THE 6522 VIA CHIP Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA) Written by Lance Ewing It is essential to gain a full understanding of the 6522 chip if it is to be emulated as in the recent BBC and VIC-20 emulators. At first it all seems a bit complicated but after a while things will start to make sense and you'll appreciate how powerful and versatile this chip was in it's day. I have included all the information I have on the 6522 in this document. DESCRIPTION The R6522 VIA adds two powerful, flexible interval timers, a serial-to -parallel:parallel-to-serial shift register and input latching on the peripheral ports. Handshaking capability is expanded to allow control of bidirectional data transfers between VIAs in multiple processor systems and between periherals. Control of peripherals is primarily through two 8-bit bidirectional ports. Each of these ports can be programmed to act as an input or and output. Peripheral I/O lines can be selectively controlled by the Interval Timers to generate programmable frequency square waves and/or to count externally generated pulses. Positive control of VIA functions is gained through its internal register organisation: Interrupt Flag Register, Interrupt Enable Register, and two Funtion Control Registers. FEATURES * Organised for simplified software control of many functions. * Compatible with the RS650x and RS651x family of microprocesors (CPUs) * Bi-directional, 8-bit data bus for communication with microprocessor. * Two Bi-directional, 8-bit input/output ports for interface with peripheral devies. * CMOS and TTL compatible input/output periheral ports. * Data Direction Registers allow each peripheral pin to act as either an input or an output. * Interrupt Flag Register allows the microprocessor to readily determine the source of an interrupt and provides convenient control of the interrupts within the chip. * Handshake control logic for input/output peripheral data transfer operations. * Data latching on peripheral input/output ports. * Two fully-programmable interval timers/counters. * Eight-bit Shift Register for serial intergace. * Forty-pin plastic or ceramic DIP package. PIN CONFIGURATION ___________________ | | (0V) VSS -|1 40|- CA1 | | PA0 -|2 39|- CA2 | | PA1 -|3 38|- RS0 | | PA2 -|4 37|- RS1 | | PA3 -|5 36|- RS2 | | PA4 -|6 35|- RS3 | | ___ PA5 -|7 34|- RES | | PA6 -|8 33|- D0 | | PA7 -|9 32|- D1 | | PB0 -|10 31|- D2 | | PB1 -|11 30|- D3 | | PB2 -|12 29|- D4 | | PB3 -|13 28|- D5 | | PB4 -|14 27|- D6 | | PB5 -|15 26|- D7 | | PB6 -|16 25|- P2C (Phase Two Clock from CPU) | | PB7 -|17 24|- CS1 | | ___ CB1 -|18 23|- CS2 | | CB2 -|19 22|- R/W | | ___ (5V) VCC -|20 21|- IRQ |___________________| Register Select Lines (RS0 - RS3) : select the internal VIA register that the processor is accessing. Port Pins (PA0 - PA7, PB0 - PB7) : are the input and output pins which connect to external peripheral and make up the two bi-directional ports. Data Bus (D0 - D7) : used to transmit and receive data, from and into the VIAs internal registers. ___ Chip Select Lines (CS1, CS2) : used by the microprocessor to select the chip. Read/Write Line (R/W) : selects whether the microprocessor is reading from a VIA register or writing into a VIA register. LOW = Write, HIGH = Read. Control Lines (CA1, CA2, CB1, CB2) : are the control lines which are used for a wide range of control functions, handshaking, and initiating interrupts. CONTROL LINES The control lines are now discussed in more detail. These lines can act as interrupt inputs or handshake outputs. They can perform a number of different functions determined by the Peripheral Control Register (PCR). CA2 and CB2 can act as inputs or outputs in a number or modes discussed later, whereas CA1 and CB1 can only act as inputs. As an example, the VIC-20 uses the controls lines for events such as the restore key being pushed, received serial data, and outputs such as turning the cassette motor on. VIA INTERNAL REGISTERS One VIA chip has 16 internal registers used to control its many features. These registers occupy 16 consecutive addresses in RAM. The following table gives the offsets of each VIA register. All registers are 8-bit: Register Designation Function offset no. 0 ORA or IRB Output or input register B 1 ORA or IRA Output or input register A 2 DDRB Data direction register B 3 DDRA Data direction register A 4 T1C-L T1 low-byte latch or T1 low-byte counter 5 T1C-H T1 high-byte counter 