MEMCHECK (c) ProWest, Inc. ProWest, Inc. 4313 Lomas NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505)255-4555 This program is provided by ProWest, Inc. The program is designed as a tool to assist those that are using PC-MOS/386. The program provides a list of memory that is being used by your PC-MOS program. ProWest, does not assume any responsibility of the use of this product. The program is simple to use. The MEMCHECK program will search the 16 byte memory pages specified on the command line of the program. MEMCHECK reports information concerning the 4k block that the page appears in. MEMCHECK provides two listing methods. To use the program use the following command : MEMCHECK start end {/g} Where: start - The starting hex address. Use the four character address (instead of the 5 character used by FREEMEM). end - The ending hex address. /g - The optional parameter to specify graphic character map. Example: To see if the memory from C0000 to E0000 is available for FREEMEM, boot your computer with the line FREEMEM=N in your config.sys. DO NOT LOAD ANY DEVICE DRIVERS. The CONFIG.SYS should look like this: MEMDEV=$386.SYS (or $GIZMO.SYS or $CHARGE.SYS) FREEMEM=n Once the system boots enter the command: MEMCHECK C000 DFFF /G MEMCHECK will display a memory map similar to the following: MEMCHECK (c) ProWest, Inc. 1988 By Eric J. Schripsema This program is a public domain program, Use at own risk. л - OK, Memory is not being used. А - Not OK, Memory being used. 0123456789ABCDEF C ААААААААлллллллл D лллллллллллллллл 131072 - Bytes Examined This display shows that the memory from C0000 to C8000 is being used by some device (probably a video card). If you don't use the /G parameter the display is like the following: MEMCHECK (c) ProWest, Inc. 1988 By Eric J. Schripsema This program is a public domain program, Use at own risk. C000: IN USE BY DEVICES C100: IN USE BY DEVICES C200: IN USE BY DEVICES C300: IN USE BY DEVICES C400: IN USE BY DEVICES C500: IN USE BY DEVICES C600: IN USE BY DEVICES C700: IN USE BY DEVICES C800: OK C900: OK CA00: OK CB00: OK CC00: OK CD00: OK CE00: OK CF00: OK D000: OK D100: OK D200: OK D300: OK D400: OK D500: OK D600: OK D700: OK D800: OK D900: OK DA00: OK DB00: OK DC00: OK DD00: OK DE00: OK DF00: OK 131072 - Bytes Examined