Commodore 64S File Manager Version 1.0 (C) 1994 John Risby =========================================================== In this first version of the file manager, only one feature is implemented. This lets you list your C64S tapes in a scrolling window with a description of the Game, i.e:- Attack the the Mutant Camels Archon Galaga Sanxion Zolyx You can then scroll up and down and when you select the highlighted game by pressing RETURN, the file associated with it is copied onto testtape.t64 and C64S is run. This saves having to constantly manualy copy files in able to use the shareware version of C64S. If I feel it is worth it, or I get requests, I may add mouse support, disk support, automatic entry of games etc... Then again you may all just say, "Hey, I've got my own batch file, why do I wanna use a 20K program?!". Whatever, I like it. INSTALLATION ============ 1) Copy the file FM64.EXE to your C64S directory. 2) Create a file called FM64.INI using your favourite text editor and enter your games as follows :- #Attack of the Mutant Camels aoftmc.t64 #Archon archon.t64 #Bounces bounces.t64 #Burning Rubber burnrubb.t64 The lines preceded by # are the descriptions of the games. The next line must contain the filename of the game. A sample INI file is included and is called SAMPLE.INI. 3) Backup testtape.t64 by typing :- copy testtape.t64 backup.t64 Help and Support ================ This has only been tested on my system, by me, with so in effect this is a beta release. Hopefully there won't be any problems but if there are I would very much like to hear from you. If you need any help or further information regarding the file manager, or you want to suggest any improvements, report bugs, criticize or just chat, feel free to contact me by email: DISCLAIMER ========== Ok now for the legal crap. This version of the File manager is released into the public domain on 15/9/94 by John Risby ( The File Manager is provided as-is WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You use this program at your own risk.