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IF YOU HAVE A COPY OF THE GYRUSS ROMS, AND YOU ARE NOT A PROUD OWNER OF A GYRUSS MACHINE, YOU DESERVE A SPANKING, AND I'M GOING TO TELL YOUR MOMMY ON YOU! THE SOFTWARE CONTAINED IN THE GYRUSS ROMS ARE COPYRIGHT 1983 KONAMI, THEY ARE NOT MY PROPERTY, I CAN'T GIVE THEM AWAY. I WILL IGNORE ALL REQUESTS FOR ROMS. Original Z80 Core is copyright 1995 Marat Fayzulin. Original PSG (AY-3-8910) emulation (C) Ville Hallik 1996. Synthetic Audio Library (SEAL) is Copyright 1996 Egerter Software ModeQ code contributed by Gary Shepherdson Custom 6809 crack by Pete Grounds What Have I Got Here? --------------------- ** IMPORTANT ** READ ALL OF THIS FILE, AND ALL OF FAQ.TXT BEFORE SENDING ME EMAIL. I AM GETTING SWAMPED WITH EMAIL, AND AM NOT GETTING AS MUCH TIME TO WORK ON THE EMULATOR. I WANT TO KEEP MY FANS IN THE LOOP, SO PLEASE GIVE ME TIME TO WORK. IF YOU ASK A QUESTION COVERED IN THE FAQ, YOU WILL NOT RECIEVE AN ANSWER! SORRY TO BE SO BLUNT, BUT I'M GETTING ABOUT 50 MAIL MESSAGES A DAY! Many have asked, so here it is: The latest and "greatest" version of the gyruss emulator. Sprites are implemented, if a bit slow. Sound is implemented, if a bit buggy. The colors are passable. (004) The built in color editor has been removed from the released version. There is much debugging built in (in fact, most of a Z80 monitor), and most of the code is working but not optimized. The emulator runs in two modes: text and graphics. In text mode, you get a debug monitor screen, and no automatic vertical blanking interrupt, in graphics mode, the emulator is running in it's full glory. With sound and everything. There are less bugs, now. Let me know if this crashes your machine ... AFTER YOU READ THE FAQ!!!!!!!! On second thought: let me know, good or bad, what happens. It should work on any reasonably spiffy pentium (like I said, it's not optimized). I'm targeting a P90 or P100 (before you 486 folks start whining, realize that there's alot going on inside this little box: 2 CPUs plus 5 programmable sound generators spooling out audio at 44KHZ ... besides, a P133 motherboard + CPU is just over 200.00 now, so upgrade, for chrissakes). I've run it under W95 (in a dos box) and it runs just fine. I actually haven't tried it under real "DOS". There are some known problems with the audio code and AWE32's (I use a third party sound library called "SEAL"; if you have problems with sound on a SB clone or AWE, try the -b or -B command line options) Also, for some reason, the emulator doesn't play happy with some versions of QEMM installed (under DOS or Win95). You'll have to disable QEMM to run it (see the FAQ). Command Line ------------ There are several command line parameters: (0.01: now with real argument parsing) (0.04: the 'q' flag now works as advertised) gy [ -f ] [ -a ] [ -s ] [ -c ] [ -t ] [ -q ] [ -j ] [ -b ] [ -B ] [ -m ] There's a usage message, but it's very terse; so here's a slightly more verbose description: -f -- this option sets the number of interrupts per second that will be sent to the main CPU. This relates to the speed of the game. The default (and correct value) is 60. Min is 1, max is about 70. You probably shouldn't need to change this from the default. (unless you're trying to run it on a slow machine -- the symptoms that indicate the need to lower this number are: the emulator 'HALT's for an unknown reason) -a -- is the number of times per second (give-or-take) that the audio chips are polled for thier current values and new sample buffers are generated to be passed to the sound card. The default here is also 60. The minimum is about 20 (sounds stupid otherwise). maximum practical limit is about 120. This does not change the speed at which sounds play, or thier pitch, it only changes the accuracy of the simulation of the PSG chips. The higher the number the more CPU is needed to calculate the PSG chips' envelopes. (but they are computed in smaller chunks) -s -- this is the data rate that your sound card will chew through the sample buffers at. Slower computers should select a lower number. lowest practical number is 8000, highest is 44100. (default is 11050 -- should be compatible with most sound cards). -c -- the number of cpu cycles executed between housekeeping tasks (graphics, audio, etc.); there's a bit of overhead associated with entering the CPU emulation code, this parameter helps reduce that overhead so that the emulation cpu can run closer to actual speed. The Default value is 32. -t -- start the emulator in text-mode. You probably don't want to do this unless you're me. -q -- select old modeQ code. I've put new tweaked-vga-mode code in this version. The -q flag selects the old code. -b -- cause sound library to pretend your sound card is a Sound Blaster 16. This should fix the problems with AWE-32's -B -- cause sound library to pretend your sound card is a "Classic" sound blaster. Try