Euphoric is freeware, it should be freely distributed and not be sold. However, it is not public domain, Euphoric is copyrighted Fabrice Frances. If you like it, you can send me a donation to the following postal address : Fabrice Frances 16, allee du Vaucluse 31770 Colomiers FRANCE No code from the FSF is included in this program, it doesn't fall under the GNU General Public License nor the GNU Library Public License. It runs with D.J Delorie's go32 dos extender. I think some standard IO routines (fopen, fread, fwrite...) in djgpp's libc.a are copyrighted The Regents of the University of California, that's why I say "This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley, and its contributors". After many investigations with the Club Europe Oric and Oric User Monthly, it seems nobody owns the rights on Oric roms any more, so an Atmos rom, a floppy disk controler eprom and the Sedoric operating system are included in this package. The Sedoric version is 2.1 and it is freeware, this version has been improved from Fabrice Broche's original version by Ray MacLaughlin. Also included are some Tansoft titles (all Tansoft titles are now freeware).