About Quibble Race WHAT IS A QUIBBLE? Quibbles are the small and green, domesticated amimals of the future. Many live as household pets, while others are treated as mere beasts of burden. Still others are trained to race for the betting enjoyment of half the galaxy. It is these quibbles, which comprise a kind of futuristic horse-racing, that this game is about. ------------------------------------------------------ GAME DESCRIPTION In this game you control a professional gambler. Quibble racing is your life, and it is your goal to make smarter bets, better decisions, and ultimately more cash than your two opponents. Fortunately, you have more than a few tricks up your sleeve in order to accomplish this... ------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO PLAY Prior to each race, all human players take their turns in sequence. On a player's turn he/she must place bets, borrow money, and manage any other necessary tasks. All of this is done on the menu screen. At the top of the menu screen is an information bar designating whose turn it is and how much cash they have. At the left are shown the three quibbles involved in the upcoming race, along with important information about them. This information includes the quibble's name, win percentage, races run, and (in the event that the quibble has been sponsored) the name of the sponsoring player. To place a bet, simply click on the quibble you want to bet on. Once the quibble has been selected it will become highlighted by a red box. Next, enter how much money you want to bet in the relevant text box and click 'Done' to end your turn. ------------------------------------------------------