0.11a FIRST PUBLIC RELEASE - ALPHA RELEASE (5/6/97) 0.12a (5/12/97) A Few minor modifications : Buttons use Select event rather than Enter event The Dest and Number fields in the main form are saved. The page generation is a little bit faster. MAINLY, Addition of the 'Use CTS' and 'Use RTS' check boxes in the modem config dialog. The communication with the Pilot Modem seems to require those signals. IF You have a PILOT MODEM, check these boxes and nread the 'Troubleshooting' section of the Fax012a.txt file. 0.13a (5/21/97) * Correction of the bug which disabled the saving of the CTS/RTS state. * Correction (I Hope...) of the bug causing a 'Memory Error' and a reset of the Pilot sometimes when initialising the memory to build the page. * Modification of the message handling loop to enable the buttons to appear in inverse video when pressed. * Modification of the Characters to Bitmap conversion. It now supports fonts with characters up to 16x16 pixels. As a consequence, you can use the different built in fonts of the Pilot (Std, Bold, Large) * Merged the USE CTS and USE RTS as they were always used together. * Added the ability not to use XON/XOFF * Added the settings of the left and right margins. 0.14a (5/30/97) * Correction of a stack overflow which was happening during the transmission of the fax and was (I hope) the reason for many fatal errors. * Also there shouldn't be anymore infinite loop when the 'Com Rec Error' is encountered during sending. * Added the possibility to configure the timeout delay for the connection of the modem. * New message display during the building of the fax and the transmission with a progress bar. * Choice of the source for the text : clipboard or MemoPad record * Improvement of the handling of connection errors (BUSY ...) Known bugs : - Secret records of memopad are hidden even if the choice 'Show' is selected in the Security app. - Some erasing problems in the message display during transmission. To come in the next versions : * Sending some bitmaps from a graphic application * Generation of the page using the internal font representation and not by scanning the screen. Faster and more serious !!! * Storage of the last fax sent -> avoid rebuilding it if it was busy * Better handling of the errors when transmitting (BUSY, NO DIALTONE ...) 0.2b2 (7-1-97) This is a major release. DBFax is also now shareware. ( 13.95 $ ) The non registered version enables you to try all the features. However, it prints an additional line at the end of the fax. New features : * Easier configuration of the modem * Faster generation of the fax page * The fax page can be generated before the transmission or during the transmission, which solves the memory size limit problem. * This version is interfaced with the address application to enable you to easily look-up phone numbers * You can easily include DOODLE bitmaps in your faxes * You can include bitmaps for company logos for examples. Currently this process is not very easy but will become more user-friendly in the future * Some additional fields have been added in the configuration screens to make it easier to use calling cards Known bugs : * The CLASS 2 protocol is not fully implemented for the hang up phase, but sending the page should work * The selected entry in the look-up screen is not always correctly highlighted. 0.2b2 (7-20-97) This release corrects some problems seen with v0.2b2 and introduces some new features * It's now possible to scroll in the Header/Footer editor. * The communication speed between the pilot and the modem can be set to either 9600, 19200 or 57600 Bauds. * If the fax is generated during the transmission, the user can set the transmission speed between the modem and the remote fax machine. Lowering this speed enables to get rid of some 'Line Errors' during the transmission of some faxes. * The Edit menu has beed added to the main screen, the user config screen and the Header/Footer editor to enable some cut, copy & paste commands to be used. * The right justification is now implemented. * The messages during the transmission are now correctly erased. Known bugs : * The CLASS 2 protocol is not fully implemented for the hang up phase, but sending the page should work * The selected entry in the look-up screen is not always correctly highlighted. I WILL BE MOVING IN THE NEXT MONTH. AS A CONSEQUENCE, I WON'T HAVE ANY MORE INTERNET ACCESS. I PLAN ON GOING ON DEVELOPPING DBFAX AS SOON AS POSSIBLE IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF MONTHS. D.Bertrand (dberdran@gville.mindspring.com)