This program emulates Ghosts'n Goblins,my favorite coin op. It must not be distributed with roms Roms should go in a directory named ROMS. ROMs names are: GG1.bin = Character display. GG2.bin = Sound ROM. GG3.bin = CPU GG4.bin = CPU GG5.bin = CPU GG6.bin = background set 2-3 plane 3 GG7.bin = background set 0-1 plane 3 GG8.bin = background set 2-3 plane 2 GG9.bin = background set 0-1 plane 2 GG10.bin = background set 2-3 plane 1 GG11.bin = background set 0-1 plane 1 GG12.bin = sprites set 2 planes 3-4 GG13.bin = sprites set 1 planes 3-4 GG14.bin = sprites set 0 planes 3-4 GG15.bin = sprites set 2 planes 1-2 GG16.bin = sprites set 1 planes 1-2 GG17.bin = sprites set 0 planes 1-2 FEATURES AND BUGS -Arcade perfect palette -Exact sprite position and priorities -NO background overlap -NO sound(yet???) -NO decimal emulation -a processor bug:bonus pots don't fall,skeletons in advanced levels disappear. -fully compatible video mode??? KEYS Control is by arrows keys,ctrl and alt. Other keys are: F1 to F4 are frame skip 0,1,2,3. TAB toggles page flip on/off.This results in slightly faster emulation. Notice that if your PC isn't fast enough to draw 60 fps,it will probably draw one frame every three rasterscans when in pageflipped skip frame 1 mode. F5 to F8 will reset the game and load different dip switches settings. F5 free play,7 lives,easy. F6 3 lives,normal. F7 3 lives,hard. F8 3 lives,hardest. F9 shows test screen. F10 fast reset. Aknowledgements: Paul Leaman for 1942 hardware information and further support. Adam Seychell for making DOS32 Dave Spicer for doing an emulation whose speed is really uncanny(Starforce...) MAME staff for making so many games return to life Ghosts'n Goblins design and coding crew,for doing one of the best games ever! Rob 1997 Roberto Ventura, P.S. Check out gngtrix.txt for some funny stuff...