet some QL'ers that I have not met before, plus renew accquantances with those that I have met but not seen in a while. Attendence was fairly good. I was pleased to see that three vendors from the UK were able to make it. Stuart Honeyball of Miracle, Tony Firshman of T.F. Services, and Bill Richardson (can't remember what company he owned) provided a few new Sinclair stories for all to enjoy. The hit of the show was the new QXL card. I must admit that I did not take a close look at it, knowing that my pocket book was not ready for it (plus I don't have a PC to run it on). Some people were hesitant to buy, knowing that it is so new and not quite ready ( I believe the Basic is still being worked on). But, there was one buyer who braved the waters and bought a full QXL (I can handle 8 Meg of memory, but comes with various amounts of memory, so you can buy memory on the local market). The most entertaining story was the one Bill Richardson told about Sir Clive. About a year and a half ago, Bill ran across Sir Clive, whom he had known for some time. Sir Clive asked Bill what he was doing, and Bill mentioned that he was selling hardware and software for Sir Clive's computers. "You mean the Z88", said Sir Clive. "No, the QL", replied Bill. Sir Clive's answer was "The what?" It seems Sir Clive had forgotten all about the QL. While on the subject of Sir Clive, I happened to see a .sig file from a Sinclair fan (can't remember who it was) that said "If only Clive Sinclair was Bill Gates, and vice versa". Kind of makes you think. Now to another subject, I am working on a QL Freeware list. I know that there is an Freeware Exchange (IFE), but I am trying to compile a list of the more major QL freeware packages, like MicroEmacs, C68, GNU Awk, Yacc, QeM, and so on. Full packages, not just a short utility. Believe me, nothing I write will probably show up on the list. I plan to upload a draft version to Garbo. I hope others will download it and provide me with comments, additions, and changes. In the April 1993 edition of "The C Users Journal", there is an article covering natural language processing. The accompanying source code was plain C so I thought I would get it to run on the QL. I got a hold of the code and compiled it with C68. It compiled just fine (no errors or warnings). Then the test, to see if it will run. It seemed to work fine, execpt that it always returned "I don't know" to all the questions I asked it. I used the examples from the book and still no luck. As a control test, I compiled the code under MS-DOS with Mix Power C and everything worked fine. The examples in the book gave the proper answer. Now for some debugging. I put some print statements in the QL version to see where things might be going awry. After a while I noticed that the program was not looking at a file on disk as it should. I did not know if this was because of a buffer or an error with C68. Not having the expertise in C (or the time), I would like to throw the gauntlet to anyone out there. I can e-mail someone the source code or put it on disk. To further peak someone's interest, there was a follow on article in the June issue expanding the language processor (adding tense). I hope some C expert out there will take the time to port this program over to the QL. MORE ON TEXT EDITORS By Franz Herrmann Reading through Tim's article on text editors in QHJ #13, I found that his list of editors available on the QL was far from being complete. That is why I would like to add the following to his overview. SEDIT by Ralf Redoendt of Dilwyn Jones Computing A small and fast editor written in compiled SuperBASIC and assembly language. SEDIT is commercial but there is a free demo version. Under the Pointer Environment, SEDIT can be cloned, ie. several copies run from the same version. SEDIT does not require any system extensions. DME Thanks to C68, this powerfull editor has been ported from the Amiga. Similar to MicroEmacs, DME is a very large, fully programmable, can edit multiple files and is free. DME is much faster than MicroEmacs and has even been further improved over the Amiga version. QD by Jochen Merz Software QD, now at version 5.x, is a commercial editor for the QL and much different from all the others because it is using all the latest improvements to QDOS to the full: Pointer Environment, Things, Menu Extensions, Button Frame and more. The advantage is not simply a graphical user interface, optionally mouse driven, at the cost of increased memory requirements and reduced editing speed. QD is able to exploit higher screen resolutions due to the use of the Pointer Environment. This is important for those poeple who are using one of those Atari emulators with Extended MODE 4, it's successor, the QVME caard which gives up to 1024x1024 pixels resolution at four colors (provided you can pay for the monitor) for the Atari range of computers, the QXL card (Miracles 68040 QL to be pllugged into PCs) that will be able to support higher resolutions with future driver releases or the forthcoming so-called Graphics Card, another QL machine from Miracle. The QD window can be resized and repositioned at runtime. From