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Please keep in mind that this isn't a list of places to cactus (except maybe for some of the people in the Loser List), just a list of numbers for you to call when you're bored or have some time to blow. Harrassment is optional. Included are payphones, businesses, people who need to have the hell bugged out of them, weirdos, phreaks, dweebies, sluts, security personell, etc. If you have any other numbers to add to this list, please contact me and I MIGHT just add the number to the list. Have fun! This list will be updated frequently. Pay Phones: ---------- Albany General Hospital, Albany, Oregon........................503-926-9072 Amtrack Train Station - Los Angeles, California.213-972-9618, 9812, 9813, 9601 Carrows Restuarant - Portland, Oregon.................503-256-9428, 9437 City Hall Max Train Stop, Portland, Oregon...............503-666-9904, 9898 College, Michigan..(Lower level, East hall)....................517-774-2934 College, Michigan..(Lobby of Barnes Hall)......................517-774-2935 Conoco Gas Station - Farmington, New Mexico...............505-327-7012,2910 CottonWood Mall-Glen Carbon, Illinois...(By movie Theater).....618-656-9717 Dance Across Texas Club - Austin, Texas...................512-416-9900,9901 Eastgate Cinema - East Alton, Illinois...(In the lobby)........618-254-7178 Fred Meyer's - Portland, Oregon (Front Entrance).........503-774-9301, 9023 Fred Meyer's - Portland, Oregon (Side Entrance)..........503-774-9413, 9402 Gateway Transit Center, Portland, Oregon.......................503-256-8041 Hollywood Transit Center - Portland, Oregon....................503-280-9346 Jatzen Beach Mall - Portland, Oregon...(By Binyon's).....503-283-9326, 9153 Jatzen Beach Mall - Portland, Oregon...(By Ice Cream Store).503-283-9324, 9319 Jatzen Beach Mall - Portland, Oregon...(By Radio Shack)..503-283-9096, 9037 Lafayette Square Cinema - Indianapolis, Indiana..(In Lobby)....317-297-0294 Lafayette Square Mall - Indianapolis, Indiana (By Theater)..317-290-0229, 0231 Lloyd Center Mall - Portland, Oregon (Meier & Frank).....503-249-9423, 9424 Lloyd Center Mall - Portland, Oregon (Nordstrom's)....503-249-9910, 9911, 9939 Max Mart Deli - Portland, Oregon...............................503-256-8025 Pine & Broadway - Highland, Illinois..(Near a couple of bars)..618-654-9044 PDX Portland International Airport - Portland, Oregon.503-249-9017, 9845, 9429 PDX " " " - Portland, Oregon..(lots of people around)..........503-249-9805 Raddison Hotel - Austin, Texas.........512-477-0114, 0619, 0621, 0118, 0602 Ramada Inn South - Austin, Texas..(Home of HoHoCon '94)..512-445-9070, 9068 Reynold's High School - Troutdale, Oregon......................503-666-9806 Sheraton Hotel - Austin, Texas...(By pool area)..........512-478-0113, 0126 Skate Across Texas - Austin, Texas..(Call in evening)..........512-447-5283 Wedge Motomart - Highland, Illinois.(Indoor pay phone by counter).503-654-9075 Wood River Donut Shop - Wood River, Illinois..(Talk to cops!)..618-254-7214 Handy pay phone code list: =Indoor phone =Outdoor phone =Lots of people usually around this fone. The Loser List: -------------- April The Slut - Portland, Oregon.503-657-7313 or 503-294-8720 or 503-635-8128 Beth Pierce - Portland, Oregon..(My old apartment manager)........503-253-3855 Keith & Trudy Brown..(An uptight, short-tempered couple)..........618-377-1319 Rob Walker..(How's the 'ol phone bill doin', Rob?)................503-760-2699 Siras Alwahya - Portland, Oregon..(aka The Italian Sausage).......503-650-6979 Dick Ahlers..(Call and ask for his son, Todd aka Mr. Canoehead)...618-931-4402 Chris Tomkinson..(Tell him his videos are overdue)................309-454-2725 Chris Tomkinson's parents.....(Tell them Chris is in jail)........618-258-0357 Red Lion Hotel - Austin, Texas...(These people CANCELED HoHoCon 1994 on us for no reason! So let 'em have it!)...512-323-5466 Jason Phillips - Wood River, Illinois.............................618-254-3245 Danny Colwell - Granite City, Illinois............................618-931-2414 Clifton Peters - Portland, Oregon...(His VMB).....................503-306-9243 Adam Knight.......(Listens to country... Call him "Poonix"........512-852-0389 and stand back. Call him fat too!).............512-853-2168 Alex Digerlando.(Thinks he is a werewolf & has FUNKY ans.machine).908-273-2168 Mitch Blasi..(Italian guy...His father is REALLY in the Mafia, no.908-277-3799 joke. Pretend you're from City of Summit PD & ask about drugs.) Albert Bachman..("I can see you through your window.")