6 T1L-L T1 low-byte latch 7 T1L-H T1 high-byte latch 8 T2C-L T2 low-byte latch or T2 low-byte counter 9 T2C-H T2 high-byte counter 10 SR Shift Register 11 ACR Auxiliary Control Register 12 PCR Peripheral Control Register 13 IFR Interrupt Flag Register 14 IER Interrupt Enable Register 15 ORA or IRA Identical to offset 1 but no handshake We will now go through each of these registers in turn. ORB/IRB : OUTPUT REGISTER B/INPUT REGISTER B This is the first of the peripheral ports called port B. Most communication to external peripherals is done through one of the two 8-bit ports. Each of the 8 pins making up the ORB/IRA port can be set to be an input or an output. DDRB, discussed later, defines the directivity of ORB/IRB. If a data line is programmed as an output in the DDRB, then the corresponding bit in the ORB IRB register decides the logic on the data line. On the otherhand, if a line is programmed as an input, the logic state received from a device on that line is entred into the IRB. If a line is programmed as an input, then any attempt to write into that line via ORB is ignored. ORA/IRA : OUTPUT REGISTER A/INPUT REGISTER A Smilar to ORB/IRB above. DDRB/DDRA : DATA DIRECTION REGISTERS These registers determine the direction of each port pin. The eight bits in a data direction register correspond to the eight bits in the port registers and are interpreted as follows: A '1' defines the corresponding pin as an ouput. A '0' defines the corresponding pin as an input. THE TIMERS AND COUNTERS It is always possible to generate delays (time intervals) by loading one or more of the 6502 instruction registers with the desired delay number and counting down to zero. This is not always satisfactory because it ties up the computer. To provide for independent delays and various other pulse- counting operations, the VIA is equipped with a variety of timers, counters and latches. They are useful for generating interrupts at regular intervals, triggering external devices or simulating a real-time environment. The two timers, T1 and T2, are essentially 16-bit counters. Each counter occupies two consecutive addresses (low and hign byte) but T1, the more complex of the two, has an associated 16-bit latch, consequently occupying a further two addresses, Before treating the tiners in detail, it is useful to begin with an overview of the possibilities on offer. (1) They may be read or written into as six memory locations, four for T1 and two for T2. (See the VIA addresses given earlier in this chapter). (2) Their respective operation modes are governed by bits 5, 6 and 7 of the Auxiliary Control Register. (3) Their status, at any time during the counting phase, is obtainable by examining bits 5 and 6 in the IFR. By 'status' we mean whether or not programmed interval has ended (time out). (4) To generate a single time interval, a timer is loaded with the number of clock pulses required (to generate that interval). (5) Pulses arriving on PB6 can be counted until they compare with a previously loaded number (T2 only). The normal use of PB6 as one of the eight data lines is, of course, suspended. (6) T1 can be used to provide continuous time intervals. The time interval between pulses will depend on a previously loaded number. (7) A single, or continuous series of pulses can be produced on PB7; the pulse width will be dependent on a previously loaded number. In this mode, PB7 will not be available as a normal data line. THE T2 TIMER It is clear from the above overview that T2 is more simple than T1. It can only generate simple time intervals or count pulses arriving on PB6. Bit 5 of the ACR determines whether the counter is decremented by the 6502 system clock or input pulses arriving on PB6. Counter High : T2C-H Counter Low : T2C-L ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 15| 14| 13| 12| 11| 10| 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| Latch Low : T2L-L ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| The low-byte address of T2 is used to write or read the low-order byte of the delay number. The T2 interrupt flag is automatically cleared on a read action. The high-byte address is used to write or read the high-byte of the number. Writing to this address completes the timer loading, clears the T2 interrupt flag and start the timing operation. On completion of the timing interval, the T2 interrupt flag is set (bit 5 of IFR). Offset 8: Write T2L-L. Read T2C-L. Clear