version 5 onwards, QD has a much improved Thing interface, allowing other programs to control the actions of QD, you could even write your own commands for QD - if you are very good at machine code programming. QD does not support editing multiple files but it is not necessary because you can run several QD jobs from the same piece of code in memory. All the usual editor commands are implemented in menus and the more important ones can be called by short key presses. Other Editors There are even more editors but I have only heard of them resp. saw them from a distance at QL meetings: ArcEd from Cowo Electronics (Switzerland), the editors supplied with GenQL assembler and Computer One programming languages. Myself, I am using QD except for large files which QED loads and edits much faster. TEN COMMANDMENTS OF C PROGRAMMERS by Henry Spencer [ This was a document that I found on the Internet that I thought would be an interest to the C programmers out there - ED ] 1. Thou shalt run lint frequently and study its pronouncements with care, for verily its perception and judgement oft exceed thine. 2. Thou shalt not follow the null pointer, for chaos and madness await thee at its end. 3. Thou shalt cast all function arguements to the expected type if they are not of that type already, even when thou art convinced that this is unnecessary, lest they take cruel vengence upon thee when thou least expect it. 4. If thy header files fail to declare the return types of thy library functions, thou shalt declare them thyself with the most meticulous care, lest grievous harm befall thy program. 5. Thou shalt check the array bounds of all strings (indeed, all arrays), for surely where thou typest 'foo' someone someday shall type 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'. 6. If a function be advertised to return an error code in the event of difficulties, shou shalt check for that code, yea, even though the checks triple the size of thy code and produce aches in thy typing fingers, for if thou thinkest 'it cannot happen to me', the gods shall surely punish thee for thy arrogance. 7. Thou shalt study thy libraries and strive not to re-invent them without cause, that thy code may be short and readable and thy days pleasant and productive. 8. Thou shalt make thy program's purpose and structure clear to thy fellow man by using the One True Brace Style, even if thou likest it not, for thy creativity is better used in solving problems than in creating beautiful new impediments to understanding. 9. Thy external identifiers shall be unique in the first six characters, though his harsh discipline be irksome and the years of its necessity stretch before thee seemingly without end, lest thou tear thy hair out and go mad on that fateful day when thou desirest to make thy program run on an old system. 10. Thou shalt foreswear, renounce, and abjure the vile heresy which claimeth that 'All the world's a VAX', and have no commerce with the benighted heathens who cling to this barbarous belief, that the days of thy program may be long even though the days of thy current machine be short. INTERNET CONCISENESS CONSTEST Mark Schnitzius ( has started and runs the Internet Conciseness Contest. The contest is designed to provide an outlet for recreational programming. The contest accepts programs only in Ansi C. Scores are based on the number of tokens in a program. The lower the score the better. Mark is up to Round number 4. Below is the problems from each round. The Internet Conciseness Programming Contest Series Problem #1 -- Range Arithmetic Scientists modelling physical systems often need to perform arithmetic involving numbers which are not precisely specified. For instance, if the pressure in a tank is known to be greater than or equal to twenty and less than twenty-five, and this pressure increases by an amount greater than one but less than or equal to three, the resulting pressure will be greater than twenty-one but less than twenty-eight. This equation could be represented as [20,25)+(1,3]=(21,28) Notice here that the square brackets "[]" mean that the endpoint is included, while the round brackets "()" mean that it is not. Your job is to write a program which reads in simple range arithmetic expressions and produces the correct results. INPUT FORMAT: There will be one simple expression per line in the following format: where operator is one of "+" (addition), "-" (subtraction), and "*" (multiplication). You will not need to worry about division in this problem, as it presents some trickiness (especially when dividing by a range which includes zero). The ranges will be in this format: where is "[" or "(" is the integer denoting the low end of the range is the integer denoting the high end of the range is "]" or ")" is guaranteed to be LESS THAN . There will be no spaces or extra characters in the input. OUTPUT FORMAT: For each line of input, echo the expression that you read in, followed an equals sign, followed by the range that represents the result of the expression, in the same range format specified above. SAMPLE INPUT: [20,25)+(1,3] (4,5)*(1,2] [9,10]-[3,4) (-4,2)*[2,3) [-2,2]*(-2,2) [-2,2]*[-2,2) SAMPLE