These are the features that I would like to add to UAE in the future. Unfortunately, my time is severely limited by the fact that I am working on my final thesis at the moment. I hope to get most of these ideas done by the end of the year. Feel free to email me if you have more realistic and useful suggestions. * GUI: Despite the excellent graphical front ends that exist for WinUAE, a GUI is mandatory for making UAE more user-friendly and to allow changing more parameters on the fly. Brian King kindly provided the excellent GUI he had designed for his own UAE port, and it will become part of UAE-Win32/DirectX after the parameter situation has stabilized and some parameters, such as the display modes, can be changed on the fly without hacking badly into custom.c. * SMP support: With a dual-PPro testing site having become available at Cloanto, Italy (thanks, Michael!), my motivation to experiment with separating the m68k and hardware emulations has received a major boost. However, there are numerous semantic pitfalls involved in this which are not trivial to overcome without sacrificing speed. * bsdsocket.library emulation: This had already been partially functional in UAE 0.6.8, but then Bernd decided to pull the plug on the call_m68k routine... Well, it's back now, but I don't have enough time to adapt my code to the new situation. * CDROM auto-labeling: For the moment, you have to specify the volume label of a CDROM manually in the -m option in order to ensure the CDROM can be found by the applications. It would be more convenient to automate this process and to auto-detect CDROM changes. * Amiga hard disk support: Some people asked for a feature that would allow them to connect their Amiga-formatted hard drives to the PC and to mount them from within UAE. I don't want to implement a virtual SCSI host adapter with RDB support, but parsing the RDB and mounting the partition (only one at a time for now) as a hardfile replacement shouldn't be too difficult. * Picasso96 support: Providing a Picasso96 driver for a virtual graphics card would be way cool... * ISDN support (capi20.device): This should be pretty trivial, but I don't see a real need for it yet. * AHI support This would allow UAE to play CD-quality sound, but I'm not sure if there are any Amiga applications which justify the effort (not even mpega, sorry! :-). * confirmation dialog when quitting UAE Oops - this is _still_ missing. :-) Win32-specific Bugs/Quirks ========================== * file name mapping The mapping routines only cover the most common cases of file names that are illegal under Windows. * keyboard problems PC keyboards have a key with country-dependent position (the '#' key on German keyboards, the '\' key on U.S. keyboards). Currently, only the German configuration is supported. I have received reports from Sweden and Finland about problems with characters that require two qualifier keys to be pressed at the same time. There are too many key combinations that trigger Windows-specific actions (Alt-F4 quits UAE, for example). I'm not sure what to do about them. No one has complained so far, so I assume they are not a big problem. :-) [to be continued]