Naughty Boy Emulator Copyright 1997 John Bugliarisi, All Rights Reserved Naughty Boy Copyright 1982 Cinematronics, All Rights Reserved Email comments/questions to Disclaimer: =========== USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK. I CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY IT'S USE. THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES THE ORIGINAL NAUGHTY BOY ROMS. THESE ROMS ARE OWNED BY AND COPYRIGHTED BY CINEMATRONICS. UNLESS YOU OWN THE ORIGINAL GAME BOARDS, YOU ARE NOT LEGALLY ENTITLED TO USE THEM. I CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BREACH OF COPYRIGHT. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE ROM IMAGES. Background ========== This emulator was written in my spare time (at night, during slow times at work, while sitting on the shi*ter... ;)). I have a wife and a full time job and, therefore, not a lot of time on my hands. I started working on this emulator on January 7, 1997. This emulator requires a Pentium based machine to run properly. It works fine on my lowly P90. This emulator was designed to run under DOS although it should work fine in a DOS box under Windows95. If you have any questions about the gameplay in Naughty Boy, please refer to the included naughtyb.txt file. It was retyped directly from an original Naughty Boy manual. Included files ============== naughtyb.exe -Program executable naughtyb.txt -Naughty Boy game description readme.txt -This file Installation ============ Copy the executable to a directory. Copy the following ROMs: nbic30.1 nbic29.2 nbic28.3 nbic27.4 nbic26.5 nbic25.6 nbic24.7 nbic23.8 nbic50.9 nbic49.10 nbic48.11 nbic47.12 nbic46.13 nbic45.14 nbic44.15 nbic43.16 into a "naughtyb" subdirectory. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO SUPPLY YOU WITH THE ROM IMAGES. UNLESS YOU OWN THE ORIGINAL GAME BOARDS, YOU ARE NOT LEGALLY ENTITLED TO USE THE NAUGHTY BOY ROMS. Things to do ============ -aquire palette ROMs or screenshots to adjust colors properly (currently the colors are guessed) -aquire Jack and the Giant Killer ROMs. This game should run with little modifications to the emulator -add dip switch support -implement sound -optimize code -submit a driver for Mame to Nicola Thank-you's =========== This emulator would not have been completed without: - The incredible patience of my wife Leslie and daughter Lauren - The help of my brother Sal - The enormous help of Paul Urbanus, Kevin Brisley, and others - The excellent source provided on the Arcade Emulation Programming Repository Web Site ( - Richard Davies' Phoenix emulator source - Michael Adcock's excellent Arcade Emulator HowTo - The emulator mailing list generously provided by Neil Bradley/Mike Cuddy History ======= April 15, 1997 - v1.05 fixed title/bonus round problem April 7, 1997 - v1.04 first beta version title screen and bonus round are messed up March 17, 1997 - v1.0 first working version