this if you have a GUS or SB compatible and audio doesn't work right. -j -- disable joystick support. can speed up game on slower systems. -m -- force monoaural mode. can speed up game on slower systems. Keys and Using the Emulator --------------------------- Keys that might be handy: ESC - switches to the setup menu F12 - take a screen shot (saves in gyNNNN.pcx), won't overwrite existing files q - quit emulator (can also quit from the config menu) h - start / stop the emulation ("pause" will appear above the "credits" line whe stopped, press 'h' to continue the emulation) While "playing" (these keys are remappable): F1 - left coinmech F2 - right coinmech F3 - service mode (adds a credit) F4 - 1P start F5 - 2P start 2,4,6,8 - (on keypad) move ship L-CTRL - fire q - quit emulator Z - (capital Zed) reset emulator (saves high-scores, and dipswitch state, too). t/T - increase / decrease music tempo. the actual tempo can be seen on the audio menu in setup mode. Files, Included and Needed -------------------------- The files that are used by the emulator: readme.txt -- read this file ... er, wait, I guess you already are! Congratulations if you read this far before running the emulator! faq.txt -- If you have any problems, READ THIS FILE!!!!!! Chances are that your problem is covered in here. gy.exe -- this is the main emulator executable gychar.pal -- this is the palette file for the character-graphics if deleted, gy.exe will create a new, ugly, greyscale palette. gyspr.pal -- sprite palette; same notes as above. gyruss.ram -- session to session persistent state. (dip switches, etc.) This file can be deleted to restore the "factory default state". (not included in archive) gyruss.hi -- the high-score table. The real gyruss doesn't save high scores from game to game (a severe mis-feature!) but the emulator does. This file can be deleted to clear high-scores. (not included in archive) gyruss.key -- keyboard mappings. don't mess with this file; key bindings are changed from within the program. If you delete it, it will be recreated with default keys. (not included in archive) joy.dat -- joystick calibration information; if you change joysticks, you might need to delete this file to get your joystick to calibrate correctly. (not included in archive) bugrept.txt -- empty bug report; if you find a bug, copy this file, fill it out, and email it to me, please! data\\*.out -- these are audio samples generated by my 8039 simulator. Just in case you haven't downloaded the audio simulator, yet, these sounds suck. *SIGH* I'll do better in future releases. ROMS: The emulator will look for roms in data\*.bin. Roms? did someone say roms ... I don't know where they come from, I don't know where to get 'em, and I'm not givin' you mine, assuming I have them. (insert std. disclaimer... ;-) To Do List ---------- Things that need doing: * SPRITES -- these are still slightly bugged (planets, some flicker). And they are too slow. * PSG's have trouble with some sounds (the player-shooting sound, for example, does not work) * mute button * faster, Faster, FASTer, FASTER! USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK (there, is that enough CYA?) If this program fails on your machine, please READ THE FAQ!!! If the FAQ does not answer your questions, fill out the file 'bugrept.txt' to the best of your knowledge and email it to me at: mcuddy@fensende.com The gyruss homepage is: http://www.fensende.com/Users/mcuddy/gyruss Availability ------------ This emulator is freely redistributable. It is, however, Copyright 1996/1997 (C) Michael Cuddy, Fen's Ende Software. One more time ... ************************************************************************* This program may be freely redistributed only if it is NOT accompanied by GYRUSS ROMS. The GYRUSS Roms are Copyright 1983 - 1985 by CENTURI CORP. DO NOT ASK ME FOR THE ROMS -- I CANNOT, AND WILL NOT GIVE THEM TO YOU. ************************************************************************* If you send me mail asking for the roms, or where they are, your mail will be silently dropped. Sorry. I plan on eventually making the source code available, but for now since the code is in a _constant_ state of flux, I'm not prepared to release it to the whole world. If you are working on an emulator and want the modular-multiple-3910 PSG code or the multiple-cpu patches to Marat's Z80 emulator, don't hesitate to ask. I have put up the PSG code on my web site. Go to the Gyruss page, and there is a link there: http://www.fensende.com/Users/mcuddy/gyruss I also have the multiple-z80 code up. There's no link. it's called vz80.zip off of the Gyruss directory. I will _never_ sell this program; however, if feel inspired to send me a gift, old arcade boards, schematics, and manuals are just the right-sort-of-thing ;-) I'd also like to get the schematics for the game "two tigers" (not the fighting game, the Bally sink-the-ships