CULT Version 1.23 (English) By Lee Blum This game is FREEWARE !!! Feel free to give Cult to all your friends, upload it onto BBSs, web archives or cdroms, and distribute it in any other manner, provided you only distribute the complete, unmodified archive. Visit Cult's WEB SITE at for online news, tips and newer versions! If you have questions, bug reports, spelling or grammar corrections, advice, comments or whatever on your mind - don't hesitate to contact the author at INDEX 1. What's new? (Version History) 2. System requirements 3. Troubleshooting 4. Game Story 5. Installation & UnInstallation ____________________________________________________________________________ 1. WHAT'S NEW? (VERSION HISTORY) Version 1.23 (20th of July, 1998) - All the game scripts were proofread By Kevin Anderson. - Parallel Cult 1.23 Hebrew version released. - Opening screen renewed. - Change of plot in two major issues along the story line. - Music and Sound effects can be toggled on\off. - Faster animation due to character graphical change. - Fixed problem - First sentence in microcommunicator didn't show up if space was pressed. - Fixed problem - When Zack was going through walls in some occasions and game has to be loaded or restarted. - Fixed problem - Zack got stuck in storage room and game had to be restarted. - Troubleshooting Updated with two new technical problems. Version 1.22 (3rd of May, 1998) - Troubleshooting for common technical errors is published. - Walls' blocking fixed. - Zack's STEPS dimmed. - Ending music is always played. - Map fixed (Storage room). Version 1.21 (1st of April, 1998) - A minor bug caused a fatal error... fixed. - Even faster animation. - April 1st, 1998 - Web site is up! Version 1.2 - Cult is now freeware! - Better graphic procedures now produce faster animation and page loading. Version 1.1 - Fixed errors in map file that resulted in "Input past end of file" message. - Fixed bug at the ending sequence. (Game ends even though the player didn't do all his tasks.) - Fixed grammar and spelling mistakes. Version 1.0 - After five months of hard work, "Cult" is finally compiled and ready to go! - Temporary web site is up! ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED - Windows 95 / NT 3.51 - 486+ processor - 2MB free disk space RECOMMENDED - Sound card ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. TROUBLESHOOTING Thanks to your E-mails I managed to answer most, if not all, of the technical questions that may arise when trying to run the game. --- Q: When I run Cult I get the message "File-Access error 75". A: Delete the directory c:\TempC and run Cult. --- Q: When I run Cult I get "Can't load (or register) custom control picclp32.ocx". A: From the "start" menu select "Run..." and type "c:\windows\system\regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system\picclp32.ocx". Note - This solution does not help in some machines. --- Q: When I run Cult I get "Run-Time Error '5': invalid procedure call" . A: The solution is simple yet annoying. The windows system font must be set to "Small Fonts" using the display options. --- Q: During installation I am asked about one of the files to "Abort, Retry or Ignore". A: Press "Ignore" - It won't cause any problems. It just states that you already have the file in question. --- Q: I don't have the file msvcirt.dll . A: Email me at and I'll send the file to you directly. --- Q: When I press in Cult I get "run-time error '424': object required." A: My fault. Download the latest version. ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. STORY Hi there. My name is Zack Bon, and I'm a cop. I've been a member of the special operations unit for three years, and now I feel that I'm ready for my first solo operation. Two weeks ago, about one hundred people who identify themselves as the "Cult of the Stars" barricaded themselves in a villa two kilometers away from town. We know they have guns and ammunition, but we don't know what for. There haven't been any negotiations; the cult members have refused to talk. Until now. Two days ago I decided to go into the villa. I convinced my superior officer to go along with my plan. We contacted the cult leader and he allowed me to enter with two conditions - I must carry no weapons, and the leader's chamber is off-limit. I agreed. My goal is to solve this problem in peaceful ways. I can contact my captain at any time with a state of the art microcommunicator that the cult members don't know that I have on me. This is the last chance to save whoever is in that villa, and the worst part is - we know there are children inside. ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. INSTALLATION & UNINSTALLATION INSTALLATION -> Unzip to a temporary directory -> Run Setup.exe -> Select a directory and click on the computer picture to install -> Open the windows Start menu -> Select "Cult" UNINSTALLATION -> Run Cult, Delete all saved game files and Exit Cult -> My Computer -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Cult -> Add/Remove ____________________________________________________________________________ 1998 (C) All Rights Reserved to Lee Blum "Cult" in its distributed version can be copied freely. However, the game files must not be changed, hacked, or decompiled in any manner. This software is copyrighted. Therefore, the graphics, music, plot, or any other part of the game must not be copied or duplicated by any method. The author must be noted of mass distribution of the game by cdroms, diskettes, or any other distribution not through the Internet. The game must be distributed in its original full version with all the game files, unmodified. Not following these rules is a clear violation of the law. This software is provided "as is" and the author will not be held responsible in any way for any damage that it may cause.