............908-273-2544 Curt Zimmerman..(Tell him you "got the stuff")....................908-277-3589 Antony Lickteig..(Talk to his family: Ask for Mark & Stephen.)....512-991-2837 Kevin Christmas...(Totally fucked up BBS bitch.)................. 512-855-2043 Some Woman...(Called RBCP at 3:00am. Ask for Jonnie.).............512-289-5981 Lahr-Well Academy Private School....(Ask For Jason Crews).........618-288-8024 Phillip Wool - Belleville, Illinois...(A wanna-be hacker).........618-397-7729 Some of the people listed here just deserve to have the shit bugged out of them and others are just so freakin' air-headed that you HAVE to mess with them. In your spare time you can annoy these people with collect calls or calling cards or whatever. I especially encourage the destruction of April, a prostitute with AIDS who has unprotected sex with a different guy nightly. A murderer, nothing less. TDD (TTY) Phones: ---------------- Oregon Relay Service..............................................800-735-2900 Texas Relay Service...............................................800-735-2989 Illinois Relay Service............................................800-526-0844 Ohio Relay Service................................................800-750-0750 Missouri Relay Service............................................800-735-2966 New Mexico Relay Service..........................................800-659-8331 Arizona Relay Service.............................................800-842-4681 Iowa Relay Service................................................800-735-2942 Florida Relay Service.............................................800-955-8771 California Relay Service..........................................800-735-2929 AT&T Directory Asisstance..(Gives you any number in U.S.A. free!).800-855-1155 911 Emergency in Portland, Oregon.................................503-760-2212 AIDS Hotline......................................................800-243-7889 These are a lot of fun to play with. For those who don't know, a TDD is a phone for the deaf. Some payphones are equipped with TDD terminals that pop out of the phone when you dial into a deaf phone. You can also set up your computer at a slow baud rate (300 or 1200) and use it as a deaf phone. Some things to type at them are "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, WHO IS THIS? YOU DON'T RECOGNIZE MY VOICE??" and "DON'T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR KEYS AT ME..." (Say that when they get mad.) Since some TDD phones are only able to type letters, certain codes are used by all TDD users. These include "GA" for "go ahead", "Q" instead of a question mark and "SKSK" means good-bye. The above listed "relay services" you can call on your terminal and the person who answers will call any number you request and act as a translator between you and the other person. They will say ANYTHING you type to them. You can cuss, make terrorist bomb threats and tell them that your pussy is wet and hot. I've done all of this and they don't care. One even relayed a singing message for me. Another good deal with the relay services is that you can avoid toll charges when you dial through them. Occasionally you'll find an operator that can't tell where you're calling from so if you live in Illinois and want to leave a message at a number in Arizona, call Arizona Relay and they'll do it, usually free of charge! Interesting Answering Machines and VMBs: --------------------------------------- Hey, Ho! Nobody's Home! - Celina, Ohio............................419-394-2407 Steve Mitchell - New Lennox, Illinois..(Always a new message).....815-485-5584 Mr. Hemmoroid Man.................................................503-256-8427 Some weird-o lady who likes to sing...............................503-289-2439 Some little kid - Indianapolis, Indiana...........................317-579-9222 Harold............................................................618-259-8001 Phone Company Related Numbers: ----------------------------- Jim Bayless (Ameritech Corporate Security, Indianapolis, IN)......317-265-2539 Kathy Mallon (GTE Northwest Security).............................317-896-8335 AT&T Message Sender..(Send your own AT&T message to anyone!)......800-562-6275 Ameritech Stocks & Newsline.......................312-917-9797 or 800-893-LINE Bell Atlantic Stocks & Newsline...................................800-647-NEWS Businesses: ---------- Beverly Hills Cinema.....(Beverly Center, Los Angeles, CA)........310-652-7767 The Church Of Jesus Crust & Later Day Saintwads...................800-952-3131 Circle K - Galveston, Texas.......................................409-744-5332 Dairy Queen - Portland, Oregon..