game). A working board for that game would be nice too. Known Working Configurations ---------------------------- My development machine looks like this: * P150 / ASUS (Intel Triton) motherboard, 32M mem, 512K cache. SoundBlaster 16/MCD, Adaptec SCSI card, DOS box under Win95. On the P150, I run with the compiled-in default settings: fps (-f): 60 (default) srate (-s): 11050 (default) aupdate (-a): 60 (default) cpucycle (-c): 16 (default) The game runs at the right speed, but the music and SFX are not timed correctly (still working on that) If you find better settings, please mail them to me. Special Thanks -------------- FIRST AND FOREMOST: to Pete Grounds. He figured out the encryption method used by the 6809 on the gyruss board was! The 6809 is responsible for control of all of the sprite generation. Without him, the sprites probably _NEVER_ would have been correct... Next, to all the other emulator authors, especially neil@synthcom.com for his excellent 'emu'. the (not-just) Atari Vector Graphics emulator. This was the program that inspired me to start down the dark side of coding--EMULATORS! ALSO: thanks to Marat Fayzulin for making his Z80 emulation core available. I've extended this code to allow for multiple Z80's in a single program as well as easy mapping of peripherals to the Z80's memory and I/O busses. And: Thanks to Gary Shepherdson for the ModeQ code from his Kong Emulator. This should clear alot of bug-reports from my queue! ... Thanks to whoever put up the schematics for GYRUSS on the net without them none of this would have been possible. Known Problems -------------- (0.00) There seems to be a problem with people who have S3 video cards and AWE32's ... the problem seems to be in the seal library. using '-a 0' will turn off audio. WORKAROUND: (0.04) If you have an AWE32, you should remove AWEUTIL.EXE from your AUTOEXEC.BAT (or make a multi-boot config). Win95 users should disable the "advanced wave table synthesis" (or something like that ... I don't have an AWE32) from the control panel. This is definately a bug with SEAL, and I've reported it to them. FIX: use the '-b' option, which forces SEAL to talk to your soundcard as if it was a Sound Blaster-16. If that doesn't work, use '-B' which will cause your card to be detected as a "classic" Sound Blaster. (0.03) I have some new video mode code, It is the _actual_ code from Gary Shepherdson's Kong Emulator. If you can run KONG and you can't run GYRUSS, I _REALLY_ want to know about it. (0.00) Slow machines can sometimes cause "interrupts" to be delivered to the CPU too fast and cause wierd behaviour (usually the emulator halts in a funky state) Try using '-f 50' (or lower) and tell me what happens. (0.02) This problem should be lessened (shouldn't happen on any pentium), but is still there. (0.03) The newly revamped graphics system is correct, but slow. Watch out on low-speed pentiums. and, unfortunately, it's probably going to be unplayable on a 486. (0.00) The last "player-ship" in the ships-remaining display does not erase correctly. Sometimes parts of it are left behind. (0.01) The earth 'smears' when the high-score table is up (0.03) this problem is fixed, but some of the planets have "too many parts" (You'll see what I mean when you get there ...) (0.00) When you run the emulator under win95, it says 'you might want to run this under a DOS shell' ... ignore it or change your DOS-box's preferences to ignore it for you. (0.02) If high-scores get corrupted, delete the gyruss.hi file. (0.02) 486's are not officially supported, however, the one in my office works okay (without audio!). 486's may be supported in the future, when I speed up the sprite routines (0.03) This gets even worse with this release; next release is the performance release. (0.02) The Audio tempo setting is a hack. I need to figure out a better way to time this bugger. (0.01) Sprite drawing is buggered; sometimes sprites appear where they should not. sometimes more than should appear do, and sometimes sprites that should be there are not. I know about all of the sprite problems, you don't need to report them ;-) (0.03) except for the planets, all sprite drawing should be correct now. (0.04) the planet sprites are still messed up; and there is the occasional flicker (for 1 frame of animation) when all of the sprites on the screen jump from one place to another. This error is deterministic, and is a problem with the way the emulator transfers the sprite control information to the emulated sprite engine. I'm working on it... (0.01) There is no sprite clipping on the sides, sometimes bits of the aliens will appear on the opposite side of the screen as they exit (mostly on the left when they exit from the right). (0.02) Joysticks are still not supported. There's a menu for them, but I haven't put in the code, yet. (0.04) joysticks are supported in the 0.04 release Version History --------------- 1/31/1997 -- Version 0.04 (BETA 1) Features Added: * Executable is now bound with PMODE/W. It should be a little bit faster than the old version. Most notably, it should not have problems with sound cards set at IRQ 10 * Added a feature to allow overriding of the sound-library's auto-detect function; -b will now force the sound-lib to treat your sound card like an SB-16, and -B will force the sound-lib to treat your soundcard like a "classic" sound blaster. This should help some GUS users, some SB-PRO users and AWE-32 users. * Revamped command line options; more shared code with TimePilot emulator. * Reduced interrupt load; used to deliver 1165 interrupts per second; now only 873 per second. Why so many interrupts? to keep the music plugging at the right rate. The original gyruss audio cpu spins in a loop watching a clock that runs at about 1500 KHZ, it then watches for a 1->0 transition on that line (effectively dividing the clock frequncy by 2, and then advances it's sound effects / music pointers -- believe me, if I could get away with fewer interrupts, I would). * Documentation updated; Version history now in reverse order to make scanning for changes easier. * Emulator output is now saved to 'gyruss.out' once the emulator is running. If the emulator crashes, the output will be here. * Added a small delay (1/2 sec) to allow multi-sync monitors to resync after switching to graphics mode, but before starting the emulation. * Filled the audio buffers with '0's so as to avoid the annoying speaker pop when starting up. * Removed the color editor; if you want to map the arrow keys, be my guest (you guys wouldn't believe the number of people who sent in bug reports "when I press the arrow keys the game flickers and slows down") ... *SIGH* I had left it in so that somebody might send me better colors. I didn't get any. Oh, well. Bugs Fixed: * DrawSprites() now correctly updates the screen when the "sprite hardware" is in the "disabled" state. (this allows the "test grid" to be seen when the game "boots". * you can now map the arrow keys, 'cause the color editor has been removed. * Graphics mode was being reset wrong when the emulator was reset 'Z'. This is now fixed. 1/05/1997 -- Version 0.03 Bugs Fixed: * readme.txt had lots of 1996's where it should have had 1997's. * Yes, virginia, I _do_ use a custom keyboard handler; I just left out some parenthesis from a macro that I use to construct the value to be read from the control I/O port and it would stop evaluation of the expression (short-circuit in "C" parlance) when it found the first key pressed) * Changed the video mode code; It should be more compatible now. If you can't run 003, but you could run 002, use the '-q' flag to select the old ModeQ code. Features Added: * A frequently-asked-questions file (Faq.txt) is now distributed with the archive. * The sprite system was completely gutted and replaced. it's now almost 100% correct. The gotcha: it's _really_ slow. Fast enough on my pentium (P150) to maintain 60FPS, but anything less than a P100 and you're probably going to be hurtin'... I'll fix performance in the next release. * (internal use) added -t flag to start emulator in text mode. * (not a feature, just a note..) When the emulator starts, it doesn't clear the screen and put up the grid anymore (well, it does, it's just that with the new sprite system, it doesn't get updated until sprites are activated. The interesting bit is that the sprite emulation actually displays garbage sprites just like the real game when booting until the emulation gets to a point where it clears the sprite control RAM. 01/02/1997 -- Version 0.02 Bugs Fixed: * "-a 0" did not work as advertised (gave usage message instead of disabling audio New Features: * Music tempo is changeable from within the program; it should also be more stable. Find a setting that works on your computer. use T/t or the new selection on the Audio Menu in setup mode. * Graphic Flicker should be gone for all but the slowest video cards; drawback: it now uses 128K more memory (sprite buffer and text buffer), advantage: video memory is accessed linearly, in a 64K chunk, 32-bits at a time. so this should make up for the extra memcpy's * Joystick menu is there; joysticks are not supported yet. 01/01/1997 -- Version 0.01a Bugs Fixed: * gy.exe was not compiled as a release version, and therefore was looking for roms in ..\roms\*.bin * The "too many open files" bug has been squashed; sorry. New Features: * Sprites! 01/01/1997 (4:50a PST) -- Version 0.01 -- Happy New Year! The sprites are (mostly) working. Colors are okay, but not perfect. The game is _very_ playable. Released today 'cause I wanted to be the first emulator released in '97 (*GRIN*) 12/25/1996 -- Version 0.00 -- Merry Christmas! I've merged the main CPU code with the audio CPU code; speed is not regulated (correctly) and there are no sprites right now, but the game runs! -E-O-F-