=51+51 Esc Sh-Esc *********************************************** +00=50 &1 * French Keyboard definition * +75=62 {2 * (use as a template for your own keyboard) * +73=70+70 "3# * IMPORTANT: don't change the number of lines * =73=32+75 '4{ * * +13=20=75 (5[ * Each line (first line is line #1) defines * =33=12+63 -6| * the Oric key combinations associated with a * +65=00 }7` * particular PC keyboard scan code, and may * =33=07=63 -8\ * contain one to three definitions (in the * +63=13+12 \9^ * order : normal stroke, shifted stroke, * +62=27+62 @0@ * altgr'ed stroke) or twice if an extended * +27=75=65 )[] * scan code has the same number (see numpad) * =77+77+65 =+} * An Oric key combination is described by a * =55+55 Del Sh-Del * char prefix followed by a 2-digit octal * ^56^56 Ctrl-A Ctrl-A * number (note that the digits are the line * =56+56 aA * and column numbers in the oric's keyboard * =52+52 zZ * matrix) * =36+36 eE * Currently char prefixes are : * =21+21 rR * = for normal strokes * =11+11 tT * + for shifted strokes * =06+06 yY * ^ for ctrl'ed strokes * =05+05 uU * * for funct'ed strokes * =15+15 iI * # for ctrl-shifted strokes * =25+25 oO * First non-prefix char ends the line, i.e. * =35+35 pP * everything up to the end of line is handled * +12+12 ^^ * as comments. * +32+33 $£ *********************************************** =57+57,=57+57 Ret Sh-Ret ** NB: NumPad Ret is extended scancode =42=42,=42=42 Ctrl (left) ** right Ctrl is extended scancode =61+61 qQ =66+66 sS =71+71 dD =31+31 fF =26+26 gG =16+16 hH =01+01 jJ =03+03 kK =17+17 lL =02+02 mM +63+20 |% =62=62 power 2 =44=44 Shift (left) +07+70 *# =76+76 wW =60+60 xX =72+72 cC =30+30 vV =22+22 bB =10+10 nN =14+37 ,? =23=24 ;. +23=37 :/ +50=65,=37=37 !] ** numpad / is extended scancode =47=47 Shift (right) +07 * (grey) ** PrtSc is extended scancode =45=45 Alt (left) ** right Alt (AltGr) is extended scancode =04=04 Space ^11^11 Caps F1 (reserved for Euphoric) F2 (reserved for Euphoric) F3 (reserved for Euphoric) F4 (reserved for Euphoric) F5 (reserved for Euphoric) F6 (reserved for Euphoric) F7 (reserved for Euphoric) F8 (reserved for Euphoric) F9 (reserved for Euphoric) F10 (reserved for Euphoric) NumLock ** also Pause which is Ctrl-Num ScrollLock =00#24,#24 7 Home ** also grey key =07=34,=34+34 8 Up ** also grey key =13 9 PgUp ** also grey key =33 - (grey) =32=54,=54+54 4 Left ** also grey key =20 5 =12=74,=74+74 6 Right ** also grey key +77 + (grey) =50 1 End ** also grey key =62=64,=64+64 2 Down ** also grey key =70 3 PgDn ** also grey key =27^06,^06 0 Ins ** also grey key =24=55,=55+55 . Del ** also grey key Syst (Alt-PrtSc) (key 85 doesn't exist ?) +14+24 <> F11 F12