This is an update to the PC Magazine Utility DCOMPRES/PCMANAGE. There have been a number of bug fixes and other upgrades made to this package to turn it into the current version, Version 1.1. A few areas still need to be fixed, however. They'll be fixed in a future upgrade. If you find that you are using this utility and access to your files is being denied for any reason or that the compressed file is not decompressing properly, here's what you do: 1) Reboot your system without DCOMPRES running. 2) Run DCOMPRES using the /i or -i option. This causes DCOMPRES to ignore the INDEX.CMP when trying to determine if a file has been compressed. The overhead of using the /i or -i option is not zero, however, since the first few bytes of the file (all files) must be read into DCOMPRES. In reality, since you're probably going to be reading or writing to the file anyway, chances there will be little impact. Not a bad idea to always run DCOMPRES with the "ignore" option set, depending on what applications you run and whether it adversely affects your disk acces times. 3) To recover a compressed file, type "COPY filename NUL". This should decompress the file. Make sure that your CONFIG.SYS specifies at least 40 files (FILES=40 should be the line you include in your CONFIG.SYS to enable this). Certain programs may not work properly with DCOMPRES, including some versions of some popular word processors; Word Perfect is a particular problem spot for some users. Make a backup first! DCOMPRES: ========= 1) Now reads the exclude file (C:\DCOMPRES.EXL) and will not operate on any matching member, including directory entries. No INDEX.CMP will be created in an excluded directory. 2) Follows attributes properly 3) Keeps date and file time when decompressing a file 4) No longer tries to decompress files that are not compressed 5) Works with DOS 2.x PCMANAGE: ========= 1) Reads a file called "C:\DCOMPRES.INC" to determine what directories it should examine and access. Each line is a directory entry. If the last character on a line is a '+', then all subdirectories under this directory *and* that directory will be examined: C:\+ will cause the entire C: drive to be accessed as required. If the include file is there, then the -p switch is ignored. The exclude file contents are still used to throw out matching files. 2) All root directory files are ignored and will not be compressed. Reporting problems: If DCOMPRES and PCMANAGE do not work properly for you, there may be something specific to the configuration of your computer (the disk structure, the version of the operating system, the phase of the moon, whatever!). We'd like to fix that problem, if it can be fixed. Please report problems directly to PC Magazine, either by regular mail (address such mail to Technical Editor, PC Magazine, 1 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10016, Attention:DCOMPRES) or by electronic mail in the Utilities Forum of PCMagNet. Electronic mail is *always* answered, paper mail gets lost quite frequently. Updates will always be made available first in the Libraries directly affiliated with the Utilities Forum of PCMagNet. It's always a good idea to check if a new version of a utility is available in the Libraries of the Utilities Forum of PC MagNet before reporting a potential problem: it may have already been fixed.