MANIC MINER Software Projects 1983 CONTROLS : Keyboard, Kempston --------------------------------------------------------------------- AIM : In his first appearance, Miner Willy is trying to strike it rich and collect all the keys to the mine in which he works. GAMEPLAY : On each of the twenty levels are several keys, which you must collect before your oxygen supply runs out. Having collected the keys you must then go to the exit to go on to the next level. COMMENTS : "The all-time classic of arcade games on the Spectrum." (Sinclair User) NOW : This was the game that spawned a thousand clones. MM was the original ladders and levels game from which all others are (reputedly) descended and is, needless to say, a classic. It is still surprisingly playable, even if the theme tune is unforgivably bad... --------------------------------------------------------------------- KEYS : Left } Alternate top Right ) row keys Jump - Z to M, SPACE