48K Disk Basic is a system for Sinclair +3 machines which gives compatibility with 48K programs (such as BIAS) together with a flexible disk interface which includes an extended CAT command and a COPY command which can copy disk files to and from tape. Included in the zip file is a text file giving full details of the features offered by 48KDB. Also included are the boot program and machine code and a disk relabelling program for the extended catalogue, all in xzx save-file format. That format is as follows: bytes 0-3: the characters "ZXF1" bytes 4-20: a Spectrum tape header bytes 21-: the file's contents. The data from each file can therefore be extracted by stripping off the first 21 bytes. Note: This software is only suitable for version 4.0 machines. The version number is contained in the system test message, which may be obtained by going to the TV test screen (hold the break key and press reset) and then pressing together the keys Q, A, Z, P, L and M.