OUTPUT: [20,25)+(1,3]=(21,28) (4,5)*(1,2]=(4,10) [9,10]-[3,4)=(5,7] (-4,2)*[2,3)=(-12,6) [-2,2]*(-2,2)=(-4,4) [-2,2]*[-2,2)=[-4,4] Problem #2 -- TARGET NUMBERS Consider the numbers 1, 2, and 3. If you combine them using ordinary operators (+,-,*,/), possibly adding parentheses, they can be made to equal a number of different values: 1+2-3 = 0 3*2+1 = 7 (2+1)*3 = 9 The Problem: You are to write a program that, given a set of integers and a target integer, produces an arithmatic expression equaling the target value which uses ALL of the integers in the input set. You may use all of the above-mentioned operators. The precedence of the operators is defined as follows: '*' equals '/' greater than '+' equals '-' Hence, all multiplications and divisions are done first (left to right) before the additions and subtractions (which are also left to right). You may need to include parentheses in your expression, but ADD NO MORE THAN ARE NECESSARY. Input Format: YOUR PROGRAM MUST BE ABLE TO ACCEPT MULTIPLE DATA SETS. I will redirect a file containing judge data into your program, so your program must accept input from stdin. Each data set consists of three lines. The first line will contain a single integer where 2 <= n <= 5. The second line will contain POSITIVE integers seperated by spaces, which represent the set of integers you have to work with. The third line will contain an integer (POSITIVE or NEGATIVE) which is the value you are targeting. Output Format: For each data set, output (to stdout) an expression which equals the target number and uses EVERY integer in the input set, followed by an equal sign, followed by the target number. If it is not possible to generate the target number from the set of integers, output the line 'TARGET NUMBER UNREACHABLE'. Sample Input: 3 1 2 3 0 3 1 2 3 9 5 1 1 0 5 23 -13 3 1 1 1 8 3 10 5 13 26 5 2 2 2 2 2 20 Sample Output: 2+1-3=0 (1+2)*3=9 5*(1+1)-23+0=-13 TARGET NUMBER UNREACHABLE 10/5*13=26 ((2+2)*2+2)*2=20 Before you ask, here are some other points: o There may be more than one way to generate a target value. Print out only one -- it does not matter which, as long as the expression is well-formed and generates the correct target value without using more parentheses than are needed for that expression (there may be other expressions equaling the target number which use fewer parentheses, but as long as there are no extraneous parentheses in the expression you output, that is okay). o Only use the '/' in a situation where it will divide evenly. For example, if you are given the numbers 3, 2 and 2 with a target of 3, the equation '3/2*2=3' is incorrect, while '2/2*3=3' is okay. o You may not add a unary '-' to a number or expression to negate it. Combine the numbers using the four operators in a binary fashion only. o Do not combine numbers by catenating their digit strings. That is, do not combine a 5 and a 7 into 57. Problem #3 -- "Maximum Products" Here's a problem that sounds deceptively simple, but a lot of subtlety is involved in making it concise. The Problem: Given a long string of digits, insert a '*' into it so that the product formed is maximal. The input file consists of multiple lines of input. Each input line contains an n-digit number in columns 1 through n (1 < n <= 35). There will be no leading zeros in the input. Your output should be the original digit string with the '*' inserted, followed by an equal sign, followed by the resulting product. Leading zeros on any of the numbers that you output are not allowed. If more than one answer is possible for a given input, print any one. Sample input: 12343 10000000 333 10001 1122334455667788998877665544332211 Sample output: 123*43=5289 1000000*0=0 33*3=99 1000*1=1000 1122334455667788*998877665544332211= 1121074821037408888890148523519268 The Problem #4 -- Minesweeper This problem was adapted from the Windows game called 'Minesweeper'. Those of you familiar with the game need to pay close attention, as there are some differences. Consider the following 5x5 square grid: ----* ----- *---- *---- -*--- The asterisks on this grid represent 'mines'. The matrix that would result as a sweep of this grid would look like this: 00011 11011 22000 33100 22100 Here, a number in row column means that there are mines adjacent to (or directly at) row column . Your program is to read in matrices representing sweeps of a mine field and produce a map showing the likely locations of mines. Input Format: There will be multiple data sets. Each data set will start with a single integer n (1 <= n <= 10) on a line by itself. The next n lines will each contain n columns of single-digit integers representing the n by n matrix that is the minesweep of the field. Output Format: For each data set, output an n by n grid with asterisks showing the probable location of mines and minus signs as 'safe' locations as implied by the minesweep matrix that you read in. Print a blank line after each grid. If more than one answer is possible for a given input set, output any one answer. There is guaranteed to be at least one correct solution for any input set. PLEASE NOTE: A straight 'generate-all-possible-combinations- and-test' approach will not likely finish within the 5 minute time limit. Sample Input: 5 00011 11011 22000 33100 22100 10 0011100111 0011100111 0000111000 0000111000 0000111000 0012210000 0013320011 0013320022 1101110022 1100000011 Sample Output: ----* ----- *---- *---- -*--- ---*----*- ---------- ---------- -----*---- ---------- ---------- ---**----- ----*----* ---------* *--------- In round 1, Mark was not using a program to count tokens but used something like the number of characters, so programs were submitted that were very unreadable. I tried to running the winnner of round 1 using C68. It compiled fine, but did not run right. I've included it below for those that might want take a shot at decyphering this program. Round 1 winner #define Z(Y,X) if (X & h[2]) \ do {i=a[f^=g^=1] Y a[g+2]; W(<,c,b) W(>,d,e)} while ( f|g); #define W(V,U,T) if (f & g | i V U | i==U & !T) U=1,T=h[f]&h[g+3]&16; a[4],b,c,d,e,f,g; char h[5]; main(i,j) { while(gets(j)) { Z(*,sscanf(j,"%c%d,%d%3c%d,%d%c",h,a,a+1,h+1,a+2, a+3,h+4)) Z(+,1) Z(-,4) printf("%s=%c%d,%d%c\n",j,b ? 91:40,c,d,e ? 93:41); } } I found the round 3 problem to the be most interesting. My first thought was to try to find a way to solve it without using the brute force method. I thought a binary search might work when I noticed that the answer would tend to gavitate to the center, but there were cases where the answer would be at one end (like 1000*1). Here is my first attempt the program. 100 INPUT "Enter Number: ";in$ 110 LET position = 0 120 LET greatest = 0 130 IF LEN(in$)=0 OR LEN(in$)=1 THEN 140 PRINT "Bad Value" 150 STOP 160 END IF 170 IF LEN(in$) = 2 THEN 180 PRINT in$(1);"*";in$(2) 190 STOP 200 END IF 210 FOR x = 1 TO LEN(in$)-1 220 y = in$(1 TO x) 230 z = in$(x+1 TO ) 240 total = y * z 250 IF total > greatest THEN 260 position = x 270 greatest = total 280 END IF 290 END FOR x 300 PRINT in$(1 TO position);"*";in$(position+1 TO ) By looking at the program, I was able to whittle it down at bit, but at the sacrifice of neatness and it's readability. Here is the second version. 100 INPUT "Enter Number: ";in$ 110 position = 0 120 greatest = 0 130 IF LEN(in$)=0 OR LEN(in$)=1 THEN PRINT "Bad Value" : STOP 140 IF LEN(in$) = 2 THEN PRINT in$(1);"*";in$(2): STOP 150 FOR x = 1 TO LEN(in$)-1 160 IF (in$(1 TO x) * in$(x+1 TO )) > greatest THEN position = x : greatest = in$(1 TO x) * in$(x+1 TO) 170 END FOR x 180 PRINT in$(1 TO position);"*";in$(position+1 TO ) ANOTHER LOOK AT MAZES [In QHJ #12 there was an article on Cellular Automata that discussed how CA could be used to quickly and easily solve mazes. On Usenet I've seen some postings that deal with other ways to solve mazes (the more "classical" appoaches). I thought they would be of interest. - ED] >Can anyone gave me suggestions as to algorithms for >searching and finding the shortest path through a maze? A maze can be thought of as a graph, where the starting point is the "start vertex" and the destination is the "end vertex." Then by modeling the maze as a graph such that a vertex represents a "decision point" in the maze where more than one path can be followed, and where the edge represents the path between two such "decision points," then the "shortest path" algorithm for a graph will find the shortest path in the maze. _______________ |S X | S----------X-------X |------ |----X| S = Start / / |--X ---| __| | E = End / / | | | X | X / | | | --------| | X | | ---- --- | | \ |__X_____X__|E| | \ X---------X-----E We can create a "vertex" at all decision pints ("forks in the road"). There are marked "X" ni the graph above. The edges will exist if there's a direct path between two X's without crossing another X. We then have a graph, and when a "shortest path" algorithm returns the set of vertices (in order) which have been visited, we can "transform" the problem back to a maze and find the path selected. In the above example, there are clearly two paths that work; the "shortest" would depend on the length of the edges ( as represented by a "weight" for each edge. There are several "weighted graph shortest edge" algorithms, such as Dijkstra's algorithm. Any decent book on algorithms will give you this algorithm ( and might even discuss a "maze-to-graph transformation" in more detail. Tim Irvin J056600@LMSC5.IS.LMSC.LOCKHEED.COM --------------------------------------------------------- Breadth First Search. This requires marking maze cells as "distance K from entrance", and appending the indices to these cells to a queue. You can, for example, thread the queue through an array representation of the maze itself: if a cell holds (i,j,k), then it is distance k, and the next cell on the queue is cell (i,j). BFS is basically this: 1. mark and put in the queue neighbors of the entrance cel (distance k = 1). 2. repeat this step until the queue is empty, or (*): mark the neighbors of the head of the queue (distance k+1) and append them to the queue, if they are not already marked; move the head-of-queue to successor. (*) the first time the exit cell is marked, it's distance to the entrance becomes known; a trace-back (k->..->0) can be done to produce an optimal path. William Chang (