Interrupt Flag. Offset 9: Write T2C-H. Transfer T2L-L to T2C-L. Clear Interrupt Flag. Start the timer. Read T2C-H. THE T1 TIMER This timer has a 16-bit latch as well as the normal 16-bit counter. It is also possible to generate an output on PB7. There are four different operating modes, depending on bits 6 and 7 in the ACR. The choice is single-shot or free-running mode (bit 6) and enable or disable PB7 (bit 7). Bit 7=0 will disable PB7 output. Bit 7=1 will enable PB7 output. Bit 6=0 is one shot mode. Bit 6=1 is free-running mode. The addressing details and the start and finish of timing are virtually the same as described under T2 apart form the different addresses and bit 6, instead of bit 5, for the interrupt flag in the IFR. The free-running mode is made possible by the provision of a separate 16-bit latch in the usual low-byte (T1L), high-byte (T1H) form. These occupy two separate addresses. It is possible, therefore, to read or write into the latches without affecting the associated timer count. In the free-running mode, the number in the latches is automatically re-entered into the timer again and the count restarted. This makes it possible to generate a wave form of any mark to space ratio on PB7. This is because the logic level (HIGH or LOW) on PB7 remains fixed within a timing interval but inverts to the opposite state during the next interval and so on. Offset 4: Write T1L-L; Read T1C-L. Clear interrupt flag. Offset 5: Write T1L-H and T1C-H. Transfer T1L-L to T1C-L. Clear interrupt flag. Start thetimer. Read T1C-H. Offset 6: Write T1L-L. Read T1L-L. Offset 7: Write T1L-H. Clear interrupt flag. Read T1L-H. SR : SHIFT REGISTER This register is more suited for serial data transmission. Bits 2, 3, and 4 in the ACR determine the behaviour of the SR as follows: ACR Bits Effect on Register 000 Disable SR 001 Shift in at Counter 2 rate 010 Shift in at system clock rate 011 Shift in at external clock rate 100 Free running output at Counter 2 rate 101 Shift out at Counter 2 rate 110 Shift out at system clock rate 111 Shift out at external clock rate ACR : AUXILIARY CONTROL REGISTER ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | T1 control |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| 0 = Disable PB7 output ___________________| | | |_______| | | 1 = Enable PB7 output | | | | | | | | | | T1 control | | | | | 0 = one-shot mode ____________________________| | | | | 1 = free-running mode | | | | | | | | T2 control | | | | 0 = decrement by 6502 system clock _____________| | | | 1 = decrement by input pulses on PB6. | | | | | | Used for controlling Shift-register ______________________| | | (treated separately) | | | | Port B input latch ______________________________________________| | 0 = disable latch, 1 = enable latch | | Port A input latch ___________________________________________________|_ 0 = disable latch, 1 = enable latch The only feature of the ACR that hasn't been mentioned yet is the latching mentioned above for bit 0 and bit 1. There are two variations of input behaviour for Port A and Port B depending on whether latching is enabled or disabled. If latching is disabled, the level present at an input (i.e. the relevant PB or PA pin) is read into IRB or IRA respecitively. If the latch is enabled, the level read into IRB is that which existed after the 'last active transition' arriving on CB1 (when a pulse of the correct phasing and shape hit CB1 input). In other words, if the conditions existing now are required, then latch must be in the disabled condition. We only enable latching if we require CB1 to act as a data-valid signal and we wish to ignore levels arriving after the latching. PCR : PERIPHERAL CONTROL REGISTER The function of the various bits in the PCR depends on whether CB2, and CA2 are inputs or outputs. This is the reason we have two diagrams below. Note: CB1 and CA1 are always inputs. When CB2 or CA2 is an input (bit 7=0 or bit 3=0) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| Determines CB2 direction ________________| | | | | | | | 0 = input, 1 = output | | | |___|___|___| | | | | Active edge of CB2 when it is an input ______| | | | 0 = active low, 1 = active high | | | | | | When CB2 is an input, decides if it is | | | normal or independent _____________________| | | 0 = normal, 1 = independent | | | | Active edge of CB1 _____________________| | 0 = active low, 1 = active high | | The same as bits 4-7 but for CA2 ______________________________| instead of CB2 When CB2 or CA2 is an input (bit 7=1 or bit 3=1) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| Determines CB2 direction ________________| | | | | | | | 0 = input, 1 = output |___| | |___|___|___| | | | Output Mode __________________________________| | | Bit 6 Bit 5 | | | | 0 0 Handshake mode | | 0 1 Pulse output mode | | 1 0 Manual mode : CB2 = LOW | | 1 1 Manual mode : CB2 = HIGH | | | | Active edge of CB1 _____________________| | 0 = active low, 1 = active high | | The same as bits 4-7 but for CA2 ______________________________| instead of CB2 PCR IN MORE DETAIL We will now define a few of the terms used above. When mention is made of the 'active edge', it refers to the setting of the appropriate flag in another register (IFR). That is to say, the only indication that an acceptable pulse has appeared on CB1, CB2, CA1 or CA2 input is the setting of the appropriate flag. The terms 'normal' and 'independent' apply only to CB2 and CA2 and, even then, only when they are inputs. These terms concern the conditions under which the CB2/CA2 flag is reset after it has been set. In normal mode, the flag remains set until a READ or WRITE instruction on the relevant data input/output port. For example, for CB2 it would be ORB/IRB. This is most likely down with an LDA or STA. In the independent mode, once a flag is set, READ or WRITE does not reset it. We will now discuss the behaviour of CB2 and CA2 when they are outputs. For simplicity I will refer to CB2 only since CA2 operates identically. Clearly the significance of bits 6 and 5 is completely different as can be seen in the diagrams above. Handshake mode: CB2 goes LOW by a write operation on ORB and goes HIGH again on an active transition of the CB1 input signal. Pulse output mode: A negative-going pulse (goes from HIGH down to LOW then back again) is emitted following a write operation on ORB. Ideal for gadgetry which is activated by a negative-going pulse. Manual mode: So called because both levels output on CB2 must be directly programmed. The level on CB2 depends on bit 5. If bit 5 is 0, CB2 remains LOW. If bit 5 is 1, then CB2 is HIGH. In other words, providing bit 6 remains at 1, CB2 mirrors the state of bit 5. IFR : INTERRUPT FLAG REGISTER When a signal arrives on CB1, CB2, CA1, or CA2 (when CB2 and CA2 are inputs) it sets the appropriate flag to 1 in the IFR. The significance of each bit in the IFR is as follows: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | General interrupt status bit | | | | | | | | 1 if any interrupt active and enabled ___| | | | | | | | 0 when interrupt condition cleared | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Timer 1 flag | | | | | | | 1 when time out ______| | | | | | | 0 after reading T1 low-byte counter or | | | | | | writing T1 high-byte latch | | | | | | | | | | | | Timer 2 flag _____________________| | | | | | Behaves similar to T1 above | | | | | | | | | | CB1 flag ___________________| | | | | Cleared by a read or write of ORB | | | | | | | | CB2 flag _______________________| | | | Cleared by a read or write of ORB | | | | | | Shift register flag | | | 1 at end of 8 shifts ______________________________| | | Cleared by read or write of SR | | | | CA1 flag. _______________________________| | Cleared by a read or write of ORA | | CA2 flag. ___________________________________| Cleared by a read or write of ORA It is possible, and sometimes desirable, to clear directly one or more of the flags in the IFR. This is done (rather strangely) by writing '1's into the flag positions to be cleared. Direct clearing in this manner will normally be required when the control line inputs are being used for purposes other than 6502 involvement - inparticular, when using the manual mode (refer back to PCR). Bit 7 is the general interrupt status and is the only flag which cannot be reset (or set) directly. IER : INTERRUPT ENABLE REGISTER The bits in this register correspond exactly as describe above for the IFR register. It represents a last ditch stand between the various interrupt request sources and the 6502 IRQ input pin. For example, there may have been and active signal arriving on, say, CB1. This will have set the CB1 flag in the IFR. However, there may already be another flag or flags set. The 6502 can only accept one interrupt at a time so there is clearly a need for higher status register which can be programmed to select which flag i