GB Basic V1.21 Documentation GB Basic is a floating-point BASIC interpreter for GameBoy that allows you to write & execute programs up to 7.4K bytes in size. Currently string variables are not supported, but may be in the future. Long variable names are not supported. Variable names may be a letter or a letter and a number. The following commands are supported: ABS(x) - Return the absolute value of x. AUTO - Enable Auto load & run program on reset. (Note: Use AUTO command last since SAVE disables auto mode.) CLEAR - Clear all variables. CLS - Clear the screen COLOR x - Set drawing color to x. 0=Black, 1=Dark Gray, 2=Light Gray, 3=White, & 4=XOR. (Defaults to XOR on program execution.) COS(x) - Return the cosine of x given in radians. DIM - Only single dimension arrays are currently supported. If not explicitly defined by a DIM statement, it is assumed to be a size of 10 upon first reference. DATA x,... - Data in program. DELAY x - Delay from 10ms to 655 seconds. (Delay length = x * 10ms) END - End program. FOR/NEXT - Program loop. FREE - Display remaining amount of free memory. GOSUB - Execute a subroutine. GOTO - Goto specific line. IF/THEN - Conditional execution. INPUT - Input data from user. INT(x) - Returns the integer of x. KEYPAD(x) - If x=0, the following bits are returned if that button is pressed. 128 - Start 8 - Down 64 - Select 4 - Up 32 - B 2 - Left 16 - A 1 - Right If x>0, then x is ANDed with the bits above. If the result = zero, 0 is returned. If result <> zero, a 1 is returned. LET - Assign a value to a variable. (Optional) LINE x1,y1,x2,y2 - Draw a line on the screen using COLOR. (0<=x<=127,0<=y<=119) LINK x - Link 0 - Don't use game link port. Link 1 - Configure port for external terminal. Link 2 - Configure port for external keyboard. Gameboy must be reset or power must be cycled for changes to take effect. The last setting is saved in battery backed RAM. (External terminal won't currently work when SERVOs are enabled because of interrupt conflicts.) LIST [x][-][x] - List lines of the program. Starting and/or ending line numbers are optional. LOAD - Load program from battery-backed RAM. LOCATE - Position cursor with coordinates Y,X. MEMTOP x - Set Last address of RAM for GB Basic to use. On power up or reset this defaults to $dfff. Lowering this value reserves memory for USR for example. NOTE: All variables are CLEARed when this instruction is executed. PEEK(x) - Return value of a memory location x. POINT x,y - Draw a point on the screen using COLOR. (0<=x<=127,0<=y<=119) POKE x,y - Write value y to a memory location x. PRINT - Print to screen. READ - Read data contained in DATA statements. REGBC x - Sets value of cpu BC registers for entry into USR routine. REGDE x - Sets value of cpu DE registers for entry into USR routine. REM - Remark. Also ' is supported. RENUM - Renumber program. RESTORE - Set DATA pointer to a specific line number. If no line number present, beginning of program. RETURN - Return from subroutine. RND(x) - Returns a random number between 0 and 1. x is ignored. RUN - Execute program. SAVE - Save program to battery-backed RAM. SCREEN x - If x=0, set text mode. If x=1, set graphics mode. SERVO x,y - Controls the position of up to 8 memory-mapped servos. SERVO 0,a defines the memory address of the servos output port and enables the servo interrupt routine. SERVO x,y outputs a high pulse to servo x for 693+(y*7.6) microseconds giving a pulse range of .7 to 2.3 ms. A value of y = 0 disables the output pulse of that servo. This pulse is sent out every 20 ms. Servos may be set before issuing SERVO 0,a to enable them. On reset, servos default to off (y=0) and disabled. NOTE: When enabled, servos slow down system about 15% due to servo interrupt servicing. Use SERVO 0,0 to disable all servos once they have been enabled. (1<=x<=8,0<=y<=210) SGN(x) - Returns 1 if x > or = 0. Else returns value -1. SIN(x) - Return the sine of x given in radians. SOUND x,y - Generate a sound of frequency x for y milliseconds. If y=65535, sound will stay on infinitely. If y=0, sound is turned off. SQR(x) - Returns the square root of x. STEP - Used with FOR for specifying increment. STOP - Same as end but displays line number last executed. TAB(x) - Used with PRINT command for moving cursor to column x. TAN(x) - Returns the tangent of x given in radians. USR(x) - Call user assembly language program at address x. Return value reflects cpu HL registers contents. Revision History ---------------- V1.0 - Original release V1.01 - Rearranged on-screen keyboard. Reassigned key controls. Fixed exponent display problem. V1.02 - Completed RENUM routine. Added restore [line#] ability. Added hex entry of numbers using prefix &h. V1.03 - Fixed 'cursor disappear' when arrow buttons pressed. Greatly speeded up CLS command. Added SCREEN, POINT, & LINE routines. Break now works for lines that GOTO themselves. Rearranged on-screen keyboard again for faster entry. V1.04 - Select & Start are BOTH now required to break. This was done to allow individual buttons to be pressed and read with the new KEYPAD command. Added COLOR command. V1.05 - Added AUTO command. Credit screen disappears after 10 seconds. V1.06 - Fixed bugs in LIST options. Up & down buttons now speed up or slow down LIST command. Pressing break now halts LIST command. Added SOUND command. V1.07 - Added SERVO command. Changed DELAY increments from 1ms to 10ms in order to implement SERVO command. Select Button is now a caps lock. Credit screen now disappears after 4 seconds. Carat symbol added to onscreen menu. FOR,GOTO,INPUT,LIST,NEXT,PRINT,RUN & THEN now can be entered by first letter followed by period. V1.08 - Shift & Caps Lock now supported on external keyboard. CLS now redraws onscreen menu properly in text mode. Basic commands can now be entered in lower or upper case. DELAY added to 'first letter' list above. V1.10 - Fixed bug that would randomly display line numbers incorrectly. Game link port now supports external terminal I/O. Added LINK command to configure game link port. V1.08 didn't work on VGB. Haven't figured out why yet. V1.20 - MAJOR BUG FIXES. Added better handshaking to link port for reliable file download using GB Terminal. Fixed bug in floating point conversion that would randomly mess up many functions due to interrupts. Writing to screen is now much more reliable with no more random trash displayed on screen. SERVO 0,0 now disables all servo output pulses. Added MEMTOP, REGBC, REGDE, & USR commands. V1.21 Individual servos pulses may now be turned off by issuing SERVO x,0. On many servos this lowers battery drain when they're not in use.