(Call in LARGE pick up orders)....503-661-5112 Fred Meyer's - Portland, Oregon..(ask for extension 1800).........503-254-7905 Greyhound Buslines..("How much for a bus to Hawaii?").............800-231-2222 Houston Hobby Airport - Houston, Texas............................713-643-4597 Los Angeles Police Department.....................................213-485-2121 Meier & Frank - Portland, Oregon.(Call the customer credit fones).503-281-4797 Credit Phone Extensions for M&F (above)...........2205, 3024, 2310, 2311, 2396 Union Station Cinema - St. Louis, Missouri..(Do you deliver?).....314-231-1980 Ursuline Convent - Alton, Illinois..(A NUN'S convent!)............618-463-0018 Walker's Amoco - Indianapolis, Indiana..(Very gullible people)....317-353-9234 Bombay House..(Hindu restaurant. Ask about Camels.)...............512-857-2184 Partylines/Chatlines: -------------------- The Awesome Live Partyline..(Actually, not that great)............809-474-2569 Hotel California...(THE BEST PARTYLINE! Ask for Roy & his gerbil).801-234-SHIT Viper Room.(Hotel California's sister line).......................801-855-SHIT Motel "69"........................................................809-563-0069 Underground Partyline..(No, not REALLY underground)...............515-945-6700 Most of the partylines that you find listed in the back of a Rolling Stone or Spin magazine is totally free of charge, you pay only the long distance charges. Don't let the 809 area codes fool ya, though. They're located in the Dominican Republic and cost quite a bit more than normal U.S. charges. Most of the people you meet on these lines are screwing the phone company in some way because they're all partyline addicts who HAVE to call every day so you can sometimes learn new tricks on these lines. Miscellaneous Weird Stuff: ------------------------- Dick Clark's Trivia Line..(An interactive contest)................800-328-2120 Elevator phones -...A college in Michigan.(When calling these,....517-774-4292 Elevator phones -...you are on speaker phone in the elevator!)....517-774-2263 The White House - Washington D.C...(Yeah, is Bill there?).........202-456-1414 My voicemail.......(How about some more numbers, please?).........512-370-4680 The Orgasmic Operator (Listen to the whole recording).............618-254-0000 The HoHoCon Voice Mail - Houston, Texas...........................713-867-9544 Girlscout Cookie Hotline...(Send them to your house!).............800-882-6468 A Few BBS Numbers: ----------------- Bogus Journey - Edwardsville, Illinois............................618-656-7266 Roy's Place - Granite City, Illinois..............................618-797-2339 Sonic Youth Systems...............................................512-851-8317 The Sprawl - Austin, Texas........................................512-458-3409 Ripco - Chicago, Illinois....(Phreaking Since 1983)...............312-528-5020 CAUG-PC BBS..(Catholic pay board; charges the hell out of people..512-993-8876 for NOTHING; upload him an XXX .GIF or two!) CCAT.........(Another annoying pay board...(Wildcat!))............512-242-2206 CDS....(Automated "sysops" break in for chat. Try talking.........512-887-0787 nonsense to them as they quote Texas electronic privacy acts. Also, you can get files free that you shouldn't.) Roy: --- Village Clerk - Roy, New Mexico...................................505-485-2541 Roy Taxi Service in Austin, Texas.................................512-482-0000 Roy Colwell - Caseyville, Illinois.(His wife is praying for you)..618-345-4074 Police Department - Roy, New Mexico...............................505-485-2204 Roy Electric......................................................718-434-7002 Roy Incorporated..................................................516-742-8831 Roy's Sewer Service...............................................718-927-1456 Roy Boy's.........................................................503-245-8289 Roy & Roy Consulting..............................................503-282-7594 Roy Wilson.........................................718-434-5540 & 718-859-8185 Roy's Carpet Factory Outlet - Wayne, Oklahoma.....................800-468-3280 Roy Perry - Jonesboro, Arkansas...................................501-xxx-xxxx ีอออออออออออออContactอTheอPhoneอLosersอOfอAmericaอNearestอYou!อออออออออออออออธ ณ 512-370-4680 PLA Voice Mailbox And PLEASE Don't Pay ณ ณ 512-643-3049 The Final Frontier For Your Fone Calls! ณ ณ 512-851-8317 Sonic Youth Systems ณ ิออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออพ